

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 月掩金星

5 月 27 欲暗仔彼陣,天頂 已經 有幾若粒行星矣。 這工 ê 金星是透早星,伊這馬 chhāi tī 下月眉 附近。 金星 kah 下月眉 tī 天頂 是遮爾相倚。 全世界 ê 天文觀星者,攏咧欣賞這个第二光 kah 第三光 ê 天體合相。 毋閣咱若是 chhāi tī 東南亞 kah 印度洋之間 ê 路線,咱就有法度看著月娘 ùi 金星面頭前行過,這就叫做 月掩金星。 Tī 這張動畫圖內底,這粒有 75 葩金星盤 ê 金星,欲 ùi 月球反射太陽光 ê 西南爿落去。 這張望遠鏡景色,是 tī 當地時間透早 4:50 ùi 印度洋 ê Reunion 島翕月娘 kah 金星 tī 東爿地平線附近 ê 景色。 彼陣 ê 金星 離 Reunion 島超過 1 億 8000 萬公里遠,離月球干焦 40 萬公里遠。 過 50 分鐘了後,金星就 ùi 月娘後壁 出現矣。

[POJ] Goe̍h-iám Kim-chhiⁿ

5 goe̍h 27 beh-àm-á hit-chūn, thiⁿ-téng í-keng ū kúi-ā lia̍p kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ ah. Chit kang ê Kim-chhiⁿ sī thàu-chá-chhiⁿ, i chit-má chhāi tī ē-goe̍h-bâi hū-kīn. Kim-chhiⁿ kah ē-goe̍h-bâi tī thiⁿ-téng sī chiah-nī sio-óa. Choân-sè-kài ê thian-bûn koan-seng-chiá, lóng leh him-sióng chit ê tē jī kng kah tē saⁿ kng ê thian-thé ha̍p-siòng. M̄-koh lán nā-sī chhāi tī tang-lâm-a kah Ìn-tō͘-iûⁿ chi-kan ê lō͘-sòaⁿ, lán to̍h ū-hoat-tō͘ khòaⁿ-tio̍h goe̍h-niû ùi Kim-chhiⁿ bīn-thâu-chêng kiâⁿ kòe, che to̍h kiò-chò Goe̍h-iám Kim-chhiⁿ. Tī chit tiuⁿ tōng-ōe lāi-té, chit lia̍p ū 75 pha Kim-chhiⁿ-pôaⁿ ê Kim-chhiⁿ, beh ùi Goe̍h-kiû hoán-siā thài-iông-kng ê sai-lâm-pêng lo̍h-khì. Chit tiuⁿ bōng-oán-kiàⁿ kéng-sek, sī tī tong-tē sî-kan thàu-chá 4:50 ùi Ìn-tō͘-iûⁿ ê Reunion tó hip goe̍h-niû kah Kim-chhiⁿ tī tang-pêng tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hū-kīn ê kéng-sek. Hit-chūn ê Kim-chhiⁿ lî Reunion tó chhiau-kòe 1 ek 8000 bān kong-lí hn̄g, lî Goe̍h-kiû kan-na 40 bān kong-lí hn̄g. Kòe 50 hun-cheng liáu-āu, Kim-chhiⁿ to̍h ùi goe̍h-niû āu-piah chhut-hiān ah.

[KIP] Gue̍h-iám Kim-tshinn

5 gue̍h 27 beh-àm-á hit-tsūn, thinn-tíng í-king ū kuí-ā lia̍p kiânn-tshinn ah. Tsit kang ê Kim-tshinn sī thàu-tsá-tshinn, i tsit-má tshāi tī ē-gue̍h-bâi hū-kīn. Kim-tshinn kah ē-gue̍h-bâi tī thinn-tíng sī tsiah-nī sio-uá. Tsuân-sè-kài ê thian-bûn kuan-sing-tsiá, lóng leh him-sióng tsit ê tē jī kng kah tē sann kng ê thian-thé ha̍p-siòng. M̄-koh lán nā-sī tshāi tī tang-lâm-a kah Ìn-tōo-iûnn tsi-kan ê lōo-suànn, lán to̍h ū-huat-tōo khuànn-tio̍h gue̍h-niû uì Kim-tshinn bīn-thâu-tsîng kiânn kuè, tse to̍h kiò-tsò Gue̍h-iám Kim-tshinn. Tī tsit tiunn tōng-uē lāi-té, tsit lia̍p ū 75 pha Kim-tshinn-puânn ê Kim-tshinn, beh uì Gue̍h-kiû huán-siā thài-iông-kng ê sai-lâm-pîng lo̍h-khì. Tsit tiunn bōng-uán-kiànn kíng-sik, sī tī tong-tē sî-kan thàu-tsá 4:50 uì Ìn-tōo-iûnn ê Reunion tó hip gue̍h-niû kah Kim-tshinn tī tang-pîng tē-pîng-suànn hū-kīn ê kíng-sik. Hit-tsūn ê Kim-tshinn lî Reunion tó tshiau-kuè 1 ik 8000 bān kong-lí hn̄g, lî Gue̍h-kiû kan-na 40 bān kong-lí hn̄g. Kuè 50 hun-tsing liáu-āu, Kim-tshinn to̍h uì gue̍h-niû āu-piah tshut-hiān ah.

[English] Lunar Occultation of Venus

On May 27 Venus rose as the morning star, near the waning crescent Moon in a predawn sky already full of planets. It was close on the sky to the Moon's crescent and a conjunction of the second an third brightest celestial beacons were enjoyed by skygazers around the world. But seen from locations along a track through southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean the Moon actually passed in front of Venus in a lunar occultation. In this animated gif the 75 percent illuminated disk of Venus approaches and just begins to disappear behind the sunlit southwestern lunar limb. The telescopic frames used to construct it were captured from Reunion Island in the Indian Ocean around 4:50am local time, with the Moon and Venus very close to the eastern horizon. At the time Venus was over 180 million kilometers from Reunion Island, compared to a lunar distance of a mere 400 thousand kilometers or so. About 50 minutes later Venus emerged from behind the Moon.


月掩金星Goe̍h-iám Kim-chhiⁿGue̍h-iám Kim-tshinn月掩金星Lunar Occultation of Venus
下月眉ē-goe̍h-bâiē-gue̍h-bâi殘月waning crescent Moon
月掩星goe̍h-iám-chhiⁿgue̍h-iám-tshinn月掩星lunar occultation
透早星thàu-chá-chhiⁿthàu-chá-chhiⁿ晨星morning star
金星盤Kim-chhiⁿ-pôaⁿKim-tshinn-puânn金星盤disk of Venus

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