16. May 2022
法國 Alp 山 ê 巫毒石林 kah 天頂 ê 銀河

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Milky Way over French Alp Hoodoos
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Benjamin Barakat
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)content/daily/2022/05/20220516.md
[漢羅] 法國 Alp 山 ê 巫毒石林 kah 天頂 ê 銀河
真正 ê 城堡無遮爾老,而且背景 ê 星系是比伊閣較老。 是講,這看起來有淡薄仔成外星人 ê 城堡。 相片內底尖尖 ê 岩石,去 hŏng 叫做是 巫毒石林,in 應該有幾若百萬歲矣。 雖罔講,巫毒石林 真罕得看著,毋閣 tī 世界各地 猶攏揣會著。 巫毒石林 ê 頂層是較實密 ê 岩石,下層是 較軟 ê 岩石。 頂層岩石 會予下層岩石 ê 侵蝕作用 變較慢,落尾就變做這形--ê 矣。 相片內底 ê 巫毒石林 是 tī 法國 Alps 山 內底,法語 kā 叫做是 Demoiselles Coiffées,意思是「少女 ê 頭鬃」。 背景星系是咱 銀河系 中央盤 ê 一部份,內底有足濟幾若十億歲 ê 恆星。 巫毒石林 後壁 ê 天景,是足媠 ê 天鵝座天區,內底有足濟厚塗粉 ê 烏暗雲 kah 發紅光 ê 星雲。 這張相片 是兩階段翕--ê:前景是 tī 天欲暗進前 ê 藍色時間 翕--ê,背景是踮仝一位,毋閣是較晏才翕--ê。
[POJ] Hoat-kok Alp soaⁿ ê Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ kah thiⁿ-téng ê Gîn-hô
Chin-chiàⁿ ê siâⁿ-pó bô chiah-nī lāu, jî-chhiáⁿ pōe-kéng ê seng-hē sī pí i koh khah lāu. Sī kóng, che khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ū tām-po̍h-á sêng gōa-chhiⁿ-lâng ê siâⁿ-pó. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té chiam-chiam ê giâm-chio̍h, khì hŏng kiò-chò sī Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ, in èng-kai sī ū kúi-ā pah-bān hòe ah. Sui-bóng kóng, Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ chin hán-tit khòaⁿ-tio̍h, m̄-koh tī sè-kài kok-tē iáu lóng chhōe-ē-tio̍h. Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ ê téng-chân sī khah cha̍t-ba̍t ê giâm-chio̍h, ē-chàn sī khah nńg ê giâm-chio̍h. Téng-chàn giâm-chio̍h ē hō͘ ē-chàn giâm-chio̍h ê chhim-sit chok-iōng piàn khah bān, lo̍h-bóe to̍h piàn-chò chit hêng--ê ah. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té ê Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ sī tī Hoat-kok Alps soaⁿ lāi-té, Hoat-gí kā kiò-chò sī Demoiselles Coiffées, ì-sù sī "Siàu-lú ê Thâu-chang". Pōe-kéng seng-hē sī lán Gîn-hô-hē tiong-ng-pôaⁿ ê chi̍t pō͘-hūn, lāi-té ū chiok-chōe kúi-ā cha̍p-ek hòe ê hêng-chhiⁿ. Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ āu-piah ê thian-kéng, sī chiok súi ê Thian-gô-chō thian-khu, lāi-té ū chiok-chōe kāu thô͘-hún ê o͘-àm-hûn kah hoat âng-kng ê seng-hûn. Chit tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī nn̄g kai-tōaⁿ hip--ê: Chiân-kéng sī tī thiⁿ beh àm chìn-chêng ê nâ-sek sî-kan hip--ê, pōe-kéng sī tiàm kâng chi̍t ūi, m̄-koh sī khah òaⁿ chiah hip--ê.
[KIP] Huat-kok Alp suann ê Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ kah thinn-tíng ê Gîn-hô
Tsin-tsiànn ê siânn-pó bô tsiah-nī lāu, jî-tshiánn puē-kíng ê sing-hē sī pí i koh khah lāu. Sī kóng, tse khuànn--khí-lâi ū tām-po̍h-á sîng guā-tshinn-lâng ê siânn-pó. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té tsiam-tsiam ê giâm-tsio̍h, khì hŏng kiò-tsò sī Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ, in ìng-kai sī ū kuí-ā pah-bān huè ah. Sui-bóng kóng, Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ tsin hán-tit khuànn-tio̍h, m̄-koh tī sè-kài kok-tē iáu lóng tshuē-ē-tio̍h. Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ ê tíng-tsân sī khah tsa̍t-ba̍t ê giâm-tsio̍h, ē-tsàn sī khah nńg ê giâm-tsio̍h. Tíng-tsàn giâm-tsio̍h ē hōo ē-tsàn giâm-tsio̍h ê tshim-sit tsok-iōng piàn khah bān, lo̍h-bué to̍h piàn-tsò tsit hîng--ê ah. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té ê Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ sī tī Huat-kok Alps suann lāi-té, Huat-gí kā kiò-tsò sī Demoiselles Coiffées, ì-sù sī "Siàu-lú ê Thâu-tsang". Puē-kíng sing-hē sī lán Gîn-hô-hē tiong-ng-puânn ê tsi̍t pōo-hūn, lāi-té ū tsiok-tsuē kuí-ā tsa̍p-ik huè ê hîng-tshinn. Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ āu-piah ê thian-kíng, sī tsiok suí ê Thian-gô-tsō thian-khu, lāi-té ū tsiok-tsuē kāu thôo-hún ê oo-àm-hûn kah huat âng-kng ê sing-hûn. Tsit tiunn siòng-phìnn sī nn̄g kai-tuānn hip--ê: Tsiân-kíng sī tī thinn beh àm tsìn-tsîng ê nâ-sik sî-kan hip--ê, puē-kíng sī tiàm kâng tsi̍t uī, m̄-koh sī khah uànn tsiah hip--ê.
[English] Milky Way over French Alp Hoodoos
Real castles aren't this old. And the background galaxy is even older. Looking a bit like an alien castle, the pictured rock spires are called hoodoos and are likely millions of years old. Rare, but found around the world, hoodoos form when dense rocks slow the erosion of softer rock underneath. The pictured hoodoos survive in the French Alps and are named Demoiselles Coiffées -- which translates to English as "Ladies with Hairdos". The background galaxy is part of the central disk of our own Milky Way galaxy and contains stars that are typically billions of years old. The photogenic Cygnus sky region -- rich in dusty dark clouds and red glowing nebulas -- appears just above and behind the hoodoos. The featured image was taken in two stages: the foreground was captured during the evening blue hour, while the background was acquired from the same location later that night.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
巫毒石林 | Bû-to̍k-chio̍h-nâ | Bû-to̍k-tsio̍h-nâ | 巫毒石林 | Hoodoos |
銀河系 | Gîn-hô-hē | Gîn-hô-hē | 銀河系 | the Milky Way galaxy |
外星人 | gōa-chhiⁿ-lâng | guā-tshinn-lâng | 外星人 | alien |
天鵝座 | Thian-gô-chō | Thian-gô-tsō | 天鵝座 | Cygnus |
天區 | thian-khu | thian-khu | 天區 | sky region |
中央盤 | tiong-ng-pôaⁿ | tiong-ng-puânn | 中央盤 | central disk |
烏暗雲 | o͘-àm-hûn | oo-àm-hûn | 暗雲 | dark cloud |
星雲 | seng-hûn | sing-hûn | 星雲 | nebula |
藍色時間 | nâ-sek sî-kan | nâ-sik sî-kan | 藍色時間 | blue hour |