

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] M44:鬼宿星團

M44 是咱太陽系附近 ê 星團之一,伊離咱干焦 600 光年遠爾爾。 伊嘛叫做 蜂岫星團 抑是 鬼宿星團。 伊內底 ê 恆星攏足少年 ê,差不多有 6 億歲,太陽是 45 億 歲。 M44 ê 歲數,佮 佇金牛座內底的 畢宿星團 差不多,in 佇太空 ê 運動方式嘛差不多。 所以 in 兩个 去 hŏng 認為講,是 ùi 仝一个大分子雲生出來 ê。 M44 chhāi 佇哩 巨蟹座 內底,是一个 15 光年闊 ê 開放星團,內底差不多有 1000 粒恆星。 這个闊度佇天頂 ê 角寸尺,差不多是 3 粒月娘 (1.5 度) 遐爾闊。 M44 自古早時代就通人知,咱用目睭直接看就看會著。 這个星團 tī 18 世紀編 ê Charles Messier 星表內底,排第 44。 伊去予編入去星表進前,hŏng 講做是一个較暗 ê 星雲、抑是 天頂 ê 雲霧。 一直到天文望遠鏡出現了後,咱才有法度知影星團內底,其實是一粒一粒 ê 恆星。 對有雙筒千里鏡 ê 現代觀星者來講,這个星團是一个有名 ê 觀測目標。 這張星團 ê 團體相片,是用天文望遠鏡 速翕 ê。 星團內底一寡 較黃、較冷 ê 紅巨星,就四界 chhāi 佇較藍、較光、較燒 ê 主序帶恆星之間。 相片內底彼寡 繞射光尖,表示講 in 是星團內底較光 ê 恆星。 這个形是 ùi 望遠鏡 物鏡面頂 ê 十字線來 ê。

[POJ] M44: Kúi-siù-seng-thoân

M44 sī lán Thài-iông-hē hū-kīn ê seng-thoân chi-it. I mā kiò-chò Phang-siū-seng-hûn iah-sī Kúi-siù-seng-thoân. I lāi-té ê hêng-chhiⁿ lóng chiok siàu-liân ê, chha-put-to ū la̍k-ek hòe, Thài-iông sī 45 ek hòe. M44 ê hòe-sò͘ kah Kim-gû-chō lāi-té ê Pit-siù-seng-thoân chha-put-to, in tī thài-khong ê ūn-tōng hong-sek mā chha-put-to. Só͘-í in nn̄g khì hŏng jīn-ûi kóng, sī ùi kâng chi̍t ê tōa hūn-chú-hûn siⁿ–chhut-lâi ê. M44 chhāi tī lih Kū-hē-chō lāi-té, sī chi̍t ê 15 kng-nî khoah ê khai-hòng-seng-thoân, lāi-té chha-put-to ū 1000 lia̍p hêng-chhiⁿ. Chit ê khoah-tō͘ tī thiⁿ-téng ê kak-chhùn-chhioh, chha-put-to sī 3 lia̍p goe̍h-niû (1.5 tō͘) hiah-nī khoah. M44 chū kó͘-chá sî-tāi to̍h thong-lâng-chai, lán iōng ba̍k-chiu ti̍t-chiap khòaⁿ to̍h khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h. Chit ê seng-thoân tī 18 sè-kí pian ê Charles Messier seng-piáu lāi-té, pâi tē 44. I khì hō͘ pian ji̍p-khì seng-piáu chìn-chêng, hŏng kóng chò sī chi̍t-ê khah àm ê seng-hûn, iah-sī thiⁿ-téng ê hûn-bū. It-ti̍t kàu thian-bûn bōng-oán-kiàⁿ chhut-hiān liáu-āu, lán chiah ū hoat-tō͘ chai-iáⁿ seng-thoân lāi-té, kî-si̍t sī chi̍t-lia̍p chi̍t-lia̍p ê hêng-chhiⁿ. Tùi ū siang-tâng chhian-lí-kiàⁿ ê hiān-tāi koan-seng-chiá lâi kóng, chit ê ū-miâ ê koan-chhek bo̍k-piau. Chit tiuⁿ seng-thoân ê thoân-thé siòng-phìⁿ, sī iōng thian-bûn bōng-oán-kiàⁿ sok-hip ê. Seng-thoân lāi-té chi̍t-kóa khah n̂g, khah léng ê âng-kū-chhiⁿ, to̍h sì-kè chhāi tī khah nâ, khah kng, khah sio ê chú-sī-tài chi-kan. Siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té hit-kóa jiàu-siā kng-chiam, piáu-sī kóng in sī seng-thoân lāi-té khah kng ê hêng-chhiⁿ. Chit ê hêng sī ùi bōng-oán-kiàⁿ bu̍t-kiàⁿ bīn-téng ê si̍p-jī-sòaⁿ lâi ê.

[KIP] M44: Kuí-siù-sing-thuân

M44 sī lán Thài-iông-hē hū-kīn ê sing-thuân tsi-it. I mā kiò-tsò Phang-siū-sing-hûn iah-sī Kuí-siù-sing-thuân. I lāi-té ê hîng-tshinn lóng tsiok siàu-liân ê, tsha-put-to ū la̍k-ik huè, Thài-iông sī 45 ik huè. M44 ê huè-sòo kah Kim-gû-tsō lāi-té ê Pit-siù-sing-thuân tsha-put-to, in tī thài-khong ê ūn-tōng hong-sik mā tsha-put-to. Sóo-í in nn̄g khì hŏng jīn-uî kóng, sī uì kâng tsi̍t ê tuā hūn-tsú-hûn sinn–tshut-lâi ê. M44 tshāi tī lih Kū-hē-tsō lāi-té, sī tsi̍t ê 15 kng-nî khuah ê khai-hòng-sing-thuân, lāi-té tsha-put-to ū 1000 lia̍p hîng-tshinn. Tsit ê khuah-tōo tī thinn-tíng ê kak-tshùn-tshioh, tsha-put-to sī 3 lia̍p gue̍h-niû (1.5 tōo) hiah-nī khuah. M44 tsū kóo-tsá sî-tāi to̍h thong-lâng-tsai, lán iōng ba̍k-tsiu ti̍t-tsiap khuànn to̍h khuànn-ē-tio̍h. Tsit ê sing-thuân tī 18 sè-kí pian ê Charles Messier sing-piáu lāi-té, pâi tē 44. I khì hōo pian ji̍p-khì sing-piáu tsìn-tsîng, hŏng kóng tsò sī tsi̍t-ê khah àm ê sing-hûn, iah-sī thinn-tíng ê hûn-bū. It-ti̍t kàu thian-bûn bōng-uán-kiànn tshut-hiān liáu-āu, lán tsiah ū huat-tōo tsai-iánn sing-thuân lāi-té, kî-si̍t sī tsi̍t-lia̍p tsi̍t-lia̍p ê hîng-tshinn. Tuì ū siang-tâng tshian-lí-kiànn ê hiān-tāi kuan-sing-tsiá lâi kóng, tsit ê ū-miâ ê kuan-tshik bo̍k-piau. Tsit tiunn sing-thuân ê thuân-thé siòng-phìnn, sī iōng thian-bûn bōng-uán-kiànn sok-hip ê. Sing-thuân lāi-té tsi̍t-kuá khah n̂g, khah líng ê âng-kū-tshinn, to̍h sì-kè tshāi tī khah nâ, khah kng, khah sio ê tsú-sī-tài tsi-kan. Siòng-phìnn lāi-té hit-kuá jiàu-siā kng-tsiam, piáu-sī kóng in sī sing-thuân lāi-té khah kng ê hîng-tshinn. Tsit ê hîng sī uì bōng-uán-kiànn bu̍t-kiànn bīn-tíng ê si̍p-jī-suànn lâi ê.

[English] M44: The Beehive Cluster

A mere 600 light-years away, M44 is one of the closest star clusters to our solar system. Also known as the Praesepe or the Beehive cluster its stars are young though, about 600 million years old compared to our Sun’s 4.5 billion years. Based on similar ages and motion through space, M44 and the even closer Hyades star cluster in Taurus are thought to have been born together in the same large molecular cloud. An open cluster spanning some 15 light-years, M44 holds 1,000 stars or so and covers about 3 full moons (1.5 degrees) on the sky in the constellation Cancer. Visible to the unaided eye, M44 has been recognized since antiquity. Described as a faint cloud or celestial mist long before being included as the 44th entry in Charles Messier’s 18th century catalog, the cluster was not resolved into its individual stars until telescopes were available. A popular target for modern, binocular-equiped sky gazers, the cluster’s few yellowish tinted, cool, red giants are scattered through the field of its brighter hot blue main sequence stars in this telescopic group snapshot. Dramatic diffraction spikes highlighting the brighter cluster members were created with string crossed in front of the telescope’s objective lens.


  • 【鬼宿星團】Kúi-siù-seng-thoân/Kuí-siù-sing-thuân/鬼宿星團/Beehive cluster
  • 【蜂岫星團】Phang-siū-seng-thoân/Phang-siū-sing-thuân/蜂巢星團/Praesepe
  • 【金牛座】Kim-gû-chō/Kim-gû-tsō/金牛座/Taurus
  • 【畢宿星團】Pit-siù-seng-thoân/Pit-siù-sing-thuân/畢宿星團/Hyades star cluster
  • 【巨蟹座】Kū-hē-chō/Kū-hē-tsō/巨蟹座/the constellation Cancer
  • 【大分子雲】tōa hūn-chú-hûn/tuā hūn-tsú-hûn/大分子雲/large molecular cloud
  • 【開放星團】khai-hòng-seng-thoân/khai-hòng-sing-thuân/開放星團/open cluster
  • 【Charles Messier 星表】Charles Messier seng-piáu/Charles Messier sing-piáu/梅西爾星表/Charles Messier’s catalog
  • 【紅巨星】âng-kū-chhiⁿ/âng-kū-tshinn/紅巨星/red giant
  • 【繞射光尖】jiàu-siā-kng-chiam/jiàu-siā-kng-tsiam/繞射針狀體/diffraction spikes
  • 【物鏡】bu̍t-kiàⁿ/bu̍t-kiànn/物鏡/objective lens
  • 【天文望遠鏡】thian-bûn bōng-oán-kiàⁿ/thian-bûn bōng-uán-kiànn/天文望遠鏡/astronomical telescope
  • 【雙筒千里鏡】siang-tâng chhian-lí-kiàⁿ/siang-tâng tshian-lí-kiànn/雙筒望遠鏡/binocular
  • 【主序帶】chú-sī-tài/tsú-sī-tài/主序帶/main sequence
  • 【角寸尺】kak-chhun-chio̍h/kak-tshun-tsio̍h/角寸尺/angular size
  • 【速翕】sok-hip/sok-hip/快照/snapshot
  • 【M44】M sì-cha̍p-sì/M sì-tsa̍p-sì/M44/M44
  • 【1.5 度】it tiám gō͘ tō͘/it tiám gōo tōo/1.5 度/1.5 degrees
  • 【6 億歲】la̍k-ek hòe/la̍k-ik huè/6 億歲/600 million years old

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