

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 共宇宙分–開

佇你揤這粒開關進前,未來猶有兩種宇宙通揀。 等你揤這粒開關了後,你就會活 tī 唯一 ê 一个宇宙矣。 遮是彼个有名 ê Schrödinger 的貓咪仔 ê 網路實驗。 你若是 kā 這幅圖內底太空人 提咧 ê 彼張圖 ê 紅色開關揤落去,這幅圖會有兩款結果:一款是太空人提著一隻活–ê 貓咪仔,一款是太空人提著一隻死–去 ê 貓咪仔。 你揤落去彼陣,你大腦 ê 腦波 kah 你 ê 電子設備會 tī 毫秒短 ê 時間內鬥空好勢,產生一个應該是 量子力學 主導 ê 隨機結果。 有一寡人相信講,你個人發起 ê 量子決定,會 kā 宇宙分做兩个,活–ê 貓咪仔 kah 死–去 ê 貓咪仔 會 tī 較大 ê 多重宇宙 內底 ê 無仝宇宙同齊存在。 另外一寡人相信講,你揤開關彼陣,就會用一款你進前無法度預測 ê 方式,kā 兩个可能 ê 宇宙 合做 一个矣。 閣有一寡人相信講,宇宙 是古典、確定 ê。 所以你揤開關彼陣,袂 kā 宇宙分做兩个,干焦會 kā 自開始就決定 ê 結果揤出來爾爾。 咱 逐工一幅天文圖 相信講,毋管這件代誌是偌爾 白痴,你猶是會揤這粒開關。 毋管出現佗一个結果,你應該攏會思考一下仔人生。 抑是兩下仔!

[POJ] Kā Ú-tiū pun–khui

Tī lí chhi̍h chit-lia̍p khai-koan chìn-chêng, bī-lâi iáu ū nn̄g-chióng ú-tiū thang kéng. Tán lí chhi̍h chit-lia̍p khai-koan liáu-āu, lí to̍h ē oa̍h tī ûi-it ê chi̍t-ê ú-tiū ah. Chiah sī hit-ê ū-miâ ê Schrödinger ê niau-mi-á ê bāng-lō͘ si̍t-giām. Lí nā-sī kā chit pak tô͘ lāi-té thài-khong-jîn the̍h-leh ê hit tiuⁿ tô͘ ê âng-sek khai-koan chhi̍h–lo̍h-khì, chit-pak tô͘ ē ū nn̄g-khoán kiat-kó: Chi̍t khoán sī thài-khong-jîn the̍h-tio̍h chi̍t chiah oa̍h–ê niau-mi-á, chi̍t khoán sī thài-khong-jîn the̍h-tio̍h chi̍t chiah sí–khì ê niau-mi-á. Lí chhi̍h–lo̍h-khì hit-chūn, lí tōa-náu ê náu-pho kah lí ê tiān-chú siat-pī ē tī hô-bió té ê sî-kan lāi tàu-khang hó-sè, sán-seng chi̍t ê èng-kai sī liōng-chú le̍k-ha̍k chú-tō ê sûi-ki kiat-kó. Ū chi̍t-kóa lâng siong-sìn kóng, lí kò-jîn hoat-khí ê liōng-chú koat-tēng, ē kā ú-tiū pun chò nn̄g-ê, oa̍h–ê niau-mi-á kah sí–khì ê niau-mi-á ē tī khah tōa ê to-têng ú-tiū lāi-té ê bô-kâng ú-tiū tâng-chê chûn-chāi. Lēng-gōa chi̍t-kóa lâng siong-sìn kóng, lí chhi̍h khai-koan hit-chūn, to̍h ē iōng chi̍t-khoán lí chìn-chêng bô-hoat-tō͘ ū-chhek ê hong-sek, kā nn̄g-ê khó-lêng ê ú-tiū ha̍p chò chi̍t-ê ah. Koh ū chi̍t-kóa lâng siong-sìn kóng, ú-tiū sī kó͘-tián, khak-tēng ê. Só͘-í lí chhi̍h khai-koan hit-chūn, bē kā ú-tiū pun chò nn̄g-ê, kan-na ē kā chūx khai-sí to̍h koat-tēng ê kiat-kó chhi̍h–chhut-lâi niā-niā. Lán Ta̍k-kang-chit-pak-thian-bûn-tô͘ siong-sìn kóng, m̄-koán chit kiāⁿ tāi-chì sī gŏa-nī pe̍h-chhi, lí iáu-sī ē chhi̍h chi̍t-lia̍p khai-koan. M̄-koán chhut-hiān to̍h chi̍t-ê kiat-kó, lí èng-kai lóng ē su-khó chi̍t-ē-á jîn-seng. Ia̍h-sī nn̄g-ê-á!

[KIP] Kā Ú-tiū pun–khui

Tī lí tshi̍h tsit-lia̍p khai-kuan tsìn-tsîng, bī-lâi iáu ū nn̄g-tsióng ú-tiū thang kíng. Tán lí tshi̍h tsit-lia̍p khai-kuan liáu-āu, lí to̍h ē ua̍h tī uî-it ê tsi̍t-ê ú-tiū ah. Tsiah sī hit-ê ū-miâ ê Schrödinger ê niau-mi-á ê bāng-lōo si̍t-giām. Lí nā-sī kā tsit pak tôo lāi-té thài-khong-jîn the̍h-leh ê hit tiunn tôo ê âng-sik khai-kuan tshi̍h–lo̍h-khì, tsit-pak tôo ē ū nn̄g-khuán kiat-kó: Tsi̍t khuán sī thài-khong-jîn the̍h-tio̍h tsi̍t tsiah ua̍h–ê niau-mi-á, tsi̍t khuán sī thài-khong-jîn the̍h-tio̍h tsi̍t tsiah sí–khì ê niau-mi-á. Lí tshi̍h–lo̍h-khì hit-tsūn, lí tuā-náu ê náu-pho kah lí ê tiān-tsú siat-pī ē tī hô-bió té ê sî-kan lāi tàu-khang hó-sè, sán-sing tsi̍t ê ìng-kai sī liōng-tsú li̍k-ha̍k tsú-tō ê suî-ki kiat-kó. Ū tsi̍t-kuá lâng siong-sìn kóng, lí kò-jîn huat-khí ê liōng-tsú kuat-tīng, ē kā ú-tiū pun tsò nn̄g-ê, ua̍h–ê niau-mi-á kah sí–khì ê niau-mi-á ē tī khah tuā ê to-tîng ú-tiū lāi-té ê bô-kâng ú-tiū tâng-tsê tsûn-tsāi. Līng-guā tsi̍t-kuá lâng siong-sìn kóng, lí tshi̍h khai-kuan hit-tsūn, to̍h ē iōng tsi̍t-khuán lí tsìn-tsîng bô-huat-tōo ū-tshik ê hong-sik, kā nn̄g-ê khó-lîng ê ú-tiū ha̍p tsò tsi̍t-ê ah. Koh ū tsi̍t-kuá lâng siong-sìn kóng, ú-tiū sī kóo-tián, khak-tīng ê. Sóo-í lí tshi̍h khai-kuan hit-tsūn, bē kā ú-tiū pun tsò nn̄g-ê, kan-na ē kā chūx khai-sí to̍h kuat-tīng ê kiat-kó tshi̍h–tshut-lâi niā-niā. Lán Ta̍k-kang-tsit-pak-thian-bûn-tôo siong-sìn kóng, m̄-kuán tsit kiānn tāi-tsì sī gŏa-nī pe̍h-tshi, lí iáu-sī ē tshi̍h tsi̍t-lia̍p khai-kuan. M̄-kuán tshut-hiān to̍h tsi̍t-ê kiat-kó, lí ìng-kai lóng ē su-khó tsi̍t-ē-á jîn-sing. Ia̍h-sī nn̄g-ê-á!

[English] Split the Universe

Just now, before you hit the button, two future universes are possible. After pressing the button, though, you will live in only one. A real-web version of the famous Schrödinger’s cat experiment clicking the red button in the featured astronaut image should transform that image into a picture of the same astronaut holding one of two cats – one living, or one dead. The timing of your click, combined with the wiring of your brain and the millisecond timing of your device, will all conspire together to create a result dominated, potentially, by the randomness of quantum mechanics. Some believe that your personally-initiated quantum decision will split the universe in two, and that both the live-cat and dead-cat universes exist in separate parts of a larger multiverse. Others believe that the result of your click will collapse the two possible universes into one – in a way that could not have been predicted beforehand. Yet others believe that the universe is classically deterministic, so that by pressing the button you did not really split the universe, but just carried out an action predestined since time began. We at APOD believe that however silly you may feel clicking the red button, and regardless of the outcome, you should have a thought-provoking day. Or two.


  • 【Schrödinger 的貓咪仔】Schrödinger ê niau-mi-á/Schrödinger ê niau-mi-á/薛丁格的貓/Schrödinger’s cat
  • 【毫秒】hô-bió/hô-bió/毫秒/millisecond
  • 【量子力學】liōng-chú le̍k-ha̍k/liōng-tsú li̍k-ha̍k/量子力學/quantum mechanics
  • 【多重宇宙】to-têng ú-tiū/to-tîng ú-tiū/多重宇宙/multiverse
  • 【量子決定】liōng-chú koat-tēng/liōng-tsú kuat-tīng/量子決定/quantum decision

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