阿波羅 16 號 翕 ê 月球全景圖


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 阿波羅 16 號 翕 ê 月球全景圖

50 冬前 ê 1972 年 4 月 20,阿波羅 16 號 ê 登月小艇 獵戶座 登陸 tī 月球倚咱這爿 ê 中南部 ê Descartes 高地。 太空人 Ken Mattingly tī 貼心 ê 指揮服務船 Casper 面頂踅月球咧行 ê 時陣,獵戶座 共 John Young 佮 Charles Duke chhōa 到 月球表面。 In 兩个會 tī 月球面頂 3 工 左右。 這是 kā 幾若張相片 (編號 AS16-117-18814 到 AS16-117-18820) 組合起來 ê 全景圖,是 tī 第三擺、嘛是上尾擺 tī 月球表面探索 ê 時陣 翕 ê。 倒爿遠方彼台 to̍h 是登月小艇。 頭前彼台是 電子登月探測車。 Duke 當咧操作 kha-mé-lah,Young 當咧 kā 高增益通訊天線 撨 tùi 天頂 地球 ê 方向

[POJ] A-pho-lô 16 hō hip ê Goe̍h-kiû choân-kéng-tô͘

50 tang chêng ê 1972 nî 4 goe̍h 20, A-pho-lô 16 hō ê teng-goe̍h sió-théng La̍h-hō͘-chō teng-lio̍k tī Goe̍h-kiû óa lán chit pêng ê tiong-lâm-pō͘ ê Descartes ko-tē. Thài-khong-jîn Ken Mattingly tī tah-sim ê chí-hui-ho̍k-bū-chûn Casper bīn-téng se̍h Goe̍h-kiû leh kiâⁿ ê sî-chūn, La̍h-hō͘-chō kā John Young kah Charles Duke chhōa kàu Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn. In nn̄g-ê ē tī Goe̍h-kiû bīn-téng 3 kang chó-iū. Che sī kā kúi-ā-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ (pian-hō AS16-117-18814 kàu AS16-117-18820) cho͘-ha̍p khí-lâi ê choân-kéng-tô͘, sī tī tē saⁿ pái, mā sī siōng bóe pái tī Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn thàm-soh ê sî-chūn hip ê. Tò-pêng oán-hong hit-tâi to̍h sī teng-goe̍h sió-théng. Thâu-chêng hit-tâi sī tiān-chú teng-goe̍h thàm-chhek-chhia. Duke tng-leh chhau-chok kha-mé-lah, Young tng-leh kā ko-cheng-ek thong-sìn thian-sòaⁿ chhiâu tùi thiⁿ-téng Tē-kiû ê hong-hiòng.

[KIP] A-pho-lô 16 hō hip ê Gue̍h-kiû tsuân-kíng-tôo

50 tang tsîng ê 1972 nî 4 gue̍h 20, A-pho-lô 16 hō ê ting-gue̍h sió-thíng La̍h-hōo-tsō ting-lio̍k tī Gue̍h-kiû uá lán tsit pîng ê tiong-lâm-pōo ê Descartes ko-tē. Thài-khong-jîn Ken Mattingly tī tah-sim ê tsí-hui-ho̍k-bū-tsûn Casper bīn-tíng se̍h Gue̍h-kiû leh kiânn ê sî-tsūn, La̍h-hōo-tsō kā John Young kah Charles Duke tshuā kàu Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn. In nn̄g-ê ē tī Gue̍h-kiû bīn-tíng 3 kang tsó-iū. Tse sī kā kuí-ā-tiunn siòng-phìnn (pian-hō AS16-117-18814 kàu AS16-117-18820) tsoo-ha̍p khí-lâi ê tsuân-kíng-tôo, sī tī tē sann pái, mā sī siōng bué pái tī Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn thàm-soh ê sî-tsūn hip ê. Tò-pîng uán-hong hit-tâi to̍h sī ting-gue̍h sió-thíng. Thâu-tsîng hit-tâi sī tiān-tsú ting-gue̍h thàm-tshik-tshia. Duke tng-leh tshau-tsok kha-mé-lah, Young tng-leh kā ko-tsing-ik thong-sìn thian-suànn tshiâu tuì thinn-tíng Tē-kiû ê hong-hiòng.

[English] Apollo 16 Moon Panorama

Fifty years ago, April 20, 1972, Apollo 16's lunar module Orion touched down on the Moon's near side in the south-central Descartes Highlands. While astronaut Ken Mattingly orbited overhead in Casper the friendly command and service module the Orion brought John Young and Charles Duke to the lunar surface. The pair would spend nearly three days on the Moon. Constructed from images (AS16-117-18814 to AS16-117-18820) taken near the end of their third and final surface excursion this panoramic view puts the lunar module in the distance toward the left. Their electric lunar roving vehicle in the foreground, Duke is operating the camera while Young aims the high gain communications antenna skyward, toward planet Earth.


阿波羅 16 號A-pho-lô cha̍p-la̍k hōA-pho-lô tsa̍p-la̍k hō阿波羅 16 號Apollo 16
1972 年 4 月 20i̍t-kiú-chhit-jī nî sì goe̍h jī-cha̍pi̍t-kiú-tshit-jī nî sì gue̍h jī-tsa̍p1972 年 4 月 20April 20, 1972
指揮服務船chí-hui ho̍k-bū chûntsí-hui ho̍k-bū tsûn指揮服務船command and service module
AS16-117-18814AS it-lio̍k it-it-chhit it-it-chhit it-pat-patAS it-lio̍k it-it-tshit it-it-tshit it-pat-patAS16-117-18814AS16-117-18814
AS16-117-18820AS it-lio̍k it-it-chhit it-pat-pat jī-khòngAS it-lio̍k it-it-tshit it-pat-pat jī-khòngAS16-117-18820AS16-117-18820
登月小艇teng-goe̍h sió-théngting-gue̍h sió-thíng登月小艇the lunar module
高增益ko cheng-ekko tsing-ik高增益high gain
通訊天線thong-sìn tiān-sòaⁿthong-sìn tiān-suànn通訊天線communications antenna

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