月球南極 ê 烏影


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 月球南極 ê 烏影

這張月球表面 ê 相片敢是 tī 顯微鏡下底翕 ê? 毋是呢! 這是用闊幅 kha-mé-lah 翕 ê 多重光照圖。 為著欲產生這張圖,月球探測軌道太空船 tī 6 个月球日(地球 ê 6 個月)ê 時間內底,khêng 1700 張影像,以 月球南極 為中心,kā 無仝角度 ê 相片重複疊去-lih。 落尾 這張圖,就是重重疊疊 ê 結果。 表面每一點,其實是去予 太陽 照著 ê 時間比例。 Tī 光照圖中央附近,有一个直徑 19 公里 ê Shackleton 隕石坑 底,伊完全攏 tī 烏影內底月球南極 to̍h tī 時鐘 9 點方向 ê 隕石坑 ê 邊仔。 月球南北極 ê 隕石坑底會永遠 tī 烏影 內底,毋閣山頂會 一直去予太陽光 照著。 這張圖 tùi 未來欲起 ê 基地 來講實在是真好用。 去予烏影閘暗去 ê 隕石坑 底,會當提來做 保存水冰 ê 水庫。 照會著 太陽光 ê 山頂,會當提來做儉太陽能 ê 好所在

[POJ] Goe̍h-kiû Lâm-ke̍k ê O͘-iáⁿ

Chit-tiuⁿ Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn ê siòng-phìⁿ kám sī tī hián-bî-kiàⁿ ē-té hip ê? M̄-sī neh! Che sī iōng khoah-pak kha-mé-lah hip ê to-têng kng-chiò-tô͘. Ūi-tio̍h beh sán-seng chit-tiuⁿ tô͘, Goe̍h-kiû thàm-chhek kúi-tō thài-khong-chûn tī 6 ê Goe̍h-kiû-ji̍t (Tē-kiû ê 6 kò goe̍h) ê sî-kan lāi-té, khêng 1700 tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng, í Goe̍h-kiû lâm-ke̍k ûi tiong-sim, kā bô kâng kak-tō͘ ê siòng-phìⁿ tiông-ho̍k tha̍h--khì-lih. Lo̍h-bóe chit-tiuⁿ tô͘, tō-sī têng-têng-tha̍h-tha̍h ê kiat-kò͘. Piáu-bīn múi-chi̍t-tiám, kî-si̍t sī khì hō͘ Thài-iông chiò-tio̍h ê sî-kan pí-lē. Tī kng-chiò-tô͘ tiong-ng hū-kīn, ū chi̍t-ê ti̍t-kèng 19 kong-lí ê Shackleton ún-se̍k-kheⁿ-té, i oân-choân lóng tī o͘-iáⁿ lāi-té. Goe̍h-kiû lâm-ke̍k to̍h tī sî-cheng 9 tiám hong-hiòng ê ún-se̍k-kheⁿ ê piⁿ-á. Goe̍h-kiû lâm-pak-ke̍k ê ún-se̍k-kheⁿ ē éng-oán tī o͘-iáⁿ lāi-té, m̄-koh soaⁿ-téng ē it-ti̍t khì hō͘ Thài-iông-kng chiò-tio̍h. Chit-tiuⁿ tô͘ tùi bī-lâi beh khì ê ki-tē lâi kóng si̍t-chāi sī chin hó-iōng. Khì hō͘ o͘-iáⁿ cha̍h-àm--khì ê ún-se̍k-kheⁿ-té, ē-tàng the̍h-lâi chò pó-chûn chúi-peng ê chúi-khò͘. Chió ē-tio̍h Thài-iông-kng ê soaⁿ-téng, ē-tàng the̍h-lâi chò khiām thài-iông-lêng ê hó só͘-chāi.

[KIP] Gue̍h-kiû Lâm-ki̍k ê Oo-iánn

Tsit-tiunn Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn ê siòng-phìnn kám sī tī hián-bî-kiànn ē-té hip ê? M̄-sī neh! Tse sī iōng khuah-pak kha-mé-lah hip ê to-tîng kng-tsiò-tôo. Uī-tio̍h beh sán-sing tsit-tiunn tôo, Gue̍h-kiû thàm-tshik kuí-tō thài-khong-tsûn tī 6 ê Gue̍h-kiû-ji̍t (Tē-kiû ê 6 kò gue̍h) ê sî-kan lāi-té, khîng 1700 tiunn iánn-siōng, í Gue̍h-kiû lâm-ki̍k uî tiong-sim, kā bô kâng kak-tōo ê siòng-phìnn tiông-ho̍k tha̍h--khì-lih. Lo̍h-bué tsit-tiunn tôo, tō-sī tîng-tîng-tha̍h-tha̍h ê kiat-kòo. Piáu-bīn muí-tsi̍t-tiám, kî-si̍t sī khì hōo Thài-iông tsiò-tio̍h ê sî-kan pí-lē. Tī kng-tsiò-tôo tiong-ng hū-kīn, ū tsi̍t-ê ti̍t-kìng 19 kong-lí ê Shackleton ún-si̍k-khenn-té, i uân-tsuân lóng tī oo-iánn lāi-té. Gue̍h-kiû lâm-ki̍k to̍h tī sî-tsing 9 tiám hong-hiòng ê ún-si̍k-khenn ê pinn-á. Gue̍h-kiû lâm-pak-ki̍k ê ún-si̍k-khenn ē íng-uán tī oo-iánn lāi-té, m̄-koh suann-tíng ē it-ti̍t khì hōo Thài-iông-kng tsiò-tio̍h. Tsit-tiunn tôo tuì bī-lâi beh khì ê ki-tē lâi kóng si̍t-tsāi sī tsin hó-iōng. Khì hōo oo-iánn tsa̍h-àm--khì ê ún-si̍k-khenn-té, ē-tàng the̍h-lâi tsò pó-tsûn tsuí-ping ê tsuí-khòo. Tsió ē-tio̍h Thài-iông-kng ê suann-tíng, ē-tàng the̍h-lâi tsò khiām thài-iông-lîng ê hó sóo-tsāi.

[English] Shadows at the Moon's South Pole

Was this image of the Moon's surface taken with a microscope? No -- it's a multi-temporal illumination map made with a wide-angle camera. To create it, the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft collected 1,700 images over a period of 6 lunar days (6 Earth months), repeatedly covering an area centered on the Moon's south pole from different angles. The resulting images were stacked to produce the featured map -- representing the percentage of time each spot on the surface was illuminated by the Sun. Remaining convincingly in shadow, the floor of the 19-kilometer diameter Shackleton crater is seen near the map's center. The lunar south pole itself is at about 9 o'clock on the crater's rim. Crater floors near the lunar south and north poles can remain in permanent shadow, while mountain tops can remain in nearly continuous sunlight. Useful for future outposts, the shadowed crater floors could offer reservoirs of water-ice, while the sunlit mountain tops offer good locations to collect solar power.


月球探測軌道太空船Goe̍h-kiû thàm-chhek kúi-tō thài-khong-chûnGue̍h-kiû thàm-tshik kuí-tō thài-khong-tsûn月球勘測軌道飛行器Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter spacecraft
月球日goe̍h-kiû-ji̍tgue̍h-kiû-ji̍t月球日lunar day
多重光照圖to-têng kng-chiò-tô͘to-tîng kng-tsiò-tôo多重光照圖multi-temporal illumination map

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