冰島天頂 ê 捲螺仔極光


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 冰島天頂 ê 捲螺仔極光

免緊張!彼隻車無任何危險!伊袂去予天頂彼个大捲螺仔吸去太空啦! 捲螺仔光其實是 極光,會出現 tī 某一个季節。 極光是太空中 ê 粒子挵著地球 ê 時陣產生 ê 現象,袂變做 真空 啦! 這个 發展足緊 ê 極光,是太陽 ê 日冕物質噴出事件 (CME) 噴到 地球附近 造成 地球磁層 ê 波紋。 頂層 ê 紅色 極光 tī 250 公里懸 ê 所在形成,是大氣層內底 ê 酸素原子 去予外太空 ê 粒子 直接激發 ê 紅光下層 ê 青色 極光 tī 100 公里懸 ê 所在形成,是大氣層內底 ê 酸素 原子 kah 一階激發 ê 窒素 分子 相挵,間接激發 ê 青光。 100 公里懸以下 ê 所在,有一寡仔酸素原子,這就是極光斷 tī 遮 ê 原因。 Ùi 邊仔看,這个 仝心 圓筒形,畫出一个 戲劇性 ê 極光。 這張影像是 3 月中 tī 冰島 Myvatn 天頂翕 ê 一張感光 3 秒鐘久 ê 相片。

[POJ] Peng-tó thiⁿ-téng ê Kńg-lê-á ke̍k-kng

Bián kín-tiuⁿ! Hit chiah chhia bô jīm-hô hûi-hiám! I bōe khì hō͘ thiⁿ-téng hit-ê tōa kńg-lê-á khip khì thài-khong la̍h ! Kńg-lê-á-kng kî-si̍t sī ke̍k-kng, ē chhut-hiān tī bó͘ chi̍t-ê kùi-chiat. Ke̍k-kng sī thài-khong tiong ê lia̍p-chú lòng tio̍h Tē-kiû ê sî-chūn sán-seng ê hiān-siōng, bōe piàn-chò chin-khong la̍h! Chit-ê hoat-tián chiok kín ê ke̍k-kng, sī Thài-iông ê Ji̍t-bián bu̍t-chit phùn-chhut sū-kiāⁿ (CME) phùn kàu Tē-kiû hū-kīn chō-sêng Tē-kiû chû-chân ê pho-bûn. Téng-chân ê âng-sek ke̍k-kng tī 250 kong-lí koân ê só͘-chāi hêng-sêng, sī tōa-khì-chân lāi-té ê sǹg-sò͘ goân-chú khì hō͘ gōa-thài-khong ê lia̍p-chú ti̍t-chiap kek-hoat ê âng-kng. Ē-chàn ê chhiⁿ-sek ke̍k-kng tī 100 kong-lí koân ê só͘-chāi hêng-sêng, sī tōa-khì-chân lāi-té ê sǹg-sò͘ goân-chú kah it-kai-kek-hoat ê chek-sò͘ hun-chú sio-lòng, kàn-chiap kek-hoat ê chhiⁿ-kng. 100 kong-lí koân í-hā ê só͘-chāi, ū chi̍t-kóa-á sǹg-sò͘ goân-chú, che tō-sī ke̍k-kng tn̄g tī chiah ê goân-in. Ùi piⁿ-á khòaⁿ, chit-ê kāng-sim îⁿ-tâng-hêng, ōe chhut chi̍t-ê hì-kio̍k-sèng ê ke̍k-kng-bián. Chit-tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng sī 3 goe̍h tiong tī Peng-tó Myvatn ô͘ thiⁿ-téng hip ê chi̍t-tiuⁿ kám-kng 3 bió-cheng kú ê siòng-phìⁿ.

[KIP] Ping-tó thinn-tíng ê Kńg-lê-á ki̍k-kng

Bián kín-tiunn! Hit tsiah tshia bô jīm-hô huî-hiám! I buē khì hōo thinn-tíng hit-ê tuā kńg-lê-á khip khì thài-khong la̍h ! Kńg-lê-á-kng kî-si̍t sī ki̍k-kng, ē tshut-hiān tī bóo tsi̍t-ê kuì-tsiat. Ki̍k-kng sī thài-khong tiong ê lia̍p-tsú lòng tio̍h Tē-kiû ê sî-tsūn sán-sing ê hiān-siōng, buē piàn-tsò tsin-khong la̍h! Tsit-ê huat-tián tsiok kín ê ki̍k-kng, sī Thài-iông ê Ji̍t-bián bu̍t-tsit phùn-tshut sū-kiānn (CME) phùn kàu Tē-kiû hū-kīn tsō-sîng Tē-kiû tsû-tsân ê pho-bûn. Tíng-tsân ê âng-sik ki̍k-kng tī 250 kong-lí kuân ê sóo-tsāi hîng-sîng, sī tuā-khì-tsân lāi-té ê sǹg-sòo guân-tsú khì hōo guā-thài-khong ê lia̍p-tsú ti̍t-tsiap kik-huat ê âng-kng. Ē-tsàn ê tshinn-sik ki̍k-kng tī 100 kong-lí kuân ê sóo-tsāi hîng-sîng, sī tuā-khì-tsân lāi-té ê sǹg-sòo guân-tsú kah it-kai-kik-huat ê tsik-sòo hun-tsú sio-lòng, kàn-tsiap kik-huat ê tshinn-kng. 100 kong-lí kuân í-hā ê sóo-tsāi, ū tsi̍t-kuá-á sǹg-sòo guân-tsú, tse tō-sī ki̍k-kng tn̄g tī tsiah ê guân-in. Uì pinn-á khuànn, tsit-ê kāng-sim înn-tâng-hîng, uē tshut tsi̍t-ê hì-kio̍k-sìng ê ki̍k-kng-bián. Tsit-tiunn iánn-siōng sī 3 gue̍h tiong tī Ping-tó Myvatn ôo thinn-tíng hip ê tsi̍t-tiunn kám-kng 3 bió-tsing kú ê siòng-phìnn.

[English] A Vortex Aurora over Iceland

No, the car was not in danger of being vacuumed into space by the big sky vortex. For one reason, the vortex was really an aurora, and since auroras are created by particles striking the Earth from space, they do not create a vacuum. This rapidly developing auroral display was caused by a Coronal Mass Ejection from the Sun that passed by the Earth closely enough to cause a ripple in Earth's magnetosphere. The upper red parts of the aurora occur over 250 kilometers high with its red glow created by atmospheric atomic oxygen directly energized by incoming particles. The lower green parts of the aurora occur over 100 kilometers high with its green glow created by atmospheric atomic oxygen energized indirectly by collisions with first-energized molecular nitrogen. Below 100 kilometers, there is little atomic oxygen, which is why auroras end abruptly. The concentric cylinders depict a dramatic auroral corona as seen from the side. The featured image was created from a single 3-second exposure taken in mid-March over Lake Myvatn in Iceland.


捲螺仔極光kńg-lê-á ke̍k-kngkńg-lê-á ki̍k-kng漩渦極光vortex aurora
日冕物質噴出事件Ji̍t-bián bu̍t-chit phùn-chhut sū-kiāⁿJi̍t-bián bu̍t-tsit phùn-tshut sū-kiānn日冕物質拋射Coronal Mass Ejection (CME)
仝心圓筒形kāng-sim îⁿ-tâng-hêngkāng-sim înn-tâng-hîng同心圓柱體concentric cylinders
極光冕ke̍k-kng-biánki̍k-kng-bián極光冕auroral corona

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