Maldive 之夜 ê 寶石


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] Maldive 之夜 ê 寶石

銀河上南彼搭毋若有南十字,閣有離咱太陽上近 ê 恆星系統:半人馬座 α 星。 南十字 上面頂彼粒是足光 ê 黃色恆星:南十字座 γ 星。 Ùi 十字架 ê 南十字座 γ 星 畫一條線到 下底 ê 藍色恆星,十字架二,會指向 南天極。 拄仔好是 3 月翕 ê 這張相片 內底,小島 ê 頭殼頂遐。 彼个島嶼 to̍h 是 tī 印度洋 ê Maldives 共和國 ê Madivaru 島。 Kah 暗淡 ê 銀河光 相比,烏烏 ê 烏碳橐仔星雲 to̍h tī 十字架 ê 倒爿。 Tī 銀河 較倚倒爿遐,有兩粒較光 ê 恆星:半人馬座 α 星(倒爿彼粒)kah 半人馬座 β 星(嘛叫做 Hadar)。 半人馬座 α 星 A 是 kah 太陽 相-siâng ê 恆星。 伊是三星系統 ê 其中一粒,這个三星系統閣有 kah 行星系統 (系外行星),離咱干焦 4.3 光年 遠爾爾。 若是 ùi 半人馬座 α 星 來看,咱 ê 太陽 應該是一粒 tī 明顯 ê 仙后座 內底 足光 ê 黃色恆星

[POJ] Maldive chi-iā ê pó-chio̍h

Gîn-hô siōng lâm hit-tah m̄-nā ū Lâm-si̍p-jī, koh ū lî lán Thài-iông siōng kīn ê hêng-chhiⁿ hē-thóng: Poàn-jîn-má-chō Alpha chhiⁿ. Lâm-si̍p-jī siōng bīn-téng hit-lia̍p sī chiok kng ê n̂g-sek hêng-chhiⁿ: Lâm-si̍p-jī-chō Gamma chhiⁿ. Ùi Si̍p-jī-kè ê Lâm-si̍p-jī-chō Gamma chhiⁿ ōe chi̍t-tiâu kàu ē-té ê nâ-sek hêng-chhiⁿ, si̍p-jī-kè-jī, ē chí-hiòng Lâm-thian-ke̍k. Tú-á-hó sī 3 goe̍h hip ê chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ lāi-té, sió-tó ê thâu-khak-téng hiah. Hit-ê tó-sū to̍h sī tī Ìn-tō͘-iûⁿ ê Maldives kiōng-hô-kok ê Madivaru tó. Kah àm-tām ê Gîn-hô-kng sio-pí, o͘-o͘ ê O͘-thòaⁿ-lok-á seng-hûn to̍h tī Si̍p-jī-kè ê tò-pêng. Tī Gîn-hô khah óa tò-pêng hiah, ū nn̄g-lia̍p khah kng ê hêng-chhiⁿ, Poàn-jîn-má-chō Alpha chhiⁿ (tò-pêng hit-lia̍p) kah Poàn-jîn-má-chō Beta chhiⁿ (mā kiò-chò Hadar). Poàn-jîn-má-chō Alpha chhiⁿ A sī kah Thài-iông sio-siâng ê hêng-chhiⁿ. I sī saⁿ-chhiⁿ-hē-thóng ê kî-tiong chi̍t-lia̍p, chit-ê saⁿ-chhiⁿ hē-thóng koh ū kah kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ hē-thóng (hē-gōa-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ), lî lán kan-na 4.3 kng-nî hn̄g niā-niā. Nā-sī ùi Poàn-jîn-má-chō Alpha chhiⁿ lâi khòaⁿ, lán ê Thài-iông èng-kai sī chi̍t-lia̍p tī bêng-hián ê Sian-hiō-chō lāi-té chiok kng ê n̂g-sek hêng-chhiⁿ.

[KIP] Maldive tsi-iā ê pó-tsio̍h

Gîn-hô siōng lâm hit-tah m̄-nā ū Lâm-si̍p-jī, koh ū lî lán Thài-iông siōng kīn ê hîng-tshinn hē-thóng: Puàn-jîn-má-tsō Alpha tshinn. Lâm-si̍p-jī siōng bīn-tíng hit-lia̍p sī tsiok kng ê n̂g-sik hîng-tshinn: Lâm-si̍p-jī-tsō Gamma tshinn. Uì Si̍p-jī-kè ê Lâm-si̍p-jī-tsō Gamma tshinn uē tsi̍t-tiâu kàu ē-té ê nâ-sik hîng-tshinn, si̍p-jī-kè-jī, ē tsí-hiòng Lâm-thian-ki̍k. Tú-á-hó sī 3 gue̍h hip ê tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn lāi-té, sió-tó ê thâu-khak-tíng hiah. Hit-ê tó-sū to̍h sī tī Ìn-tōo-iûnn ê Maldives kiōng-hô-kok ê Madivaru tó. Kah àm-tām ê Gîn-hô-kng sio-pí, oo-oo ê Oo-thuànn-lok-á sing-hûn to̍h tī Si̍p-jī-kè ê tò-pîng. Tī Gîn-hô khah uá tò-pîng hiah, ū nn̄g-lia̍p khah kng ê hîng-tshinn, Puàn-jîn-má-tsō Alpha tshinn (tò-pîng hit-lia̍p) kah Puàn-jîn-má-tsō Beta tshinn (mā kiò-tsò Hadar). Puàn-jîn-má-tsō Alpha tshinn A sī kah Thài-iông sio-siâng ê hîng-tshinn. I sī sann-tshinn-hē-thóng ê kî-tiong tsi̍t-lia̍p, tsit-ê sann-tshinn hē-thóng koh ū kah kiânn-tshinn hē-thóng (hē-guā-kiânn-tshinn), lî lán kan-na 4.3 kng-nî hn̄g niā-niā. Nā-sī uì Puàn-jîn-má-tsō Alpha tshinn lâi khuànn, lán ê Thài-iông ìng-kai sī tsi̍t-lia̍p tī bîng-hián ê Sian-hiō-tsō lāi-té tsiok kng ê n̂g-sik hîng-tshinn.

[English] Gems of a Maldivean Night

The southernmost part of the Milky Way contains not only the stars of the Southern Cross, but the closest star system to our Sun -- Alpha Centauri. The Southern Cross itself is topped by the bright, yellowish star Gamma Crucis. A line from Gamma Crucis through the blue star at the bottom of the cross, Acrux, points toward the south celestial pole, located just above the small island in the featured picture -- taken in early March. That island is Madivaru of the Maldives in the Indian Ocean. Against faint Milky Way starlight, the dark Coal Sack Nebula lies just left of the cross, while farther left along the Milky Way are the bright stars Alpha Centauri (left) and Beta Centauri (Hadar). Alpha Centauri A, a Sun-like star anchoring a three-star system with exoplanets, is a mere 4.3 light-years distant. Seen from Alpha Centauri, our own Sun would be a bright yellowish star in the otherwise recognizable constellation Cassiopeia.


南十字Lâm-si̍p-jīLâm-si̍p-jī南十字the Southern Cross
半人馬座 α 星Poàn-jîn-má-chō Alpha chhiⁿPuàn-jîn-má-tsō Alpha tshinn半人馬座 αAlpha Centauri
南十字座 γ 星Lâm-si̍p-jī-chō Gamma chhiⁿLâm-si̍p-jī-tsō Gamma tshinn南十字座 γGamma Crucis
十字架二Si̍p-jī-kè jīSi̍p-jī-kè jī十字架二Acrux
烏碳橐仔星雲O͘-thòaⁿ-lok-á seng-hûnOo-thuànn-lok-á sing-hûn煤袋星雲Coal Sack Nebula
半人馬座 β 星Poàn-jîn-má-chō Beta chhiⁿPuàn-jîn-má-tsō Beta tshinn半人馬座 βBeta Centauri (Hadar)
三星系統saⁿ-chhiⁿ-hē-thóngsann-tshinn-hē-thóng三星系統three-star system
南天極Lâm-thian-ke̍kLâm-thian-ki̍k南天極south celestial pole
4.3 光年sì-tiám-saⁿ kng-nîsì-tiám-sann kng-nî4.3 光年4.3 light-years

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