鴟鴞星雲 內底 ê 恆星形成活動


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 鴟鴞星雲 內底 ê 恆星形成活動

恆星是 ùi 佗位生出來 ê? 有一个恆星形成區叫做「EGGs」,to̍h tī 鴟鴞星雲 (M16) ê 氣體 kah 塗粉 組成 ê 大型雲柱 尾溜 遐。 EGGs to̍h 是「蒸發氣體球」ê 縮寫,遐是 水素 分子氣體足厚 ê 所在。 這款氣體球一丸一丸,煞落來會產生重力崩塌,形成恆星。 Ùi 新恆星上高溫上光 ê 所在發出來 ê 光,kā 雲柱 尾溜 加溫,予氣體 kah 塗粉蒸發,咱才有法度看著閣較濟 EGGs kah 少年恆星。 這張相片 是 2014 年彼陣,踅地球 ê 哈伯太空望遠鏡 用 超過 30 點鐘久 ê 感光時間翕好了後,才閣予 阿根廷 一个足有經驗 ê 志願者,用現代 ê 軟體,經過數位處理 ê 結果。 進前 ê 超新星 若是無 kā 會產生恆星 ê 雲柱破壞了了,等新 ê 恆星生出來了後,嘛是會 tī 紲落來 10 萬年左右 ê 時間 kā 這寡雲柱沓沓仔 破壞 了了。

[POJ] Ba̍h-hio̍h seng-hûn lāi-té ê Hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng oa̍h-tāng

Hêng-chhiⁿ sī ùi tó-ūi seⁿ–chhut-lâi ê? Ū chi̍t-ê hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng-khu kiò-chò “EGGs”, to̍h tī Ba̍h-hio̍h seng-hûn (M16) ê khì-thé kah thô͘-hún cho͘-sêng ê tōa-hêng hûn-thiāu bóe-liu hiah. EGGs to̍h sī “Cheng-hoat Khì-thé-kiû” ê sok-siá, hiah sī chúi-sò͘ hun-chú khì-thé chiok kāu ê só͘-chāi. Chit-khoán khì-thé-kiú chi̍t-oân chi̍t-oân, soa̍h-lo̍h-lâi ē sán-seng tiōng-le̍k pang-lap, hêng-sêng hêng-chhiⁿ. Ùi sin hêng-chhiⁿ siōng ko-un siōng kng ê só͘-chāi hoat–chhut-lâi ê kng, kā hûn-thiāu bóe-liu ka-un, hō͘ khì-thé kah thô͘-hún cheng-hoat, lán chiah-ū hoat-tō͘ khòaⁿ-tio̍h koh khah chōe EGGs kah siàu-liân hêng-chhiⁿ. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī 2014 nî hit-chūn, se̍h Tē-kiû ê Ha-peh Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿ iōng chhiau-kòe 30 tiám-cheng kú ê kám-kng sî-kan hip hó liáu-āu, chiah koh hō͘ A-kun-têng chi̍t-ê chiok ū keng-giām ê chì-goān-chiá, iōng hiān-tāi ê nńg-thé, kéng-kòe só͘-ūi chhú-lí ê kiat-kó. Chìn-chêng ê chhiau-sin-seng nā-sī bô kā ē sán-seng hêng-chhiⁿ ê hûn-thiāu phò-hoāi liáu-liáu, tán sin ê hêng-chhiⁿ seⁿ–chhut-lâi liáu-āu, mā sī ē tī sòa–lo̍h-lâi 10 bān nî chó-iū ê sî-kan kā chit-kóa hûn-thiāu tau̍h-tau̍h-á phò-hoāi liáu-liáu.

[KIP] Ba̍h-hio̍h sing-hûn lāi-té ê Hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng ua̍h-tāng

Hîng-tshinn sī uì tó-uī senn–tshut-lâi ê? Ū tsi̍t-ê hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng-khu kiò-tsò “EGGs”, to̍h tī Ba̍h-hio̍h sing-hûn (M6) ê khì-thé kah thôo-hún tsoo-sîng ê tuā-hîng hûn-thiāu bué-liu hiah. EGGs to̍h sī “Tsing-huat Khì-thé-kiû” ê sok-siá, hiah sī tsuí-sòo hun-tsú khì-thé tsiok kāu ê sóo-tsāi. Tsit-khuán khì-thé-kiú tsi̍t-uân tsi̍t-uân, sua̍h-lo̍h-lâi ē sán-sing tiōng-li̍k pang-lap, hîng-sîng hîng-tshinn. Uì sin hîng-tshinn siōng ko-un siōng kng ê sóo-tsāi huat–tshut-lâi ê kng, kā hûn-thiāu bué-liu ka-un, hōo khì-thé kah thôo-hún tsing-huat, lán tsiah-ū huat-tōo khuànn-tio̍h koh khah tsuē EGGs kah siàu-liân hîng-tshinn. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī 2014 nî hit-tsūn, se̍h Tē-kiû ê Ha-peh Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn iōng tshiau-kuè 30 tiám-tsing kú ê kám-kng sî-kan hip hó liáu-āu, tsiah koh hōo A-kun-tîng tsi̍t-ê tsiok ū king-giām ê tsì-guān-tsiá, iōng hiān-tāi ê nńg-thé, kíng-kuè sóo-uī tshú-lí ê kiat-kó. Tsìn-tsîng ê tshiau-sin-sing nā-sī bô kā ē sán-sing hîng-tshinn ê hûn-thiāu phò-huāi liáu-liáu, tán sin ê hîng-tshinn senn–tshut-lâi liáu-āu, mā sī ē tī suà–lo̍h-lâi 10 bān nî tsó-iū ê sî-kan kā tsit-kuá hûn-thiāu ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á phò-huāi liáu-liáu.

[English] Star Formation in the Eagle Nebula

Where do stars form? One place, star forming regions known as “EGGs”, are being uncovered at the end of this giant pillar of gas and dust in the Eagle Nebula (M16). Short for evaporating gaseous globules, EGGs are dense regions of mostly molecular hydrogen gas that fragment and gravitationally collapse to form stars. Light from the hottest and brightest of these new stars heats the end of the pillar and causes further evaporation of gas and dust – revealing yet more EGGs and more young stars. This featured picture was created from exposures spanning over 30 hours with the Earth-orbiting Hubble Space Telescope in 2014, and digitally processed with modern software by experienced volunteers in Argentina. Newborn stars will gradually destroy their birth pillars over the next 100,000 years or so – if a supernova doesn’t destroy them first.


  • 【鴟鴞星雲】Ba̍h-hio̍h-seng-hûn/Ba̍h-hio̍h-sing-hûn/老鷹星雲/Eagle Nebula
  • 【恆星形成】hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng/hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng/恆星形成/star formation
  • 【EGGs】Cheng-hoat Khì-thé-kiû/Tsing-huat Khì-thé-kiû/蒸發氣體球/evaporating gaseous globules
  • 【M16】M cha̍p-la̍k/M tsa̍p-la̍k/M16/M16
  • 【水素】chúi-sò͘/tsuí-sòo/氫/hydrogen
  • 【阿根廷】A-kun-têng/A-kun-tîng/阿根廷/Argentina
  • 【志願者】chì-goān-chiá/tsì-guān-tsiá/志願者/volunteers
  • 【雲柱】hûn-thiāu/hûn-thiāu/雲柱/pillar
  • 【重力崩塌】tiōng-le̍k pang-lap/tiōng-li̍k pang-lap/重力塌縮/gravitationally collapse
  • 【超新星】chhiau-sin-seng/tshiau-sin-sing/超新星/supernova
  • 【哈伯太空望遠鏡】Ha-peh Thài-khong Bōng-oán-kiàⁿ/Ha-peh Thài-khong Bōng-uán-kiànn/哈伯太空望遠鏡/Hubble Space Telescope

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