心臟星雲 ê 心臟


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 心臟星雲 ê 心臟

是啥物激發這个心臟星雲? 這个遮爾大 ê 發射星雲 叫做 IC 1805,伊看起來敢若是 人類 ê 心臟。 伊心形 ê 外形拄仔好 合 今仔日 ê 情人節。 伊發出遮爾光 ê 紅光,主要是 ùi 激發 ê 水素 原子來 ê。 伊 ê 紅光 kah 遮爾大 ê 形體,攏是去予 星雲中心 ê 一陣恆星創出來 ê。 心臟 星雲 ê 心臟 有 開放星團 Melotte 15 ê 少年恆星。 In 有能量較強 ê 恆星光 kah 恆星風,當咧侵蝕 幾若个 足媠 ê 塗粉 柱。 開放星團 內底有幾若粒 較光 ê 恆星,in ê 質量是太陽 ê 50 倍。 毋閣其他大部份 ê 恆星是較暗,in ê 質量干焦是太陽 ê 幾葩爾爾。 猶閣有一粒 微 類星體,伊幾若百萬年前 to̍h 去 hŏng 踢出去矣。 心臟星雲 離咱有 7500 光年 遠,伊 to̍h tī 希臘神話 Aethiopia 皇后 ê 星座仙后座 遐。

[POJ] Sim-chōng-seng-hûn ê Sim-chōng

Sī siáⁿ-mih kek-hoat chit-ê Sim-chōng-seng-hûn? Chit-ê chiah-nī tōa ê hoat-siā-seng-hûn kiò-chò IC 1805, i khòaⁿ--khí-lâi ká-ná sī jîn-lūi ê sim-chōng. I sim-hêng ê gōa-hêng tú-á-hó ha̍h kin-á-ji̍t ê Chêng-jîn-chiat. I hoat-chhut chiah-nī kng ê âng-kng, chú-iàu sī ùi kek-hoat ê chúi-sò͘ goân-chú lâi ê. I ê âng-kng kah chiah-nī tōa ê hêng-thé, lóng-sī khì hō͘ seng-hûn tiông-sin ê chi̍t-tīn hêng-chhiⁿ chhòng--chhut-lâi ê. Sim-chōng-seng-hûn ê sim-chōng-khu ū khai-hòng-seng-thoân Melotte 15 ê siàu-liân hêng-chhiⁿ. In ū lêng-liōng khah kiông ê hêng-chhiⁿ-kng kah hêng-chhiⁿ-hong, tng-leh chhim-sit kúi-ā-ê chiok súi ê thô͘-hún-thiāu. Khai-hòng-seng-thoân lāi-té ū kúi-ā-lia̍p khah kng ê hêng-chhiⁿ, in ê chit-liōng sī Thài-iông ê 50 pōe. M̄-koh kî-tha tōa-pō͘-hūn ê hêng-chhiⁿ sī khah àm, in ê chit-liōng kan-na sī Thài-iông ê kúi-pha niā-niā. Iáu-koh-ū chi̍t-lia̍p bî lūi-seng-thé, i kúi-ā pah-bān nî chêng to̍h khì hŏng that--chhut-khì ah. Sim-chōng-seng-hûn lī lán ū 7500 kng-nî hn̄g, i to̍h tī Hi-la̍h sîn-ōe Aethiopia hông-hiō ê seng-chō, Sian-hiō-chō hiah.

[KIP] Sim-tsōng-sing-hûn ê Sim-tsōng

Sī siánn-mih kik-huat tsit-ê Sim-tsōng-sing-hûn? Tsit-ê tsiah-nī tuā ê huat-siā-sing-hûn kiò-tsò IC 1805, i khuànn--khí-lâi ká-ná sī jîn-luī ê sim-tsōng. I sim-hîng ê guā-hîng tú-á-hó ha̍h kin-á-ji̍t ê Tsîng-jîn-tsiat. I huat-tshut tsiah-nī kng ê âng-kng, tsú-iàu sī uì kik-huat ê tsuí-sòo guân-tsú lâi ê. I ê âng-kng kah tsiah-nī tuā ê hîng-thé, lóng-sī khì hōo sing-hûn tiông-sin ê tsi̍t-tīn hîng-tshinn tshòng--tshut-lâi ê. Sim-tsōng-sing-hûn ê sim-tsōng-khu ū khai-hòng-sing-thuân Melotte 15 ê siàu-liân hîng-tshinn. In ū lîng-liōng khah kiông ê hîng-tshinn-kng kah hîng-tshinn-hong, tng-leh tshim-sit kuí-ā-ê tsiok suí ê thôo-hún-thiāu. Khai-hòng-sing-thuân lāi-té ū kuí-ā-lia̍p khah kng ê hîng-tshinn, in ê tsit-liōng sī Thài-iông ê 50 puē. M̄-koh kî-tha tuā-pōo-hūn ê hîng-tshinn sī khah àm, in ê tsit-liōng kan-na sī Thài-iông ê kuí-pha niā-niā. Iáu-koh-ū tsi̍t-lia̍p bî luī-sing-thé, i kuí-ā pah-bān nî tsîng to̍h khì hŏng that--tshut-khì ah. Sim-tsōng-sing-hûn lī lán ū 7500 kng-nî hn̄g, i to̍h tī Hi-la̍h sîn-uē Aethiopia hông-hiō ê sing-tsō, Sian-hiō-tsō hiah.

[English] In the Heart of the Heart Nebula

What excites the Heart Nebula? First, the large emission nebula dubbed IC 1805 looks, in whole, like a human heart. It's shape perhaps fitting of the Valentine's Day, this heart glows brightly in red light emitted by its most prominent element: excited hydrogen. The red glow and the larger shape are all created by a small group of stars near the nebula's center. In the heart of the Heart Nebula are young stars from the open star cluster Melotte 15 that are eroding away several picturesque dust pillars with their energetic light and winds. The open cluster of stars contains a few bright stars nearly 50 times the mass of our Sun, many dim stars only a fraction of the mass of our Sun, and an absent microquasar that was expelled millions of years ago. The Heart Nebula is located about 7,500 light years away toward the constellation of the mythological Queen of Aethiopia (Cassiopeia).


心臟星雲Sim-chōng-seng-hûnSim-tsōng-sing-hûn心臟星雲the Heart Nebula
心形星雲Sim-hêng-seng-hûnSim-hîng-sing-hûn心狀星雲the Heart Nebula
發射星雲hoat-siā-seng-thoânhuat-siā-sing-thuân發射星雲emission nebula
IC 1805IC it-pat-khòng-ngó͘IC it-pat-khòng-ngóoIC 1805IC 1805
情人節Chêng-jîn-chiatTsîng-jîn-tsiat情人節the Valentine's Day
開放星團khai-hòng-seng-thoânkhai-hòng-sing-thuân開放星團open star cluster
塗粉柱thô͘-hún-thiāuthôo-hún-thiāu灰塵柱dust pillars
微類星體bî lūi-seng-thébî luī-sing-thé微類星體microquasar
希臘神話Hi-la̍h sîn-ōeHi-la̍h sîn-uē希臘神話Greek mythology

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