09. February 2022
咱這馬知影上危險 ê 恆星:龍骨座 η 星 ê 3D 模型
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Eta Car: 3D Model of the Most Dangerous Star Known
- 影片來源:NASA, CXC, April Hobart; 文稿:Michael F. Corcoran (NASA, Catholic U., HEAPOW)
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 咱這馬知影上危險 ê 恆星:龍骨座 η 星 ê 3D 模型
地球附近上危險 ê 恆星 是佗一粒? 應該是 龍骨座 η 星,伊是一个雙星系統,差不多是太陽質量 ê 100 倍大,離地球有 1 萬光年遠。 龍骨座 η 星 是一粒定時炸彈,閣 幾若百萬年 to̍h 會變做 超新星 爆炸矣,到時 規粒地球會浸 tī 危險 ê gamma-光 內底。 這粒星 tī 1840 年代 ê 時陣 捌出名過,因為彼陣伊 tī 南天變足光 ê。 毋閣 tī 幾若十年 ê 時間內底,伊 to̍h 變暗去矣。 這粒星猶未爆炸,伊猶藏 tī 侏儒星雲內底。 侏儒星雲是一个 厚-tut-tut、脹大 ê 雙球結構,伊 to̍h 包 tī 雙星系統外口。 研究這款噴出來 ê 物件,會當予咱了解 kah 爆炸有關 ê 線索。 咱這馬會當用 NASA 衛星太空望遠鏡 ê 觀測資料,來建構爆炸 ê 視覺化 3D 分佈。 大部份 ê 結構 攏會當 tī 紅外線、可見光、kah 紫外光 看著。 毋閣上外層 ê 殼有幾若百萬度 ê 溫度遐爾懸,彼干焦有法度 tī X-光波段看著。
[POJ] Lán chit-má chai-iáⁿ siōng gûi-hiám ê hêng-chhiⁿ: Lêng-kut-chō Eta chhiⁿ ê saⁿ-D bô͘-hêng
Tē-kiû hū-kīn siōng gûi-hiám ê hêng-chhiⁿ sī to̍h chi̍t-lia̍p? Èng-kai sī Lêng-kut-chō Eta chhiⁿ, i sī chi̍t-ê Siang-chhiⁿ-hē-thóng, chha-put-to sī Thài-iông chit-liōng ê chi̍t-pah pōe tōa, lî Tē-kiû ū chi̍t-bān kng-nî hn̄g. Lêng-kut-chō Eta chhiⁿ sī chi̍t-lia̍p tēng-sî chà-tôaⁿ, koh kúi-ā pah-bān nî to̍h ē piàn-chò chhiau-sin-seng po̍k-chà ah, kàu-sî kui-lia̍p Tē-kiû ē chìm tī gûi-hiám ê gamma-kng lāi-té. Chit-lia̍p chhiⁿ tī it-pat-sù-khòng nî-tāi ê sî-chūn bat chhut-miâ kòe, in-ūi hit-chūn i tī lâm-thian piàn chiok kng ê. M̄-koh tī kúi-ā cha̍p nî ê sî-kan lāi-té, i to̍h piàn àm--khì ah. Chit-lia̍p chhiⁿ iáu-bōe po̍k-chà, i iáu chhàng tī Chu-jû-seng-hûn lāi-té. Chu-jû-seng-hûn sī chi̍t-ê kāu-tut-tut, tiùⁿ-tōa ê siang-kiû kiat-kò͘, i to̍h pau tī Siang-chhiⁿ-hē-thóng gōa-kháu. Gián-kiù chit-khoán phùn--chhut-lâi ê mi̍h-kiāⁿ, ē-tàng hō͘ lán liáu-kái kah po̍k-chà ū-koan ê sòaⁿ-soh. Lán chit-má ē-tàng iōng NASA ūi-chhiⁿ thài-khong bōng-oán-kiàⁿ ê koan-chhek chu-liāu, lâi kiàn-kò͘ po̍k-chà ê sī-kak-hòa saⁿ-D hun-pò͘. Tōa-pō͘-hūn ê kiat-kò͘ lóng ē-tàng tī âng-gōa-sòaⁿ, khó-kiàn-kng, kah chí-gōa-kng khòaⁿ--tio̍h. M̄-koh siōng gōa-chân ê khak ū kúi-ā pah-bān tō͘ ê un-tō͘ hiah-nī koân, he kan-na ū-hoat-tō͘ tī X-kng pho-tōaⁿ khòaⁿ--tio̍h.
[KIP] Lán tsit-má tsai-iánn siōng guî-hiám ê hîng-tshinn: Lîng-kut-tsō Eta tshinn ê sann-D bôo-hîng
Tē-kiû hū-kīn siōng guî-hiám ê hîng-tshinn sī to̍h tsi̍t-lia̍p? Ìng-kai sī Lîng-kut-tsō Eta tshinn, i sī tsi̍t-ê Siang-tshinn-hē-thóng, tsha-put-to sī Thài-iông tsit-liōng ê tsi̍t-pah puē tuā, lî Tē-kiû ū tsi̍t-bān kng-nî hn̄g. Lîng-kut-tsō Eta tshinn sī tsi̍t-lia̍p tīng-sî tsà-tuânn, koh kuí-ā pah-bān nî to̍h ē piàn-tsò tshiau-sin-sing po̍k-tsà ah, kàu-sî kui-lia̍p Tē-kiû ē tsìm tī guî-hiám ê gamma-kng lāi-té. Tsit-lia̍p tshinn tī it-pat-sù-khòng nî-tāi ê sî-tsūn bat tshut-miâ kuè, in-uī hit-tsūn i tī lâm-thian piàn tsiok kng ê. M̄-koh tī kuí-ā tsa̍p nî ê sî-kan lāi-té, i to̍h piàn àm--khì ah. Tsit-lia̍p tshinn iáu-buē po̍k-tsà, i iáu tshàng tī Tsu-jû-sing-hûn lāi-té. Tsu-jû-sing-hûn sī tsi̍t-ê kāu-tut-tut, tiùnn-tuā ê siang-kiû kiat-kòo, i to̍h pau tī Siang-tshinn-hē-thóng guā-kháu. Gián-kiù tsit-khuán phùn--tshut-lâi ê mi̍h-kiānn, ē-tàng hōo lán liáu-kái kah po̍k-tsà ū-kuan ê suànn-soh. Lán tsit-má ē-tàng iōng NASA uī-tshinn thài-khong bōng-uán-kiànn ê kuan-tshik tsu-liāu, lâi kiàn-kòo po̍k-tsà ê sī-kak-huà sann-D hun-pòo. Tuā-pōo-hūn ê kiat-kòo lóng ē-tàng tī âng-guā-suànn, khó-kiàn-kng, kah tsí-guā-kng khuànn--tio̍h. M̄-koh siōng guā-tsân ê khak ū kuí-ā pah-bān tōo ê un-tōo hiah-nī kuân, he kan-na ū-huat-tōo tī X-kng pho-tuānn khuànn--tio̍h.
[English] Eta Car: 3D Model of the Most Dangerous Star Known
What's the most dangerous star near earth? Many believe it's Eta Carinae, a binary star system about 100 times the mass of the Sun, just 10,000 light years from earth. Eta Carinae is a ticking time bomb, set to explode as a supernova in only a few million years, when it may bathe the earth in dangerous gamma rays. The star suffered a notorious outburst in the 1840's when it became the brightest star in the southern sky, only to fade to obscurity within decades. The star was not destroyed, but lies hidden behind a thick, expanding, double-lobed structure called the Homunculus which now surrounds the binary. Studies of this ejecta provide forensic clues about the explosion. Using observations from NASA satellites we can now visualize the 3D distribution of the shrapnel, all the way from the infrared, through optical and UV, to the outermost shell of million-degree material, visible only in X-rays.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
龍骨座 η 星 | Lêng-kut-chō Eta chhiⁿ | Lîng-kut-tsō Eta tshinn | 船底座 η | Eta Carinae (Eta Car) |
超新星爆炸 | chhiau-sin-seng po̍k-chà | tshiau-sin-sing po̍k-tsà | 超新星爆炸 | supernova explosion |
侏儒星雲 | Chu-jû-seng-hûn | Tsu-jû-sing-hûn | 侏儒星雲 | Homunculus Nebula |
雙星系統 | Siang-chhiⁿ-hē-thóng | Siang-tshinn-hē-thóng | 雙星系統 | Binary star system |
視覺化 | sī-kak-hòa | sī-kak-huà | 視覺化 | visualize |