19. December 2021
意大利天頂 ê 行星排規排
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Planetary Alignment over Italy
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Antonio Finazzi
- 天文探索 kah 科普教育:支援 APOD ê 博士班學程
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 意大利天頂 ê 行星排規排
行星排規排毋是巧合。 這是因為這寡 行星 leh 踅太陽 ê 軌道 攏 kah 黃道面 差無蓋濟。 你若是 úi 黃道面內底看,就親像 tī 地球面頂 看仝款,所有 ê 行星看起來 to̍h 敢若排做 一排。 毋閣,三粒上光 ê 行星 攏 tī 仝一个方向,這 to̍h 是巧合矣。 這个巧合是這個月初去予翕著 ê。 相片 是 tī 意大利 Chiuduno 市 日頭落山了後翕 ê。 Úi 正爿到倒爿是 金星、土星、木星, 猶閣有 月娘、kah 遠方 ê 天王星 攏 排做一排。 雲 tī 天頂一巡一巡行到 日落 彼搭。 這個月 tī 天頂 ê Leonard 彗星 會愈來愈暗,毋閣你若是拄著無月娘 ê 暗暝,猶是會當 tī 天頂看著這寡行星排規排。
[POJ] Ì-ta-lī thiⁿ-téng ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ pâi kui-pâi
Kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ pâi kui-pâi m̄-sī khá-ha̍p. Che sī in-ūi chit-kóa kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ leh se̍h Thài-iông ê kúi-tō lóng kah n̂g-tō-bīn chha bô gōa-chē. Lí nā-sī úi n̂g-tō-bīn lāi-té khòaⁿ, to̍h chhin-chhiūⁿ tī Tē-kiû bīn-téng khòaⁿ kāng-khoán, só͘-ū ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ khòaⁿ--khí-lâi to̍h ká-ná pâi chò chi̍t-pâi. M̄-koh, saⁿ-lia̍p siōng-kng ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ lóng tī kâng chi̍t-ê hong-hiòng, che to̍h sī khá-ha̍p ah. Chit-ê khá-ha̍p sī chi̍t-ko-goe̍h-chhoe khì hō͘ hip-tio̍h ê. Siòng-phìⁿ sī tī I-tá-lī Chiuduno chhī ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-soaⁿ liáu-āu hip ê. Úi chiàⁿ-pêng kàu tò-pêng sī Kim-chhiⁿ, Thó͘-chhiⁿ, Bo̍k-chhiⁿ, iau-koh-ū goe̍h-niû, kah oán-hong ê Thian-ông-chhiⁿ lóng pâi-chò chi̍t-pâi. Hûn tī thiⁿ-téng chi̍t-sûn-chi̍t-sûn kiâⁿ kàu ji̍t-lo̍h hit-tah. Chi̍t-kò-goe̍h tī thiⁿ-téng ê Leonard hūi-chhiⁿ ē lú-lâi lú-àm, m̄-koh lī nā-sī tú-tio̍h bô goe̍h-niû ê àm-mî, iáu-sī ē-tàng tī thiⁿ-téng khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t-kóa kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ pâi kui-pâi.
[KIP] Ì-ta-lī thinn-tíng ê kiânn-tshinn pâi kui-pâi
Kiânn-tshinn pâi kui-pâi m̄-sī khá-ha̍p. Tse sī in-uī tsit-kuá kiânn-tshinn leh se̍h Thài-iông ê kuí-tō lóng kah n̂g-tō-bīn tsha bô guā-tsē. Lí nā-sī uí n̂g-tō-bīn lāi-té khuànn, to̍h tshin-tshiūnn tī Tē-kiû bīn-tíng khuànn kāng-khuán, sóo-ū ê kiânn-tshinn khuànn--khí-lâi to̍h ká-ná pâi tsò tsi̍t-pâi. M̄-koh, sann-lia̍p siōng-kng ê kiânn-tshinn lóng tī kâng tsi̍t-ê hong-hiòng, tse to̍h sī khá-ha̍p ah. Tsit-ê khá-ha̍p sī tsi̍t-ko-gue̍h-tshue khì hōo hip-tio̍h ê. Siòng-phìnn sī tī I-tá-lī Chiuduno tshī ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-suann liáu-āu hip ê. Uí tsiànn-pîng kàu tò-pîng sī Kim-tshinn, Thóo-tshinn, Bo̍k-tshinn, iau-koh-ū gue̍h-niû, kah uán-hong ê Thian-ông-tshinn lóng pâi-tsò tsi̍t-pâi. Hûn tī thinn-tíng tsi̍t-sûn-tsi̍t-sûn kiânn kàu ji̍t-lo̍h hit-tah. Tsi̍t-kò-gue̍h tī thinn-tíng ê Leonard huī-tshinn ē lú-lâi lú-àm, m̄-koh lī nā-sī tú-tio̍h bô gue̍h-niû ê àm-mî, iáu-sī ē-tàng tī thinn-tíng khuànn-tio̍h tsi̍t-kuá kiânn-tshinn pâi kui-pâi.
[English] Planetary Alignment over Italy
It is not a coincidence that planets line up. That's because all of the planets orbit the Sun in (nearly) a single sheet called the plane of the ecliptic. When viewed from inside that plane -- as Earth dwellers are likely to do -- the planets all appear confined to a single band. It is a coincidence, though, when three of the brightest planets all appear in nearly the same direction. Such a coincidence was captured earlier this month. Featured above (right to left), Venus, Saturn, and Jupiter were all imaged together in a line just after sunset, from Chiuduno, Italy. Joining the alignment are Earth's Moon, and the position of the more distant Uranus. Bands of clouds streak across the sky toward the setting Sun. As Comet Leonard fades, this planetary alignment -- absent the Moon -- should persist for the rest of the month.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
黃道面 | n̂g-tō-bīn | n̂g-tō-bīn | 黃道面 | ecliptic |