26. November 2021
大屈折望遠鏡 kah 月食
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Great Refractor and Lunar Eclipse
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Laurie Hatch
- 投稿到 APOD:2021 年 11 月 19 ê 月食相片
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 大屈折望遠鏡 kah 月食
11 月 19 這工,烏雲走--了後,Lick 天文台 36 吋 大屈折望遠鏡 ê 圓厝頂 to̍h 拍開矣! 這个有年歲 ê 望遠鏡 tī 這个時陣指向天頂 ê 偏食月。 為著欲予天文學家 tī 暗時看有、控制望遠鏡、kah 看清楚座標盤,天文台拍開較暗 ê 紅光,煞 kā 57 英尺長 ê 望遠鏡筒攏翕--入來,產生這張光暗分明 ê 相片。 這擺 ê 月偏食會使講是 99 葩 ê 月全食。 Tī 望遠鏡筒 kah 圓厝頂 ê 窗仔面頂 ê 月娘,tī 食甚階段了後,是愈來愈光。 食甚 就是月娘去予地球閘上濟 ê 時陣。 月光迵過薄雲,產生這个彩色 ê 月暈。 Ùi 拍開 ê 圓厝頂看--出去,天頂較清較明 ê 所在有 昴宿星團,差不多離 月球 kah 地球烏影 有 5 度遠。
[POJ] Tōa-khut-chiat bōng-oán-kiàⁿ kah Goe̍h-si̍t
Cha̍p-it goe̍h cha̍p-káu chit-kang, o͘-hûn cháu--liáu-āu, Lick Thian-bûn-tâi saⁿ-cha̍p-la̍k chhun Tōa-khut-chiat bōng-oán-kiàⁿ ê îⁿ-chhù-téng to̍h phah-khui ah! Chit-ê ū nî-hòe ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ tī chit-ê sî-chūn chí-hiòng thiⁿ-téng ê phian-si̍t-goe̍h. Ūi-tio̍h beh hō͘ thian-bûn-ha̍k-ka tī àm-sî khòaⁿ-ū, khòng-chè bōng-oán-kiàⁿ, kah khòaⁿ-chheng-chhó chō-piau-pôaⁿ, thian-bûn-tâi phah-khui khah-àm ê âng-kng, soah kā gō͘-cha̍p-chhit eng-chhioh tn̂g ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ-tâng lóng hip--ji̍p-lâi, sán-seng chit-tiuⁿ kng-àm hun-bêng ê siòng-phìⁿ. Chit-pái ê goe̍h-phian-si̍t ē-sái-kóng sī káu-cha̍p-káu pha ê goe̍h-choân-si̍t. Tī bōng-oán-kiàⁿ-tâng kah îⁿ-chhù-téng ê thang-á bīn-téng ê goe̍h-niû, tī Si̍t-sīm kai-tōaⁿ liáu-āu, sī lú-lâi-lú-kng. Si̍t-sīm to̍h-sī goe̍h-niû khì hō͘ Tē-kiû cha̍h siōng-chōe ê sî-chūn. Goe̍h-kng thàng-kòe po̍h-hûn, sán-seng chit-ê chhái-sek ê goe̍h-n̄g. Ùi phah-khui ê îⁿ-chhù-téng khòaⁿ--chhut-khì, thiⁿ-téng khah-chheng khah-bêng ê só͘-chāi ū Báu-siù-seng-thoân, chha-put-to lî Goe̍h-kiû kah Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ ū gō͘ tō͘ hn̄g.
[KIP] Tuā-khut-tsiat bōng-uán-kiànn kah Gue̍h-si̍t
Tsa̍p-it gue̍h tsa̍p-káu tsit-kang, oo-hûn tsáu--liáu-āu, Lick Thian-bûn-tâi sann-tsa̍p-la̍k tshun Tuā-khut-tsiat bōng-uán-kiànn ê înn-tshù-tíng to̍h phah-khui ah! Tsit-ê ū nî-huè ê bōng-uán-kiànn tī tsit-ê sî-tsūn tsí-hiòng thinn-tíng ê phian-si̍t-gue̍h. Uī-tio̍h beh hōo thian-bûn-ha̍k-ka tī àm-sî khuànn-ū, khòng-tsè bōng-uán-kiànn, kah khuànn-tshing-tshó tsō-piau-puânn, thian-bûn-tâi phah-khui khah-àm ê âng-kng, suah kā gōo-tsa̍p-tshit ing-tshioh tn̂g ê bōng-uán-kiànn-tâng lóng hip--ji̍p-lâi, sán-sing tsit-tiunn kng-àm hun-bîng ê siòng-phìnn. Tsit-pái ê gue̍h-phian-si̍t ē-sái-kóng sī káu-tsa̍p-káu pha ê gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t. Tī bōng-uán-kiànn-tâng kah înn-tshù-tíng ê thang-á bīn-tíng ê gue̍h-niû, tī Si̍t-sīm kai-tuānn liáu-āu, sī lú-lâi-lú-kng. Si̍t-sīm to̍h-sī gue̍h-niû khì hōo Tē-kiû tsa̍h siōng-tsuē ê sî-tsūn. Gue̍h-kng thàng-kuè po̍h-hûn, sán-sing tsit-ê tshái-sik ê gue̍h-n̄g. Uì phah-khui ê înn-tshù-tíng khuànn--tshut-khì, thinn-tíng khah-tshing khah-bîng ê sóo-tsāi ū Báu-siù-sing-thuân, tsha-put-to lî Gue̍h-kiû kah Tē-kiû oo-iánn ū gōo tōo hn̄g.
[English] Great Refractor and Lunar Eclipse
Rain clouds passed and the dome of the Lick Observatory's 36 inch Great Refractor opened on November 19. The historic telescope was pointed toward a partially eclipsed Moon. Illuminated by dim red lighting to preserve an astronomer's night vision, telescope controls, coordinate dials, and the refractor's 57 foot long barrel were captured in this high dynamic range image. Visible beyond the foreshortened barrel and dome slit, growing brighter after its almost total eclipse phase, the lunar disk created a colorful halo through lingering clouds. From the open dome, the view of the clearing sky above includes the Pleiades star cluster about 5 degrees from Moon and Earth's shadow.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
大屈折望遠鏡 | Tōa-khut-chiat bōng-oán-kiàⁿ | Tuā-khut-tsiat bōng-uán-kiànn | 大折射望遠鏡 | Great Refractor |
屈折式望遠鏡 | khut-chiat-sek bōng-oán-kiàⁿ | khut-tsiat-sik bōng-uán-kiànn | 折射式望遠鏡 | refractor telescope |
偏食月 | phian-si̍t-goe̍h | phian-si̍t-gue̍h | 偏食月 | partially eclipsed Moon |
月偏食 | goe̍h-phian-si̍t | gue̍h-phian-si̍t | 月偏食 | partial lunar eclipse |
月全食 | goe̍h-choân-si̍t | gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t | 月全食 | total lunar eclipse |
昴宿星團 | Báu-siù-seng-thoân | Báu-siù-sing-thuân | 昴宿星團 | Pleiades star cluster |
圓厝頂 | îⁿ-chhù-téng | înn-tshù-tíng | 圓頂 | dome |
食甚 | Si̍t-sīm | Si̍t-sīm | 食甚 | maximum eclipse |
座標盤 | chō-piau-pôaⁿ | tsō-piau-puânn | 座標盤 | coordinate dials |
月暈 | goe̍h-n̄g | gue̍h-n̄g | 月暈 | lunar halo |