地球烏影 ê 交界


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 地球烏影 ê 交界

地球 ê 中央烏影,嘛叫做本影,是圓 ê。 Tī 天頂若是倚地球愈近,這个圓 ê 烏影 to̍h 愈大,若離地球愈遠,這个圓 ê 烏影 to̍h 愈細。 若是 tī 月球軌道 ê 所在,這个烏影是比月球較大。 毋閣 tī 11 月 18/19 ê 月食,有一屑屑仔 ê 月娘留 tī 本影 ê 外口。 這張相片是 tī 1.5 點鐘 ê 時間內底,kā 這擺 99 葩 ê 月全食 翕著 ê 5 張相片疊做一張 ê。 這个系列是 kā 月食 按照 去予地球 圓形 烏影閘著 ê 部份排好勢。 上中央彼張是「食甚」,就是「食」發生上濟 ê 時陣。 你會當看著月娘 tī 地球烏影外口猶是遮爾光,敢若是一个薄薄 ê 銀盤。 是講,tī 地球烏影內底 ê 月球嘛毋是全烏 ê,你猶是會當看著紅色 ê 反射光,這是 一部份色光 ê 太陽光 去予地球大氣層 kā 散射到 地球烏影區,才產生這款現象。

[POJ] Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ ê kau-kài

Tē-kiû ê tiong-ng o͘-iáⁿ, mā kiò-chò Pún-iáⁿ, sī îⁿ ê. Tī thiⁿ-téng nā-sī óa Tē-kiû lú-kīn, chit-ê îⁿ ê o͘-iáⁿ to̍h lú-tōa, nā lî Tē-kiû lú-hn̄g, chit-ê îⁿ ê o͘-iáⁿ to̍h lú-sè. Nā-sī tī Goe̍h-kiû kúi-tō ê só͘-chāi, chit-ê o͘-iáⁿ sī pí Goe̍h-kiû khah-tōa. M̄-koh tī cha̍p-it goe̍h cha̍p-peh cha̍p-káu ê Goe̍h-si̍t, ū chi̍t-sut-sut-á ê Goe̍h-kiû lâu tī Pún-iáⁿ ê gōa-kháu. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī tī it-tiám-gō͘ tiám-cheng ê sî-kan lāi-té, kā chit-pâi káu-tsa̍p-káu pha ê Goe̍h-choân-si̍t hip-tio̍h ê gō͘-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ tha̍h chò chi̍t-tiuⁿ ê. Chit-ê hē-lia̍t siòng-phìⁿ sī kā Goe̍h-si̍t àn-chiàu khì hō͘ Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ cha̍h-tio̍h ê pō͘-hūn pâi hó-sè. Siōng tiong-ng hit-tiuⁿ sī "Si̍t-sīm", to̍h sī "Si̍t" hoat-seng ê sî-chūn. Lí ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h Goe̍h-niû tī Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ gōa-kháu iáu-sī chiah-nī kng, ká-ná sī chi̍t-ê po̍h-po̍h ê gîn-pôaⁿ. Sī-kóng, tī Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ lāi-té ê Goe̍h-kiû mā m̄-sī choân-o͘ ê, lí iáu-sī ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h âng-sek ê hoán-siā-kng, che sī chi̍t-pō͘-hūn se̍k-kng ê thài-iông-kng khì hō͘ Tē-kiû tōa-khì kā sàn-siā kàu Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ-khu, chiah sán-seng chit-khoán hiān-siōng.

[KIP] Tē-kiû oo-iánn ê kau-kài

Tē-kiû ê tiong-ng oo-iánn, mā kiò-tsò Pún-iánn, sī înn ê. Tī thinn-tíng nā-sī uá Tē-kiû lú-kīn, tsit-ê înn ê oo-iánn to̍h lú-tuā, nā lî Tē-kiû lú-hn̄g, tsit-ê înn ê oo-iánn to̍h lú-sè. Nā-sī tī Gue̍h-kiû kuí-tō ê sóo-tsāi, tsit-ê oo-iánn sī pí Gue̍h-kiû khah-tuā. M̄-koh tī tsa̍p-it gue̍h tsa̍p-peh tsa̍p-káu ê Gue̍h-si̍t, ū tsi̍t-sut-sut-á ê Gue̍h-kiû lâu tī Pún-iánn ê guā-kháu. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī tī it-tiám-gōo tiám-tsing ê sî-kan lāi-té, kā tsit-pâi káu-tsa̍p-káu pha ê Gue̍h-tsuân-si̍t hip-tio̍h ê gōo-tiunn siòng-phìnn tha̍h tsò tsi̍t-tiunn ê. Tsit-ê hē-lia̍t siòng-phìnn sī kā Gue̍h-si̍t àn-tsiàu khì hōo Tē-kiû oo-iánn tsa̍h-tio̍h ê pōo-hūn pâi hó-sè. Siōng tiong-ng hit-tiunn sī "Si̍t-sīm", to̍h sī "Si̍t" huat-sing ê sî-tsūn. Lí ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h Gue̍h-niû tī Tē-kiû oo-iánn guā-kháu iáu-sī tsiah-nī kng, ká-ná sī tsi̍t-ê po̍h-po̍h ê gîn-puânn. Sī-kóng, tī Tē-kiû oo-iánn lāi-té ê Gue̍h-kiû mā m̄-sī tsuân-oo ê, lí iáu-sī ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h âng-sik ê huán-siā-kng, tse sī tsi̍t-pōo-hūn si̍k-kng ê thài-iông-kng khì hōo Tē-kiû tuā-khì kā sàn-siā kàu Tē-kiû oo-iánn-khu, tsiah sán-sing tsit-khuán hiān-siōng.

[English] At the Shadow's Edge

Shaped like a cone tapering into space, the Earth's dark central shadow or umbra has a circular cross-section. It's wider than the Moon at the distance of the Moon's orbit though. But during the lunar eclipse of November 18/19, part of the Moon remained just outside the umbral shadow. The successive pictures in this composite of 5 images from that almost total lunar eclipse were taken over a period of about 1.5 hours. The series is aligned to trace part of the cross-section's circular arc, with the central image at maximum eclipse. It shows a bright, thin sliver of the lunar disk still beyond the shadow's curved edge. Of course, even within the shadow the Moon's surface is not completely dark, reflecting the reddish hues of filtered sunlight scattered into the shadow by Earth's atmosphere.


月全食Goe̍h-choân-si̍tGue̍h-tsuân-si̍t月全食total lunar eclipse
食甚Si̍t-sīmSi̍t-sīm食甚maximum eclipse

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昨昏 ê 圖:昴宿星團:七姊妹仔星團 明仔載 ê 圖:大屈折望遠鏡 kah 月食