摩天大樓面頂 ê 月食


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 摩天大樓面頂 ê 月食

月娘哪會拄仔好 tī 這棟大樓面頂? 當然是 計畫好勢 ê! 天文攝影師是真細膩 leh 計畫這个畫面。 愛 知影 tī 佗位囥 kha-mé-lah,嘛愛知影當時翕這張相,才有法度產生這个 使人讚嘆 ê 畫面。 這張相片是 tī 11 月 19 透早,月偏食 發生上濟 ê 時陣翕 ê。 月食 to̍h 是 月球行過地球烏影 彼陣發生 ê 現象。 這个時陣,差不多有 99.1 葩 ê 月娘 行到 地球 ê 烏影區,嘛是月球上暗 ê 時陣。 這棟大樓是 智利 ê 大 Santiago 塔,是 南美洲 上懸 ê 大樓。 這擺 ê 月食 攏總有 6 點鐘遐爾久,毋閣這張相片愛 tī 幾若秒鐘內底翕出來,因為 地球 足緊 to̍h 會離開大樓面頂矣。 後一擺 ê 「食」會是 日全食,tī 12 月 4 號,毋閣 愛 tī 地球尻川尾才看有

[POJ] Mô͘-thian-tōa-lâu bīn-téng ê Goe̍h-si̍t

Goe̍h-niû ná-ē tú-á-hó tī chit-tòng tōa-lâu bīn-téng? Tong-jiân sī kè-ōe hó-sè ê! Thian-bûn liap-iáⁿ-su sī chin sè-lī leh kè-ōe chit-ê ōe-bīn. Ài chai-iáⁿ tī tó-ūi khǹg kha-mé-lah, mā ài chai-iáⁿ tang-sî hip chit-tiuⁿ siòng, chiah-ū hoat-tō͘ sán-seng chit-ê sú-lâng chàn-thàn ê ōe-bīn. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī tī cha̍p-it goe̍h cha̍p-káu thàu-chá, goe̍h-phian-si̍t hoat-seng siōng-chōe ê sî-chūn hip ê. Goe̍h-si̍t to̍h sī Goe̍h-kiû kiâⁿ-kòe Tē-kiû o͘-iáⁿ hit-chūn hoat-seng ê hiān-siōng. Chit-ê sî-chūn, chha-put-to ū káu-cha̍p-káu-tiám-it pha ê Goe̍h-niû kiâⁿ-kàu Tē-kiû ê o͘-iáⁿ-khu, mā-sī Goe̍h-kiû siōng-àm ê sî-chūn. Chit-tòng tōa-lâu sī Tì-lī ê Tōa Santiago tha̍h, sī Lâm-bí-chiu siōng-koân ê tōa-lâu. Chit-pái ê Goe̍h-si̍t lóng-chóng ū la̍k tiám-cheng hiah-nī kú, m̄-koh chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ ài tī kúi-ā bió-cheng lāi-té hip chhut-lâi, in-ūi Tē-kiû chiok-kín to̍h ē lī-khui tōa-lâu bīn-téng ah. Āu-chi̍t-pái ê "Si̍t" ē sī ji̍t-choân-si̍t, tī cha̍p-jī goe̍h sì hō, m̄-koh ài tī Tē-kiû kha-chhng-bóe chiah khòaⁿ-ū.

[KIP] Môo-thian-tuā-lâu bīn-tíng ê Gue̍h-si̍t

Gue̍h-niû ná-ē tú-á-hó tī tsit-tòng tuā-lâu bīn-tíng? Tong-jiân sī kè-uē hó-sè ê! Thian-bûn liap-iánn-su sī tsin sè-lī leh kè-uē tsit-ê uē-bīn. Ài tsai-iánn tī tó-uī khǹg kha-mé-lah, mā ài tsai-iánn tang-sî hip tsit-tiunn siòng, tsiah-ū huat-tōo sán-sing tsit-ê sú-lâng tsàn-thàn ê uē-bīn. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī tī tsa̍p-it gue̍h tsa̍p-káu thàu-tsá, gue̍h-phian-si̍t huat-sing siōng-tsuē ê sî-tsūn hip ê. Gue̍h-si̍t to̍h sī Gue̍h-kiû kiânn-kuè Tē-kiû oo-iánn hit-tsūn huat-sing ê hiān-siōng. Tsit-ê sî-tsūn, tsha-put-to ū káu-tsa̍p-káu-tiám-it pha ê Gue̍h-niû kiânn-kàu Tē-kiû ê oo-iánn-khu, mā-sī Gue̍h-kiû siōng-àm ê sî-tsūn. Tsit-tòng tuā-lâu sī Tì-lī ê Tuā Santiago tha̍h, sī Lâm-bí-tsiu siōng-kuân ê tuā-lâu. Tsit-pái ê Gue̍h-si̍t lóng-tsóng ū la̍k tiám-tsing hiah-nī kú, m̄-koh tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn ài tī kuí-ā bió-tsing lāi-té hip tshut-lâi, in-uī Tē-kiû tsiok-kín to̍h ē lī-khui tuā-lâu bīn-tíng ah. Āu-tsi̍t-pái ê "Si̍t" ē sī ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t, tī tsa̍p-jī gue̍h sì hō, m̄-koh ài tī Tē-kiû kha-tshng-bué tsiah khuànn-ū.

[English] Lunar Eclipse over a Skyscraper

Why is the Moon on top of this building? Planning. It took the astrophotographer careful planning -- including figuring out exactly where to place the camera and exactly when to take the shot -- to create this striking superposition. The single image featured was taken in the early morning hours of November 19, near the peak of the partial lunar eclipse that was occurring as the Moon passed through the Earth's shadow. At this time, almost the entire Moon -- 99.1 percent of its area -- was in the darkest part of the Earth's shadow. The building is the Gran Torre Santiago building in Chile, the tallest building in South America. Although the entire eclipse lasted an impressive six hours, this image had to be taken within just a few seconds to get the alignment right -- the Earth's rotation soon moved the building out of alignment. The next Earth-Moon eclipse will be a total eclipse of the Sun that will occur on December 4 -- but only be visible from the bottom of our world.


月食goe̍h-si̍tgue̍h-si̍t月食lunar eclipse
月偏食goe̍h-phian-si̍tgue̍h-phian-si̍t月偏食partial lunar eclipse
日食ji̍t-si̍tji̍t-si̍t日食solar eclipse
日全食ji̍t-choân-si̍tji̍t-tsuân-si̍t日全食total solar eclipse

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