這寡太空影像攏是假 ê,干焦一張是真 ê


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 這寡太空影像攏是假 ê,干焦一張是真 ê

咱敢需要一个假 ê 宇宙? 嘛是有需要啦!為著欲予咱閣較了解 咱真正 ê 宇宙。 有足濟 天文計畫 想欲了解咱宇宙 ê 性質,所以 to̍h 開始利用 機器人望遠鏡 tī 暗暝翕連紲 ê 影像。 紲落來有較複雜 ê 電腦演算法 會處理這寡數位影像,揣看有 恆星 kah 星系 無,才閣來量 in ê 性質。 為著欲校正這寡演算法,in tī 假 ê 宇宙 內底試驗 假 ê 影像,看是毋是會當揣出這寡刁故意做記號 ê 影像。 這張拼接圖 內底 假影 ê 圖,是學 NASA 逐工一幅天文圖 (APOD) 內底 ê 影像。 是講這 225 張影像內底干焦一張是真 ê,毋知你敢揣 有? In 已經成功產生假 ê APOD 相片,嘛已經 tī 「這毋是 APOD」ê 網站 kah Twitter 發表矣。 實際上,會當幫贊咱校正資料、了解較遠 ê 宇宙天體 ê,是這寡假 ê 星系。 你會當 tī 這个 「這毋是星系」ê 網站 看著一寡仔。

[POJ] Chit-kóa thài-khong-iáⁿ-siōng lóng sī ké ê, kan-na chit-tiuⁿ sī chin ê

Lán kám su-iàu chi̍t-ê ké ê ú-tiū? Mā-sī ū su-iàu la̍h! Ūi-tio̍h beh hō͘ lán koh-khah liáu-kái lán chin-chiàⁿ ê ú-tiū. Ū chiok-chōe thian-bûn kè-ōe siūⁿ-beh liáu-kái lán ú-tiū ê sèng-chit, só͘-í to̍h khai-sí lī-iōng ke-khì-lâng bōng-oán-kiàⁿ tī àm-mî hip liân-sòa ê iáⁿ-siōng. Sòa-lo̍h-lâi ū khah ho̍k-cha̍p ê tiān-náu ián-soàn-hoat ē chhú-lí chit-kóa só͘-ūi iáⁿ-siōng, chhōe khòaⁿ ū hêng-chhiⁿ kah seng-hē bô, chiah koh lâi niû in ê sèng-chit. Ūi-tio̍h beh kàu-chèng chit-kóa ián-soàn-hoat, in tī ké--ê ú-tiū lāi-té chhì-giām ké--ê iáⁿ-siōng, khòaⁿ sī-m̄-sī ē-tàng chhōe-chhut chit-kóa tiau-kò͘-ì chò kì-hō ê iáⁿ-siōng. Chit-tiuⁿ pheng-chiap-tô͘ lāi-té ké-iáⁿ ê tô͘, sī o̍h NASA ta̍k-kang chi̍t-pak-thian-bûn-tô͘ (APOD) lāi-té ê iáⁿ-siōng. Sī kóng che nn̄g-pah-jī-cha̍p-gō͘ tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng lāi-té kan-na chi̍t-tiuⁿ sī chin ê, m̄-chai lí kám chhōe i ū? In í-keng sêng-kong sán-seng ké--ê APOD siòng-phìⁿ, mā í-keng tī "Che m̄-sī APOD" ê bāng-chām kah Twitter hoat-piáu ah. Si̍t-chè-siōng, ē-tàng pang-chān lán kàu-chèng chu-liāu, liáu-kái khah-hn̄g ê ú-tiū thian-thé ê, sī chit-kóa ké--ê seng-hē. Lí ē-tàng tī chit-ê "Che m̄-sī seng-hē" ê bāng-chām khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t-kóa-á.

[KIP] Tsit-kuá thài-khong-iánn-siōng lóng sī ké ê, kan-na tsit-tiunn sī tsin ê

Lán kám su-iàu tsi̍t-ê ké ê ú-tiū? Mā-sī ū su-iàu la̍h! Uī-tio̍h beh hōo lán koh-khah liáu-kái lán tsin-tsiànn ê ú-tiū. Ū tsiok-tsuē thian-bûn kè-uē siūnn-beh liáu-kái lán ú-tiū ê sìng-tsit, sóo-í to̍h khai-sí lī-iōng ke-khì-lâng bōng-uán-kiànn tī àm-mî hip liân-suà ê iánn-siōng. Suà-lo̍h-lâi ū khah ho̍k-tsa̍p ê tiān-náu ián-suàn-huat ē tshú-lí tsit-kuá sóo-uī iánn-siōng, tshuē khuànn ū hîng-tshinn kah sing-hē bô, tsiah koh lâi niû in ê sìng-tsit. Uī-tio̍h beh kàu-tsìng tsit-kuá ián-suàn-huat, in tī ké--ê ú-tiū lāi-té tshì-giām ké--ê iánn-siōng, khuànn sī-m̄-sī ē-tàng tshuē-tshut tsit-kuá tiau-kòo-ì tsò kì-hō ê iánn-siōng. Tsit-tiunn phing-tsiap-tôo lāi-té ké-iánn ê tôo, sī o̍h NASA ta̍k-kang tsi̍t-pak-thian-bûn-tôo (APOD) lāi-té ê iánn-siōng. Sī kóng tse nn̄g-pah-jī-tsa̍p-gōo tiunn iánn-siōng lāi-té kan-na tsi̍t-tiunn sī tsin ê, m̄-tsai lí kám tshuē i ū? In í-king sîng-kong sán-sing ké--ê APOD siòng-phìnn, mā í-king tī "Tse m̄-sī APOD" ê bāng-tsām kah Twitter huat-piáu ah. Si̍t-tsè-siōng, ē-tàng pang-tsān lán kàu-tsìng tsu-liāu, liáu-kái khah-hn̄g ê ú-tiū thian-thé ê, sī tsit-kuá ké--ê sing-hē. Lí ē-tàng tī tsit-ê "Tse m̄-sī sing-hē" ê bāng-tsām khuànn-tio̍h tsi̍t-kuá-á.

[English] All of These Space Images are Fake Except One

Why would you want to fake a universe? For one reason -- to better understand our real universe. Many astronomical projects seeking to learn properties of our universe now start with a robotic telescope taking sequential images of the night sky. Next, sophisticated computer algorithms crunch these digital images to find stars and galaxies and measure their properties. To calibrate these algorithms, it is useful to test them on fake images from a fake universe to see if the algorithms can correctly deduce purposely imprinted properties. The featured mosaic of fake images was created to specifically mimic the images that have appeared on NASA's Astronomy Picture of the Day (APOD). Only one image of the 225 images is real -- can you find it? The accomplished deceptors have made available individual fake APOD images that can be displayed by accessing their ThisIsNotAnAPOD webpage or Twitter feed. More useful for calibrating and understanding our distant universe, however, are fake galaxies -- a sampling of which can be seen at their ThisIsNotAGalaxy webpage.



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