轉踅 ê 木星

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 轉踅 ê 木星

咱來看咱太陽系 上大粒行星 leh 轉踅 ê 美麗模樣。 木星神祕 ê 大氣有足濟趣味 ê 特徵,比論講 暗帶 kah 光區,咱會當用較濟時間來 kā 伊了解一下。 咱若是 tùi 伊斟酌 kā 看,to̍h 會當發現中央雲帶 踅 ê 速度,比雙極 ê 雲 有小可仔較緊淡薄仔。 上有名 ê 大紅斑 上開始是看無,毋閣那踅伊 to̍h 出現矣。 一寡 較細 ê 風暴系統 有當時仔嘛會出現。 木星 遮爾大粒,伊踅一輾干焦愛開 10 點鐘爾爾。 毋閣咱 ê 地球 遮爾細粒,煞愛開 24 點鐘才會完成一改 ê 自轉。 這个懸解析度 ê 縮時攝影影片 是 這個月初 tī 法國 巴黎 一間公寓 ê 露台,用中尺度望遠鏡 開 5 暝 ê 時間翕 ê。 水素 氣體 kah 氣 是無色 ê,是這寡元素 組成木星大部份 ê 大氣。 所以 木星雲 ê 色彩 是佗一寡微量元素造成 ê,to̍h 變做是一个研究主題。

[POJ] Tńg-se̍h ê Bo̍k-chhiⁿ

Lán lâi khòaⁿ lán Thài-iông-hē siōng-tōa-lia̍p kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ leh tńg-se̍h ê bí-lē bô͘-iūⁿ. Bo̍k-chhiⁿ sîn-pì ê tōa-khì ū chiok-chōe chhù-bī ê te̍k-teng, pí-lūn-kóng àm-tòa kah kng-khu, lán ē-tàng iōng khah-chōe sî-kan lâi kā i liáu-kái chi̍t-ē. Lán nâ-sek tùi i chim-chiok kā khòaⁿ, to̍h ē-tàng hoat-hiān tiong-ng hûn-tòa se̍h ê sok-tō͘, pí siang-ke̍k ê hûn ū sió-khóa-á khah-kín tām-po̍h-á. Siōng ū-miâ ê Tōa-âng-pan siōng khai-sí sī khòaⁿ-bô, m̄-koh ná-se̍h i to̍h chhut-hiān ah. Chi̍t-kóa khah-sè ê hong-pō hē-thóng ū-tang-sî-á mā-ē chhut-hiān. Bo̍k-chhiⁿ chiah-nī tōa-lia̍p, i se̍h chi̍t-liàn kan-na ài khai cha̍p tiám-cheng niā-niā. M̄-koh lán ê Tē-kiû chiah-nī sè-lia̍p, soah ài khai jī-cha̍p-sì tiám-cheng chiah-ē oân-sêng chi̍t-kái ê chū-choán. Chit-ê koân-kái-sek-tō͘ ê sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ iáⁿ-phìⁿ sī chi̍t-ko-goe̍h-chhoe tī Hoat-kok Pa-lê chi̍t-keng kong-gū ê lō͘-tâi, iōng tiong-chhioh-tō͘ bōng-oán-kiàⁿ khai gō͘-mî ê sî-kan hip ê. Chúi-sò͘ khì-thé kah hāi-khì sī bô-se̍k ê, sī chit-kóa goân-sò͘ cho͘-sêng Bo̍k-chhiⁿ tōa-pō͘-hūn ê tōa-khì. Só͘-í Bo̍k-chhiⁿ-hûn ê sek-chhái sī tó chi̍t-kóa bî-liōng-goân-sò͘ chō-sêng ê, to̍h piàn-chò sī chi̍t-ê gián-kiù chú-tê.

[KIP] Tńg-se̍h ê Bo̍k-tshinn

Lán lâi khuànn lán Thài-iông-hē siōng-tuā-lia̍p kiânn-tshinn leh tńg-se̍h ê bí-lē bôo-iūnn. Bo̍k-tshinn sîn-pì ê tuā-khì ū tsiok-tsuē tshù-bī ê ti̍k-ting, pí-lūn-kóng àm-tuà kah kng-khu, lán ē-tàng iōng khah-tsuē sî-kan lâi kā i liáu-kái tsi̍t-ē. Lán nâ-sik tuì i tsim-tsiok kā khuànn, to̍h ē-tàng huat-hiān tiong-ng hûn-tuà se̍h ê sok-tōo, pí siang-ki̍k ê hûn ū sió-khuá-á khah-kín tām-po̍h-á. Siōng ū-miâ ê Tuā-âng-pan siōng khai-sí sī khuànn-bô, m̄-koh ná-se̍h i to̍h tshut-hiān ah. Tsi̍t-kuá khah-sè ê hong-pō hē-thóng ū-tang-sî-á mā-ē tshut-hiān. Bo̍k-tshinn tsiah-nī tuā-lia̍p, i se̍h tsi̍t-liàn kan-na ài khai tsa̍p tiám-tsing niā-niā. M̄-koh lán ê Tē-kiû tsiah-nī sè-lia̍p, suah ài khai jī-tsa̍p-sì tiám-tsing tsiah-ē uân-sîng tsi̍t-kái ê tsū-tsuán. Tsit-ê kuân-kái-sik-tōo ê sok-sî-liap-iánn iánn-phìnn sī tsi̍t-ko-gue̍h-tshue tī Huat-kok Pa-lê tsi̍t-king kong-gū ê lōo-tâi, iōng tiong-tshioh-tōo bōng-uán-kiànn khai gōo-mî ê sî-kan hip ê. Tsuí-sòo khì-thé kah hāi-khì sī bô-si̍k ê, sī tsit-kuá guân-sòo tsoo-sîng Bo̍k-tshinn tuā-pōo-hūn ê tuā-khì. Sóo-í Bo̍k-tshinn-hûn ê sik-tshái sī tó tsi̍t-kuá bî-liōng-guân-sòo tsō-sîng ê, to̍h piàn-tsò sī tsi̍t-ê gián-kiù tsú-tê.

[English] Jupiter Rotates

Observe the graceful twirl of our Solar System's largest planet. Many interesting features of Jupiter's enigmatic atmosphere, including dark belts and light zones, can be followed in detail. A careful inspection will reveal that central clouds rotate slightly faster than clouds toward the poles. The famous Great Red Spot is not visible at first -- but soon rotates into view. Other smaller storm systems occasionally appear. As large as Jupiter is, it rotates in only 10 hours. Our small Earth, by comparison, takes 24 hours to complete a spin cycle. The featured high-resolution time-lapse video was captured over five nights earlier this month by a mid-sized telescope on an apartment balcony in Paris, France. Since hydrogen and helium gas are colorless, and those elements compose most of Jupiter's expansive atmosphere, what trace elements create the observed colors of Jupiter's clouds remains a topic of research.


大紅斑Tōa-âng-panTuā-âng-pan大紅斑the Great Red Spot
微量元素bî-liōng-goân-sò͘bî-liōng-guân-sòo微量元素trace element
懸解析度koân-kái-sek-tō͘kuân-kái-sik-tōo高解析度high resolution

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