Sicily 島天頂 去予地光反照 ê 月娘


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] Sicily 島天頂 去予地光反照 ê 月娘

是按怎咱有法度看著規粒月娘? 月娘 tī 月眉相彼陣,干焦一部份直接去予 太陽 照著。 賰 ê 部份會發光,是因為 地球光 ê 反照。 這嘛叫做 地光,抑是 da Vinci ê 光。 這是因為太陽照著地球 ê 光,反射到 月球無去予太陽照著 ê 彼爿。 Tùi 地球來講,月球若是 tī 月眉相附近,to̍h 表示這陣 tùi 月球 來講,地球是 giōng-欲 倚 月圓相。 這陣 ê 地光 to̍h 差不多是上光 ê 時陣。 這張相片是 kā 這個月初用 HDR 連紲翕 ê 影像疊做伙 ê。 內底有沓沓仔 peh-懸 ê 月娘,寬寬仔行過 金星,to̍h 是相片中央上光彼粒。 金星面頂有 房宿三(予編做 蠍仔座 δ)。 Tī 上倒爿彼粒紅色恆星是 心宿二。 這个 天體-sió to̍h tī 雲頂演出。 前景是 Palazzolo Acreide 市 ê 燈火,是 tī 意大利 Sicily 島 面頂一个有 久長歷史根源 ê 城市

[POJ] Sicily tó thiⁿ-téng khì hō͘ Tē-kng hoán-chiò ê Goe̍h-niû

Sī án-ná lán ū-hoat-tō͘ khòaⁿ-tio̍h kui-lia̍p goe̍h-niû? Goe̍h-niû tī goe̍h-bâi-siòng hit-chūn, kan-na chi̍t-pō͘-hūn ti̍t-chiap khì hō͘ thài-iông chiò--tio̍h. Chhun ê pō͘-hūn ē hoat-kng, sī in-ūi Tē-kiû-kng ê hoán-chiò. Che mā kiò-chò Tē-kng, iah-sī da Vinci ê kng. Che sī in-ūi Thài-iông chiò-tio̍h Tē-kiû ê kng, hoán-siā kàu Goe̍h-kiû bô khì hō͘ Thài-iông chiò--tio̍h ê hit-pêng. Tùi Tē-kiû lâi-kóng, Goe̍h-kiû nā-sī tī goe̍h-bâi-siòng hū-kīn, to̍h piáu-sī chit-chūn tùi Goe̍h-kiû lâi-kóng, Tē-kiû sī giōng-beh óa goe̍h-îⁿ-siòng. Chit-chūn ê Tē-kng to̍h chha-put-to sī siōng-kng ê sî-chūn. Chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ sī kā chit-ko-goe̍h-chhoe iōng HDR liân-sòa hip ê iáⁿ-siōng tha̍h-chòe-hóe ê. Lāi-té ū tau̍h-tau̍h-á peh-koân ê Goe̍h-niû, khoan-khoan-á kiâⁿ-kòe Kim-chhiⁿ, to̍h sī siòng-phìⁿ tiong-ng siōng-kng hit-lia̍p. Kim-chhiⁿ bīn-téng ū Pâng-siù-sam (hō͘ pian-chò Giat-á-chō δ). Tī siōng tò-pêng hit-lia̍p âng-sek hêng-chhiⁿ sī Sim-siù-jī. Chit-ê thian-thé-sió to̍h tī hûn-téng ián-chhut. Chiân-kéng sī Palazzolo Acreide chhī ê teng-hóe, sī tī I-tá-lì Sicily tó bīn-téng chi̍t-ê ū kú-tn̂g le̍k-sú kun-goân ê siâⁿ-chhī.

[KIP] Sicily tó thinn-tíng khì hōo Tē-kng huán-tsiò ê Gue̍h-niû

Sī án-ná lán ū-huat-tōo khuànn-tio̍h kui-lia̍p gue̍h-niû? Gue̍h-niû tī gue̍h-bâi-siòng hit-tsūn, kan-na tsi̍t-pōo-hūn ti̍t-tsiap khì hōo thài-iông tsiò--tio̍h. Tshun ê pōo-hūn ē huat-kng, sī in-uī Tē-kiû-kng ê huán-tsiò. Tse mā kiò-tsò Tē-kng, iah-sī da Vinci ê kng. Tse sī in-uī Thài-iông tsiò-tio̍h Tē-kiû ê kng, huán-siā kàu Gue̍h-kiû bô khì hōo Thài-iông tsiò--tio̍h ê hit-pîng. Tuì Tē-kiû lâi-kóng, Gue̍h-kiû nā-sī tī gue̍h-bâi-siòng hū-kīn, to̍h piáu-sī tsit-tsūn tuì Gue̍h-kiû lâi-kóng, Tē-kiû sī giōng-beh uá gue̍h-înn-siòng. Tsit-tsūn ê Tē-kng to̍h tsha-put-to sī siōng-kng ê sî-tsūn. Tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn sī kā tsit-ko-gue̍h-tshue iōng HDR liân-suà hip ê iánn-siōng tha̍h-tsuè-hué ê. Lāi-té ū ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á peh-kuân ê Gue̍h-niû, khuan-khuan-á kiânn-kuè Kim-tshinn, to̍h sī siòng-phìnn tiong-ng siōng-kng hit-lia̍p. Kim-tshinn bīn-tíng ū Pâng-siù-sam (hōo pian-tsò Giat-á-tsō δ). Tī siōng tò-pîng hit-lia̍p âng-sik hîng-tshinn sī Sim-siù-jī. Tsit-ê thian-thé-sió to̍h tī hûn-tíng ián-tshut. Tsiân-kíng sī Palazzolo Acreide tshī ê ting-hué, sī tī I-tá-lì Sicily tó bīn-tíng tsi̍t-ê ū kú-tn̂g li̍k-sú kun-guân ê siânn-tshī.

[English] Earthshine Moon over Sicily

Why can we see the entire face of this Moon? When the Moon is in a crescent phase, only part of it appears directly illuminated by the Sun. The answer is earthshine, also known as earthlight and the da Vinci glow. The reason is that the rest of the [Earth-facing Moon][Earth-facing Moon] is slightly illuminated by sunlight first reflected from the Earth. Since the Earth appears near full phase from the Moon -- when the Moon appears as a slight crescent from the Earth -- earthshine is then near its brightest. Featured here in combined, consecutively-taken, HDR images taken earlier this month, a [rising][rising] earthshine Moon was captured passing slowly near the planet Venus, the brightest spot near the image center. Just above Venus is the star Dschubba (catalogued as Delta Scorpii, while the red star on the far left is Antares. The celestial show is visible through scenic cloud decks. In the foreground are the lights from Palazzolo Acreide, a city with ancient historical roots in Sicily, Italy.


地光反照tē-kng hoán-chiòtē-kng huán-tsiò地球反照earthshine
月眉相goe̍h-bâi-siònggue̍h-bâi-siòng新月月相crescent phase
月圓相goe̍h-îⁿ-siònggue̍h-înn-siòng滿月月相full phase
蠍仔座 δGiat-á-chō DeltaGiat-á-tsō Delta天蠍座 δDelta Scorpii
天蠍座 δThian-giat-chō DeltaThian-giat-tsō Delta天蠍座 δDelta Scorpii

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