10. October 2021
月圓 ê 剪影
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Full Moon Silhouettes
- 影像來源 kah 版權:Mark Gee; 音樂:Tenderness (Dan Phillipson)
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 月圓 ê 剪影
你敢捌看過月出? 這个月出影片可能會予你印象足深 ê,是 tī 月圓彼工,月娘 ùi 晴和 ê 地平線沓沓仔 peh--起來 ê 景色。 這是 2013 年初 tī 紐西蘭 Wellington ê Victoria 山 觀景台 翕 ê, 是一位 厚工 ê 天文攝影師 ê 詳細計畫。 伊 kā kha-mé-lah 囥 tī 2 公里遠 ê 所在,向觀景台 ê 方向翕,按呢 to̍h 會翕著 月娘 tī 暗暝 peh--起來 ê 模樣。 這个毋是縮時攝影,逐張相片 ê 時間 攏是照真 ê、無改過 ê。 咱 會當看著 tī Victoria 山 觀景台 ê 人,當咧欣賞地球上大粒衛星拄 peh--起來時陣 ê 月光。 欲看著 月出 並無困難。 伊逐工攏會出現,毋閣 kan-na 有一半 ê 時間會 tī 暗暝出現。 月娘逐工會比前一工閣 較晏 50 分鐘 peh--起來。 月圓彼工一定是日頭落山彼陣 peh--起來。 10 月 16 這禮拜六是 國際觀月之夜,你會當 tī 這工 kah 其他月娘愛好者 做伙看著頂月眉。
[POJ] Goe̍h-îⁿ ê chián-iáⁿ
Lí kám-bat khòaⁿ-kòe goe̍h-chhut? Chit-ê goe̍h-chhut iáⁿ-phìⁿ khó-lêng ē hō͘ lí ìn-sióng chiok chhim ê, sī tī goe̍h-îⁿ hit-kang, goe̍h-niû ùi chêng-hô ê tē-pêng-sòaⁿ tau̍h-tau̍h-á peh--khí-lâi ê kéng-sek. Che sī jī-khòng-it-sam nî-chhoe tī Niú-se-lân Wellington ê Victoria soaⁿ koan-kéng-tâi hip ê, sī chit-ūi kāu-kang ê thian-bûn liap-iáⁿ-su ê siông-sè kè-ōe. I kā kha-mé-lah khǹg tī nn̄g kong-lí hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, hiòng koan-kéng-tâi ê hong-hiòng hip, án-ni to̍h ē hip-tio̍h goe̍h-niû tī àm-mî peh--khí-lâi ê bô͘-iūⁿ. Che-ê m̄-sī-liap-iáⁿ, ta̍k-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ ê sî-kan lóng-sī chiàu chin--ê, bô kái--kòe-ê. Lán ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h tī Victoria soaⁿ koan-kéng-tâi ê lâng, tng-leh him-sióng Tē-kiû siōng tōa-lia̍p ūi-chhiⁿ tú peh--khí-lâi sî-chūn ê goe̍h-kng. Beh khòaⁿ-tio̍h goe̍h-chhut pēng bô khùn-lân. I ta̍k-kang lóng ē chhut-hiān, m̄-koh kan-na ū chi̍t-pòaⁿ ê sî-kan ē tī àm-mî chhut-hiān. Goe̍h-niû ta̍k-kang ē pí chêng-chi̍t-kang koh-khah òaⁿ gō͘-cha̍p hun-cheng peh--khí-lâi. Goe̍h-îⁿ hit-kang it-tēng sī ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-soaⁿ hit-chūn peh--khí-lâi. Cha̍p goe̍h cha̍p-la̍k chit-lé-pài-la̍k sī Kok-chè-koan-goe̍h-chi-iā, lí ē-tàng tī chi̍t-kang kah kî-tha goe̍h-niû ài-hòⁿ-chiá chò-hóe khòaⁿ-tio̍h téng-goe̍h-bâi.
[KIP] Gue̍h-înn ê tsián-iánn
Lí kám-bat khuànn-kuè gue̍h-tshut? Tsit-ê gue̍h-tshut iánn-phìnn khó-lîng ē hōo lí ìn-sióng tsiok tshim ê, sī tī gue̍h-înn hit-kang, gue̍h-niû uì tsîng-hô ê tē-pîng-suànn ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á peh--khí-lâi ê kíng-sik. Tse sī jī-khòng-it-sam nî-tshue tī Niú-se-lân Wellington ê Victoria suann kuan-kíng-tâi hip ê, sī tsit-uī kāu-kang ê thian-bûn liap-iánn-su ê siông-sè kè-uē. I kā kha-mé-lah khǹg tī nn̄g kong-lí hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, hiòng kuan-kíng-tâi ê hong-hiòng hip, án-ni to̍h ē hip-tio̍h gue̍h-niû tī àm-mî peh--khí-lâi ê bôo-iūnn. Tse-ê m̄-sī-liap-iánn, ta̍k-tiunn siòng-phìnn ê sî-kan lóng-sī tsiàu tsin--ê, bô kái--kuè-ê. Lán ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h tī Victoria suann kuan-kíng-tâi ê lâng, tng-leh him-sióng Tē-kiû siōng tuā-lia̍p uī-tshinn tú peh--khí-lâi sî-tsūn ê gue̍h-kng. Beh khuànn-tio̍h gue̍h-tshut pīng bô khùn-lân. I ta̍k-kang lóng ē tshut-hiān, m̄-koh kan-na ū tsi̍t-puànn ê sî-kan ē tī àm-mî tshut-hiān. Gue̍h-niû ta̍k-kang ē pí tsîng-tsi̍t-kang koh-khah uànn gōo-tsa̍p hun-tsing peh--khí-lâi. Gue̍h-înn hit-kang it-tīng sī ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-suann hit-tsūn peh--khí-lâi. Tsa̍p gue̍h tsa̍p-la̍k tsit-lé-pài-la̍k sī Kok-tsè-kuan-gue̍h-tsi-iā, lí ē-tàng tī tsi̍t-kang kah kî-tha gue̍h-niû ài-hònn-tsiá tsò-hué khuànn-tio̍h tíng-gue̍h-bâi.
[English] Full Moon Silhouettes
Have you ever watched the Moon rise? The slow rise of a nearly full moon over a clear horizon can be an impressive sight. One impressive moonrise was imaged in early 2013 over Mount Victoria Lookout in Wellington, New Zealand. With detailed planning, an industrious astrophotographer placed a camera about two kilometers away and pointed it across the lookout to where the Moon would surely soon be making its nightly debut. The featured single shot sequence is unedited and shown in real time -- it is not a time lapse. People on Mount Victoria Lookout can be seen in silhouette themselves admiring the dawn of Earth's largest satellite. Seeing a moonrise yourself is not difficult: it happens every day, although only half the time at night. Each day the Moon rises about fifty minutes later than the previous day, with a full moon always rising at sunset. This Saturday, October 16, is International Observe the Moon Night, where you observe a first-quarter Moon along with other lunar enthusiasts.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
紐西蘭 | Niú-se-lân | Niú-se-lân | 紐西蘭 | New Zealand |
縮時攝影 | sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ | sok-sî-liap-iánn | 縮時攝影 | time lapse |
月出 | goe̍h-chhut | gue̍h-tshut | 月出 | moonrise |
頂月眉 | téng-goe̍h-bâi | tíng-gue̍h-bâi | 上弦月 | first-quarter Moon |
國際觀月之夜 | Kok-chè-koan-goe̍h-chi-iā | Kok-tsè-kuan-gue̍h-tsi-iā | 國際觀月之夜 | International Observe the Moon Night |