南極 ê 日出


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 南極 ê 日出

南極 ê 日出是有較無仝。 這个景色逐家攏足愛 ê。 連紲幾若個月 ê 暗暝,紲落來是連紲幾若個月 ê 日時。 Tī 地球兩極,日頭愛開 幾若禮拜 才 peh--起來,毋閣 tī 中 緯度 kan-na 開幾若分鐘爾爾。 極地 ê 日出 會按呢,是因為地球踅 太陽 公轉 ê 時陣 趨一爿,毋是因為 地球自轉 ê 關係。 地球極地 ê 空氣有夠薄 ê。 Tī 遮愛等到 春分,才會閣看著日頭。 毋閣 地球大氣 ê 透鏡效應 kah 太陽盤 ê 寸尺,會予日頭 ê 頭殼頂 早 2 禮拜出現。 這張是兩禮拜前,tī 地球南極 寬闊 ê 冰凍世界 翕 ê。 彼陣日頭 peh-到地平線面頂上懸 ê 所在。 真正 ê 南極 是 tī 通信塔倒爿幾若公尺遐。 這个極地日出實在是特別出眾,因為日頭 peh--起來 ê 時陣,戴一頂 發青光 ê 帽仔。

[POJ] Lâm-ke̍k ê Ji̍t-chhut

Lâm-ke̍k ê ji̍t-chhut sī ū khah bô-kâng. Chi̍t-ê kéng-sek ta̍k-ke lóng chiok ài ê. Liân-sòa kúi-ā-kò-goe̍h ê àm-mî, sòa-lo̍h-lâi sī liân-sòa kúi-ā-kò-goe̍h ê ji̍t-sî. Tī Tē-kiû nn̄g-ke̍k, ji̍t-thâu ài khai kúi-ā-lé-pài chiah peh--khí-lâi, m̄-koh tī tiong-hūi-tō͘ kan-na khai kúi-ā-hun-cheng niā-niā. Ke̍k-tē ê ji̍t-chhut ē án-ni, sī in-ūi Tē-kiû se̍h Thài-iông kong-choán ê sî-chūn chhu chit-pêng, m̄-sī in-ūi tē-kiû chū-choán ê koan-hē. Tē-kiû ke̍k-tē ê khong-khì ū-kàu po̍h ê. Tī chiah ài tán-kàu chhun-hun, chiah-ē koh khòaⁿ-tio̍h ji̍t-thâu. M̄-koh Tē-kiû tōa-khì ê thàu-kiàⁿ hāu-èng kah thài-iông-pôaⁿ ê chhùn-chhioh, ē hō͘ ji̍t-thâu ê thâu-khak-téng chá nn̄g lé-pài chhut-hiān. Chit-tiuⁿ sī nn̄g lé-pài chêng, tī Tē-kiû lâm-ke̍k khoan-khoah ê peng-tòng sè-kài hip ê. Hit-chūn ji̍t-thâu peh-kàu tē-pêng-sòaⁿ bīn-téng siōng-koân ê só͘-chāi. Chin-chiàⁿ ê lâm-ke̍k sī tī thong-sìn-thah tò-pêng kúi-ā-kong-chhioh hiah. Chit-ê ke̍k-tē ji̍t-chhut si̍t-chāi-sī te̍k-pia̍t chhut-chiòng, in-ūi ji̍t-thâu peh--khí-lâi ê sî-chūn, tì chi̍t-téng hoat chheⁿ-kng ê bō-á.

[KIP] Lâm-ki̍k ê Ji̍t-tshut

Lâm-ki̍k ê ji̍t-tshut sī ū khah bô-kâng. Tsi̍t-ê kíng-sik ta̍k-ke lóng tsiok ài ê. Liân-suà kuí-ā-kò-gue̍h ê àm-mî, suà-lo̍h-lâi sī liân-suà kuí-ā-kò-gue̍h ê ji̍t-sî. Tī Tē-kiû nn̄g-ki̍k, ji̍t-thâu ài khai kuí-ā-lé-pài tsiah peh--khí-lâi, m̄-koh tī tiong-huī-tōo kan-na khai kuí-ā-hun-tsing niā-niā. Ki̍k-tē ê ji̍t-tshut ē án-ni, sī in-uī Tē-kiû se̍h Thài-iông kong-tsuán ê sî-tsūn tshu tsit-pîng, m̄-sī in-uī tē-kiû tsū-tsuán ê kuan-hē. Tē-kiû ki̍k-tē ê khong-khì ū-kàu po̍h ê. Tī tsiah ài tán-kàu tshun-hun, tsiah-ē koh khuànn-tio̍h ji̍t-thâu. M̄-koh Tē-kiû tuā-khì ê thàu-kiànn hāu-ìng kah thài-iông-puânn ê tshùn-tshioh, ē hōo ji̍t-thâu ê thâu-khak-tíng tsá nn̄g lé-pài tshut-hiān. Tsit-tiunn sī nn̄g lé-pài tsîng, tī Tē-kiû lâm-ki̍k khuan-khuah ê ping-tòng sè-kài hip ê. Hit-tsūn ji̍t-thâu peh-kàu tē-pîng-suànn bīn-tíng siōng-kuân ê sóo-tsāi. Tsin-tsiànn ê lâm-ki̍k sī tī thong-sìn-thah tò-pîng kuí-ā-kong-tshioh hiah. Tsit-ê ki̍k-tē ji̍t-tshut si̍t-tsāi-sī ti̍k-pia̍t tshut-tsiòng, in-uī ji̍t-thâu peh--khí-lâi ê sî-tsūn, tì tsi̍t-tíng huat tshenn-kng ê bō-á.

[English] Sunrise at the South Pole

Sunrise at the South Pole is different. Usually a welcome sight, it follows months of darkness -- and begins months of sunshine. At Earth's poles, it can take weeks for the Sun to rise, in contrast with just minutes at any mid-latitude location. Sunrise at a pole is caused by the tilt of the Earth as it orbits the Sun, not by the rotation of the Earth. Although at a pole, an airless Earth would first see first Sun at an equinox, the lensing effect of the Earth's atmosphere and the size of the solar disk causes the top of the Sun to appear about two-weeks early. Pictured two weeks ago, the Sun peaks above the horizon of a vast frozen landscape at Earth's South Pole. The true South Pole is just a few meters to the left of the communications tower. This polar sunrise capture was particularly photogenic as the Sun appeared capped by a green flash.


中緯度tiong hūi-tō͘tiong huī-tōo中緯度mid-latitude
透鏡效應thàu-kiàⁿ-hāu-èngthàu-kiànn-hāu-ìng透鏡效應lensing effect
春分chhun-hun-tiámtshun-hun-tiám春分spring equinox

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