土星環 kah 土星 ê 季節


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 土星環 kah 土星 ê 季節

土星 ê 環會當予咱知影土星 ê 季節。 地球台灣時間這禮拜四是 秋分(世界協調時是 tī 拜三)。 Tī 這工,地球赤道 是趨 tùi 太陽去。 因為 土星環 踅土星 赤道 leh 行,所以土星自旋軸若是有指向 太陽,ùi 太陽 ê 方向來看,這寡環會變甲 足明顯 ê。 毋閣 土星 自旋軸若是指向另外一爿,to̍h 是 春分抑是秋分 彼陣,按呢毋管是 ùi 太陽看抑是 ùi 地球看,側向 ê 土星環 to̍h 會 足歹看著。 這幅 土星組合圖 是 kā 2004 到 2015 年 ê 土星影像疊做伙 ê。 這是為著欲予咱看著這粒 巨行星 ùi 南半球熱天 到 北半球熱天 ê 影像。 土星 頂個月離咱地球 實在是有夠近 ê這個月 這个有環 ê 巨行星猶是 足光 ê,tī 暗時差不多攏看會著。

[POJ] Thó͘-chhiⁿ-khoân kah Thó͘-chhiⁿ ê kùi-chiat

Thó͘-chhiⁿ ê khoân ē-tàng hō͘ lán chai-iáⁿ Thó͘-chhiⁿ ê kùi-chiat. Tē-kiû Tâi-oân sî-kan chit-lé-pài-sì sī chhiu-hun (Sè-kài-hia̍p-tiau-sî sī tī pài-saⁿ). Tī chi̍t-kang, Tē-kiû chhek-tō sī chhu tùi Thài-iông khì. In-ūi Thó͘-chhiⁿ-khoân se̍h Thó͘-chhiⁿ-chhek-tō leh kiâⁿ, só͘-í Thó͘-chhiⁿ chū-soân-te̍k nā-sī ū chí-hiòng Thài-iông, ùi Thài-iông ê hong-hiòng lâi khòaⁿ, chit-kóa khoân ē piàn-kah chiok bêng-hián ê. M̄-koh Thó͘-chhiⁿ chū-soân-te̍k nā-sī chí-hiòng lēng-gōa chi̍t-pêng, to̍h sī chhun-hun iah-sī chhiu-hun hit-chūn, án-ni m̄-koán sī ùi Thài-iông khòaⁿ iah-sī ùi Tē-kiû khòaⁿ, chhek-hiòng ê Thó͘-chhiⁿ-khoân to̍h ē chiok pháiⁿ khòaⁿ-tio̍h. Chit-pak Thó͘-chhiⁿ cho͘-ha̍p-tô͘ sī kā jī-khòng-khòng-sù kàu jī-khòng-it-ngó͘ nî ê Thó͘-chhiⁿ iáⁿ-siōng tha̍h chò-hóe ê. Che sī ūi-tio̍h beh hō͘ lán khòaⁿ-tio̍h chit-lia̍p kū-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ ùi lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû joa̍h-thiⁿ kàu pak-pòaⁿ-kiû joa̍h-thiⁿ ê iáⁿ-siōng. Thó͘-chhiⁿ téng-kò-goe̍h lî lán Tē-kiû si̍t-chāi sī ū-kàu-kīn ê. Chit-kò-goe̍h chit-ê ū khoân ê kū-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ iáu-sī chiok-kng ê, tī àm-sî chha-put-to lóng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h.

[KIP] Thóo-tshinn-khuân kah Thóo-tshinn ê kuì-tsiat

Thóo-tshinn ê khuân ē-tàng hōo lán tsai-iánn Thóo-tshinn ê kuì-tsiat. Tē-kiû Tâi-uân sî-kan tsit-lé-pài-sì sī tshiu-hun (Sè-kài-hia̍p-tiau-sî sī tī pài-sann). Tī tsi̍t-kang, Tē-kiû tshik-tō sī tshu tuì Thài-iông khì. In-uī Thóo-tshinn-khuân se̍h Thóo-tshinn-tshik-tō leh kiânn, sóo-í Thóo-tshinn tsū-suân-ti̍k nā-sī ū tsí-hiòng Thài-iông, uì Thài-iông ê hong-hiòng lâi khuànn, tsit-kuá khuân ē piàn-kah tsiok bîng-hián ê. M̄-koh Thóo-tshinn tsū-suân-ti̍k nā-sī tsí-hiòng līng-guā tsi̍t-pîng, to̍h sī tshun-hun iah-sī tshiu-hun hit-tsūn, án-ni m̄-kuán sī uì Thài-iông khuànn iah-sī uì Tē-kiû khuànn, tshik-hiòng ê Thóo-tshinn-khuân to̍h ē tsiok pháinn khuànn-tio̍h. Tsit-pak Thóo-tshinn tsoo-ha̍p-tôo sī kā jī-khòng-khòng-sù kàu jī-khòng-it-ngóo nî ê Thóo-tshinn iánn-siōng tha̍h tsò-hué ê. Tse sī uī-tio̍h beh hōo lán khuànn-tio̍h tsit-lia̍p kū-kiânn-tshinn uì lâm-puànn-kiû jua̍h-thinn kàu pak-puànn-kiû jua̍h-thinn ê iánn-siōng. Thóo-tshinn tíng-kò-gue̍h lî lán Tē-kiû si̍t-tsāi sī ū-kàu-kīn ê. Tsit-kò-gue̍h tsit-ê ū khuân ê kū-kiânn-tshinn iáu-sī tsiok-kng ê, tī àm-sî tsha-put-to lóng khuànn-ē-tio̍h.

[English] Rings and Seasons of Saturn

On Saturn, the rings tell you the season. On Earth, Wednesday marks an equinox, the time when the Earth’s equator tilts directly toward the Sun. Since Saturn’s grand rings orbit along the planet’s equator, these rings appear most prominent – from the direction of the Sun – when the Saturn’s spin axis points toward the Sun. Conversely, when Saturn’s spin axis points to the side, an equinox occurs and the edge-on rings are hard to see from not only the the Sun – but Earth. In the featured montage, images of Saturn between the years of 2004 and 2015 have been superposed to show the giant planet passing from southern summer toward northern summer. Saturn was as close as it can get to planet Earth last month, and this month the ringed giant is still bright and visible throughout much of the night.


  • 【秋分】chhiu-hun/tshiu-hun/秋分/autumn equinox
  • 【春分】chhun-hun/tshun-hun/春分/spring equinox
  • 【赤道】chhek-tō/tshik-tō/赤道/equator
  • 【世界協調時】Sè-kài-hia̍p-tiau-sî/Sè-kài-hia̍p-tiau-sî/世界協調時/Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)
  • 【自旋軸】chū-soân-te̍k/tsū-suân-ti̍k/自旋軸/spin axis
  • 【側面】chhek-bīn/tshik-bīn/側面/side
  • 【側向】chhek-hiòng/chhek-hiòng/側向/edge-on
  • 【巨行星】kū-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ/kū-kiânn-tshinn/巨行星/giant planet

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