M16 ê 特寫


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] M16 ê 特寫

M16 嘛 叫做鴟鴞星雲,是一个干焦 2 百萬歲 ê 少年星團,邊仔去予塗粉 kah 發光氣體 ê 新生雲 圍--leh。 這區美麗 ê 詳細影像 是採用哈伯色盤 ê 色光。 這个 宇宙雕塑,是因為有哈伯太空望遠鏡 tùi 這个恆星形成複合體特寫,才變有名 ê。 In 去予叫做 象管 抑是 創生之柱。 Ùi 中央生出來 ê 密密 koh 厚塗粉 ê 雲柱,有幾若光年長。 In 會因為重力收縮 形成恆星。 星團內底 ê 高能輻射 會侵蝕雲柱尾節 ê 物質。 落尾會 kā 藏 tī 內底 ê 新恆星暴露出來。 Ùi 中央倒爿較光 ê 發射雲脊延伸出來 ê,是另外一个厚塗粉 ê 恆星形成柱。 伊 to̍h 叫做 鴟鴞星雲 ê 仙女。 M16 tī 7000 光年遠 ê 所在,tùi 雙筒望遠鏡 抑是 細台望遠鏡 來講是一个真好揣 ê 目標。 In to̍h tī 分做頭尾兩爿 ê 巨蛇座 尾(蛇 ê 尾溜)方向,tī 天頂 厚星雲 ê 所在。

[POJ] M-cha̍p-la̍k ê te̍k-siá

M-cha̍p-la̍k mā kiò-chò Ba̍h-hio̍h-seng-hûn, sī chi̍t-ê kan-na nn̄g-pah-bān hòe ê siàu-liân seng-thoân, piⁿ-á khì hō͘ thô͘-hún kah hoat-kng ê sin-seng-hûn ûi--leh. Chit-khu bí-lē ê siông-sè-iáⁿ-siōng sī chhái-iōng Ha-peh-sek-pôaⁿ ê se̍k-kng. Chit-ê ú-tiū tiau-sok, sī in-ūi ū Ha-peh-thài-khong-bōng-oán-kiàⁿ tùi chit-ê hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng ho̍k-ha̍p-thé te̍k-siá, chiah piàn ū-miâ ê. In khì hō͘ kiò-chò chhiūⁿ-kńg iah-sī Chhòng-seng-chi-thiāu. Ùi tiong-ng seⁿ--chhut-lâi ê ba̍t-ba̍t koh kàu-thô͘-hún ê hûn-thiāu, ū kúi-ā kng-nî tn̂g. In ē in-ūi tiōng-le̍k-siu-sok hêng-sêng hêng-chhiⁿ. Seng-thoân lāi-té ê ko-lêng hok-siā ē chhim-sit hûn-thiāu bóe-cha̍t ê bu̍t-chit. Lo̍h-bóe ē kā chhàng tī lāi-té ê sin hêng-chhiⁿ po̍k-lō͘--chhut-lâi. Ùi tiong-ng tò-pêng khah-kng ê hoat-siā hûn-chit iân-sin--chhut-lâi ê, sī lēng-gōa-chi̍t-ê kāu thô͘-hún ê hêng-chhiⁿ-hêng-sêng-thiāu. I to̍h kiò-chò Ba̍h-hio̍h-seng-hûn ê Sian-lú. M-cha̍p-la̍k tī chhit-chheng kng-nî hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, tùi siang-tâng-bōng-oán-kiàⁿ iah-sī sè-tâi bōng-oán-kiàⁿ lâi-kóng sī chi̍t-ê chin hó-chhōe ê bo̍k-piau. In to̍h tī pun-chò thâu--bóe nn̄g-pêng ê Kū-siâ-chō bóe (chôa ê bóe-liu) hong-hiòng, tī thiⁿ-téng kāu seng-hûn ê só͘-chāi.

[KIP] M-tsa̍p-la̍k ê ti̍k-siá

M-tsa̍p-la̍k mā kiò-tsò Ba̍h-hio̍h-sing-hûn, sī tsi̍t-ê kan-na nn̄g-pah-bān huè ê siàu-liân sing-thuân, pinn-á khì hōo thôo-hún kah huat-kng ê sin-sing-hûn uî--leh. Tsit-khu bí-lē ê siông-sè-iánn-siōng sī tshái-iōng Ha-peh-sik-puânn ê si̍k-kng. Tsit-ê ú-tiū tiau-sok, sī in-uī ū Ha-peh-thài-khong-bōng-uán-kiànn tuì tsit-ê hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng ho̍k-ha̍p-thé ti̍k-siá, tsiah piàn ū-miâ ê. In khì hōo kiò-tsò tshiūnn-kńg iah-sī Tshòng-sing-tsi-thiāu. Uì tiong-ng senn--tshut-lâi ê ba̍t-ba̍t koh kàu-thôo-hún ê hûn-thiāu, ū kuí-ā kng-nî tn̂g. In ē in-uī tiōng-li̍k-siu-sok hîng-sîng hîng-tshinn. Sing-thuân lāi-té ê ko-lîng hok-siā ē tshim-sit hûn-thiāu bué-tsa̍t ê bu̍t-tsit. Lo̍h-bué ē kā tshàng tī lāi-té ê sin hîng-tshinn po̍k-lōo--tshut-lâi. Uì tiong-ng tò-pîng khah-kng ê huat-siā hûn-tsit iân-sin--tshut-lâi ê, sī līng-guā-tsi̍t-ê kāu thôo-hún ê hîng-tshinn-hîng-sîng-thiāu. I to̍h kiò-tsò Ba̍h-hio̍h-sing-hûn ê Sian-lú. M-tsa̍p-la̍k tī tshit-tshing kng-nî hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, tuì siang-tâng-bōng-uán-kiànn iah-sī sè-tâi bōng-uán-kiànn lâi-kóng sī tsi̍t-ê tsin hó-tshuē ê bo̍k-piau. In to̍h tī pun-tsò thâu--bué nn̄g-pîng ê Kū-siâ-tsō bué (tsuâ ê bué-liu) hong-hiòng, tī thinn-tíng kāu sing-hûn ê sóo-tsāi.

[English] M16 Cose Up

A star cluster around 2 million years young surrounded by natal clouds of dust and glowing gas, M16 is also known as The Eagle Nebula. This beautifully detailed image of the region adopts the colorful Hubble palette and includes cosmic sculptures made famous in Hubble Space Telescope close-ups of the starforming complex. Described as elephant trunks or Pillars of Creation, dense, dusty columns rising near the center are light-years in length but are gravitationally contracting to form stars. Energetic radiation from the cluster stars erodes material near the tips, eventually exposing the embedded new stars. Extending from the ridge of bright emission left of center is another dusty starforming column kno蛇尾座wn as the Fairy of Eagle Nebula. M16 lies about 7,000 light-years away, an easy target for binoculars or small telescopes in a nebula rich part of the sky toward the split constellation Serpens Cauda (the tail of the snake).


鴟鴞星雲Ba̍h-hio̍h-seng-hûnBa̍h-hio̍h-sing-hûn老鷹星雲Eagle Nebula
象管chhiūⁿ-kńgtshiūnn-kńg象鼻elephant trunk
哈伯色盤Ha-peh-sek-pôaⁿHa-peh-sik-puânn哈伯色盤Hubble palette
創生之柱Chhòng-seng-chi-thiāuTshòng-sing-tsi-thiāu創生之柱Pillars of Creation
恆星形成複合體hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng ho̍k-ha̍p-théhîng-tshinn hîng-sîng ho̍k-ha̍p-thé恆星形成複合體starforming complex
恆星形成柱hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng-thiāuhîng-tshinn hîng-sîng-thiāu恆星形成柱starforming column
宇宙雕塑ú-tiū-tiau-sokú-tiū-tiau-sok宇宙雕塑cosmic sculpture
鴟鴞星雲 ê 仙女Ba̍h-hio̍h-seng-hûn ê Sian-lúBa̍h-hio̍h-sing-hûn ê Sian-lú老鷹星雲的仙女Fairy of Eagle Nebula
巨蛇座Kū-siâ-chōKū-siâ-tsō巨蛇座constellation Serpens
蛇尾座Siâ-bóe-chōSiâ-bué-tsō蛇尾座Serpens Cauda
重力收縮tiōng-le̍k-siu-soktiōng-li̍k-siu-sok重力收縮gravitationally contracting

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