奢颺 ê 藍月


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 奢颺 ê 藍月

你看著 ê 月娘一般攏是暗殕色抑是暗 金色。 毋閣這張用望遠鏡 tī 月圓時翕 ê 多彩 月景,是刁故意 kā 本來 to̍h 看會出 差別 ê 色彩 調甲差足濟 ê。 這个色彩 ê 差別是欲用來 kah 月球表面 真正 ê 化學成份做比較。 藍色色調是 鈦足濟 ê 所在,柑仔色 kah 茄仔色是鈦 kah 較少 ê 所在。 咱足熟似 ê 寧靜之海 抑是 靜海,是正爿頂懸 ê 藍色區域。 正爿下跤彼个 ùi 85 公里闊 ê 輻射形隕石坑 Tycho 伸出來 ê 線,to̍h 迒過柑仔色 ê 月球南部高地。 這個月初 ê 月圓會使當做是 季節性 ê 藍月。 因為這較特別,是北半球熱天(抑就是南半球寒天)ê 時,四改月圓 ê 第三改。 這張是 272 張 ê 合成相片。 你會當看著 月娘 一直是藍色 ê,毋閣袂藍甲 按呢

[POJ] Chhia-iāⁿ ê Nâ-goe̍h

Lí khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê goe̍h-niû it-poaⁿ lóng-sī àm-phú-sek iah-sī àm-kim-sek. M̄-koh chit-tiuⁿ iōng bōng-oán-kiàⁿ tī goe̍h-îⁿ-sî hip–ê to-chhái goe̍h-kéng, sī thiau-kò͘-ì kā pún-lâi to̍h khòaⁿ-ē-chhut chha-pia̍t ê sek-chhái tiâu-kah chha chiok-chōe ê. Chi̍t-ê sek-chhái ê chha-pia̍t sī beh iōng-la kah Goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn chin-chiàⁿ ê hòa-ha̍k-sêng-hūn chò pí-kàu. Nâ-sek sek-tiāu sī thài chiok-chōe ê só͘-chāi, kam-á-sek kah kiô-á-sek sī thài kah thih khah-chió ê só͘-chāi. Lán chiok se̍k-sāi ê Lêng-chēng-chi-hái iah-sī Chēng-hái, sī chiàⁿ-pêng téng-koân ê nâ-sek khu-he̍k. Chiàⁿ-pêng ē-kha hit-ê ùi poeh-cha̍p-gō͘ kong-lí khoah ê hok-siā-hêng ún-se̍k-kheⁿ Tycho chhun–chhut-lâi ê sòaⁿ, to̍h hāⁿ-kòe kam-á-sek ê Goe̍h-kiû lâm-pō͘ ko-tē. Chit-kò-goe̍h-chhe ê goe̍h-îⁿ ē-sái tòng-chòe sī kùi-chat-sèng ê nâ-goe̍h. In-ūi che khah te̍k-pia̍t, sī pak-pòaⁿ-kiû joa̍h-thiⁿ (ia̍h to̍h sī(lâm-pòaⁿ-kiû kôaⁿ-thiⁿ) ê sî, sì-kái goe̍h-îⁿ ê tē-saⁿ-kái. Chit-tiuⁿ sī nn̄g-pah-chhit-cha̍p-jī tiuⁿ ê ha̍p-sêng siòng-phìⁿ. Lí ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h goe̍h-niû it-ti̍t sī nâ-sek ê, m̄-koh bōe nâ-kah án-ne.

[KIP] Tshia-iānn ê Nâ-gue̍h

Lí khuànn-tio̍h ê gue̍h-niû it-puann lóng-sī àm-phú-sik iah-sī àm-kim-sik. M̄-koh tsit-tiunn iōng bōng-uán-kiànn tī gue̍h-înn-sî hip–ê to-tshái gue̍h-kíng, sī thiau-kòo-ì kā pún-lâi to̍h khuànn-ē-tshut tsha-pia̍t ê sik-tshái tiâu-kah tsha tsiok-tsuē ê. Tsi̍t-ê sik-tshái ê tsha-pia̍t sī beh iōng-la kah Gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn tsin-tsiànn ê huà-ha̍k-sîng-hūn tsò pí-kàu. Nâ-sik sik-tiāu sī thài tsiok-tsuē ê sóo-tsāi, kam-á-sik kah kiô-á-sik sī thài kah thih khah-tsió ê sóo-tsāi. Lán tsiok si̍k-sāi ê Lîng-tsīng-tsi-hái iah-sī Tsīng-hái, sī tsiànn-pîng tíng-kuân ê nâ-sik khu-hi̍k. Tsiànn-pîng ē-kha hit-ê uì pueh-tsa̍p-gōo kong-lí khuah ê hok-siā-hîng ún-si̍k-khenn Tycho tshun–tshut-lâi ê suànn, to̍h hānn-kuè kam-á-sik ê Gue̍h-kiû lâm-pōo ko-tē. Tsit-kò-gue̍h-tshe ê gue̍h-înn ē-sái tòng-tsuè sī kuì-tsat-sìng ê nâ-gue̍h. In-uī tse khah ti̍k-pia̍t, sī pak-puànn-kiû jua̍h-thinn (ia̍h to̍h sī(lâm-puànn-kiû kuânn-thinn) ê sî, sì-kái gue̍h-înn ê tē-sann-kái. Tsit-tiunn sī nn̄g-pah-tshit-tsa̍p-jī tiunn ê ha̍p-sîng siòng-phìnn. Lí ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h gue̍h-niû it-ti̍t sī nâ-sik ê, m̄-koh buē nâ-kah án-ne.

[English] A Blue Moon in Exaggerated Colors

The Moon is normally seen in subtle shades of grey or gold. But small, measurable color differences have been greatly exaggerated to make this telescopic, multicolored, moonscape captured during the Moon’s full phase. The different colors are recognized to correspond to real differences in the chemical makeup of the lunar surface. Blue hues reveal titanium rich areas while orange and purple colors show regions relatively poor in titanium and iron. The familiar Sea of Tranquility, or Mare Tranquillitatis, is the blue area toward the upper right. White lines radiate across the orange-hued southern lunar highlands from 85-kilometer wide ray-crater Tycho at bottom right. The full moon that occurred earlier this month could be counted as a seasonal blue moon because it was, unusually, the third of four full moons to occur during northern summer (and hence southern winter). The featured 272-image composite demonstrates that the full Moon is always blue, but usually not blue enough in hue to ooh.


  • 【寧靜之海】Lêng-chēng-chi-hái/Lîng-tsīng-tsi-hái/寧靜之海/Sea of Tranquility
  • 【靜海】Chēng-hái/Tsīng-hái/靜海/Mare Tranquillitatis
  • 【鈦】thài/thài/鈦/titanium
  • 【殕色】phú-sek/phú-sik/灰色/grey

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