樹林仔內底 ê 夜景:銀河 ê 窗仔門


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] 樹林仔內底 ê 夜景:銀河 ê 窗仔門

這位 kha-mé-lah sàng 進前 to̍h 一直想欲翕這張相片。 伊知影 tī 頭殼頂 ê 天體 是上光 ê,因為 in ê 光較袂去予 大氣層內底 ê 空氣 散射去。 伊嘛知影咱 銀河系 ê 核心,會 tī 今年這陣 tī 澳洲 南部 半暝 ê 時陣,直直 peh 到天頂。 按照伊心內 ê 構圖,伊勇敢行入去 Kuipto 森林內底。 遮有懸 kah 看起來是 輻射形 ê 杉仔,kā 大部份 ê 天空閘牢矣,毋閣無遮爾清氣。 伊 to̍h kā 這个去予樹林仔箍起來 ê 窗仔門景色,kah 遠方 ê 天景組合做伊心內 ê 構圖。 伊攏總翕 16 張相片,內底有樹林仔 kah 銀河系心宿二咱銀河中心盤 倒爿翕粒上光 ê 柑仔色恆星。 半人馬座 Alpha 星 是影像中央正爿上光 ê 恆星。 咱 銀河中心 to̍h tī 心宿二下跤。 閣幾若點鐘了後,地球自轉 to̍h 會予銀河盤 peh--起來向倒爿行去,毋閣隨 to̍h 會去予樹林仔閘去。 毋閣 kha-mé-lah sàng 心內 ê 構圖已經翕著矣,to̍h tī 遮

[POJ] Chhiū-nâ-á lāi-té ê iā-kéng: Gîn-hô ê thang-á-mn̂g

Chit-ūi kha-mé-lah sàng chìn-chêng to̍h it-ti̍t siūⁿ-beh hip chit-tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ. I chai-iáⁿ tī thâu-khak-téng ê thian-thé sī siōng-kng ê, in-ūi in ê kng khah-bōe khì hō͘ tōa-khì-chân lāi-té ê khong-khì sàn-siā khì. I mā chai-iáⁿ lán Gîn-hô-hē ê he̍k-sim, ē tī kin-nî chi̍t-chūn tī Ò-chiu lâm-pō͘ pòaⁿ-mê ê sî-chūn, ti̍t-ti̍t peh kàu thiⁿ-téng. Àn-chiàu i sim-lāi ê kó͘-tô͘, i ióng-kám kiâⁿ ji̍p-khì Kuipto som-lîm lāi-té. Chia ū koân-kah khòaⁿ--khí-lâi sī hok-siā-hêng ê sam-á, kā tōa-pō͘-hūn ê thian-khong cha̍h-tiâu ah, m̄-koh bô chiah-nī chheng-khì. I to̍h kā chit-ê khì hō͘ chhiū-nâ-á kho͘--khí-lâi ê thang-á-mn̂g kéng-sek, kah oán-hong ê thian-kéng cho͘-ha̍p chòe i sim-lāi ê kó͘-tô͘. I lóng-chóng hip cha̍p-la̍k tiuⁿ siòng-phìⁿ, lāi-té ū chhiū-nâ-á kah Gîn-hô-hē. Sim-siù-jī sī lán Gîn-hô tiong-sim-pôaⁿ tò-pêng siōng-kng ê kam-á-sek hêng-chhiⁿ. Poàn-jîn-má-chō Alpha chhiⁿ sī iáⁿ-siōng tiong-ng chiàⁿ-pêng siōng-kng ê hêng-chhiⁿ. Lán Gîn-hô tiong-sim to̍h tī Sim-siù-jī ē-kha. Koh kúi-nā tiám-cheng liáu-āu, Tē-kiû chū-choán to̍h ē hō͘ Gîn-hô-pôaⁿ peh--khí-lâi hiòng tò-pêng kiâⁿ--khì, m̄-koh sûi to̍h ē khì hō͘ chhiū-nâ-á cha̍h-khì. M̄-koh kha-mé-lah sàng sim-lāi ê kó͘-tô͘ í-keng hip-tio̍h ah, to̍h tī chia.

[KIP] Tshiū-nâ-á lāi-té ê iā-kíng: Gîn-hô ê thang-á-mn̂g

Tsit-uī kha-mé-lah sàng tsìn-tsîng to̍h it-ti̍t siūnn-beh hip tsit-tiunn siòng-phìnn. I tsai-iánn tī thâu-khak-tíng ê thian-thé sī siōng-kng ê, in-uī in ê kng khah-buē khì hōo tuā-khì-tsân lāi-té ê khong-khì sàn-siā khì. I mā tsai-iánn lán Gîn-hô-hē ê hi̍k-sim, ē tī kin-nî tsi̍t-tsūn tī Ò-tsiu lâm-pōo puànn-mê ê sî-tsūn, ti̍t-ti̍t peh kàu thinn-tíng. Àn-tsiàu i sim-lāi ê kóo-tôo, i ióng-kám kiânn ji̍p-khì Kuipto som-lîm lāi-té. Tsia ū kuân-kah khuànn-khí-lâi sī hok-siā-hîng ê sam-á, kā tuā-pōo-hūn ê thian-khong tsa̍h-tiâu ah, m̄-koh bô tsiah-nī tshing-khì. I to̍h kā tsit-ê khì hōo tshiū-nâ-á khoo--khí-lâi ê thang-á-mn̂g kíng-sik, kah uán-hong ê thian-kíng tsoo-ha̍p tsuè i sim-lāi ê kóo-tôo. I lóng-tsóng hip tsa̍p-la̍k tiunn siòng-phìnn, lāi-té ū tshiū-nâ-á kah Gîn-hô-hē. Sim-siù-jī sī lán Gîn-hô tiong-sim-puânn tò-pîng siōng-kng ê kam-á-sik hîng-tshinn. Puàn-jîn-má-tsō Alpha tshinn sī iánn-siōng tiong-ng tsiànn-pîng siōng-kng ê hîng-tshinn. Lán Gîn-hô tiong-sim to̍h tī Sim-siù-jī ē-kha. Koh kuí-nā tiám-tsing liáu-āu, Tē-kiû tsū-tsuán to̍h ē hōo Gîn-hô-puânn peh--khí-lâi hiòng tò-pîng kiânn--khì, m̄-koh suî to̍h ē khì hōo tshiū-nâ-á tsa̍h-khì. M̄-koh kha-mé-lah sàng sim-lāi ê kóo-tôo í-king hip-tio̍h ah, to̍h tī tsia.

[English] Framed by Trees: A Window to the Galaxy

The photographer had this shot in mind for some time. He knew that objects overhead are the brightest -- since their light is scattered by the least by atmospheric air. He also that knew the core of our Milky Way Galaxy was just about straight up near midnight around this time of year in South Australia. Chasing his mental picture, he ventured deep inside the Kuipto Forest where tall radiata pines blocked out much of the sky -- but not in this clearing. There, through a window framed by trees, he captured his envisioned combination of local and distant nature. Sixteen exposures of both trees and the Milky Way Galaxy were recorded. Antares is the bright orange star to left of our Galaxy's central plane, while Alpha Centauri is the bright star just to the right of the image center. The direction toward our Galaxy's center is below Antares. Although in a few hours the Earth's rotation moved the Galactic plane up and to the left -- soon invisible behind the timber, his mental image was secured forever -- and is featured here.


半人馬座 Alpha 星Poàn-jîn-má-chōPuàn-jîn-má-tsō半人馬座 Alpha
銀河中心盤Gîn-hô tiong-sim-pôaⁿGîn-hô tiong-sim-puânn銀河中心盤Galaxy's central plane

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