GW200115:烏洞 kah 中子星合併 ê 模擬動畫

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] GW200115:烏洞 kah 中子星合併 ê 模擬動畫

烏洞若是毀滅中子星,毋知會發生啥物代誌? 分析指出,這款現象會產生重力波事件,to̍h 親像 tī 2020 年 1 月彼陣,LIGO 實驗室 kah 室女座 天文台偵測著 ê GW200115 事件仝款。 為著欲閣較了解這个特別 ê 事件,to̍h 利用電腦模擬來產生這个 視覺化影片。 這个視覺化影片 ùi 烏洞(質量差不多是太陽 ê 6 倍)kah 中子星(質量差不多是太陽 ê 1.5 倍)互相轉踅開始,閣發出愈來愈濟 ê 重力輻射重力波 發射線 ê 美麗圖樣是藍色 ê。 這个雙 捲螺 踅足緊 ê,一直到中子星完全去予 烏洞 食去為止。 Tī 相碰 ê 過程,中子星並無碎–去,光嘛差不多無走–去。 這 kah 觀測結果相-siâng,無看著光學 ê 對應物。 落尾這粒烏洞 liang 一時仔 爾爾,伊發出 ê 重力波嘛綴烏洞做伙恬–去。 這个 30 秒 ê 縮時攝影影片 可能有較短,毋閣伊已經是實際上合併時間 ê 1000 倍長矣。

[POJ] GW jī-khòng-khòng-it-it-ngó͘: O͘-tōng kah Tiong-chú-chhiⁿ ha̍p-pèng ê bô͘-gí tōng-ōe

O͘-tōng nā-sī húi-bia̍t tiōng-chú-chhiⁿ, m̄-chai ē hoat-seng siáⁿ-mih tāi-chì? Hun-sek chí-chhut, chit-khòaⁿ hiān-siōng ē sán-seng tiōng-le̍k-pho sū-kiāⁿ, to̍h chhiⁿ-chhiūⁿ tī jī-khòng-jī-khòng nî it goe̍h hit-chūn, LIGO si̍t-giām-sek kah Sek-lú-chō Thian-bûn-tâi cheng-chhek tio̍h ê GW jī-khòng-khòng-it-it-ngó͘ sū-kiāⁿ kâng-khóaⁿ. Ūi-tio̍h beh koh-khah liáu-kái chit-ê te̍k-pia̍t ê sū-kiāⁿ, to̍h lī-iōng tiān-náu bô͘-gí lâi sán-seng chit-ê sī-kak-hòa iáⁿ-phìⁿ. Chit-ê sī-kak-hòa iáⁿ-phìⁿ ùi o͘-tōng (chit-liōng chha-put-to sī Thài-iông ê la̍k pōe) kah tiōng-chú-chhiⁿ (chit-liōng chha-put-to sī Thài-iông ê it-tiám-gō͘ pōe) hō͘-siong tńg-se̍h khai-sí, koh ài hoat-chhut lú-lâi-lú-chōe ê tiōng-le̍k-hok-siā. Tiōng-le̍k-pho hoat-siā-sòaⁿ ê bí-lē tô͘-iūⁿ sī nâ-sek ê. Chit-ê siang-kńg-lê se̍h chiok kín ê, it-ti̍t kàu tiōng-chú-chhiⁿ oân-choân khì hō͘ o͘-tōng chia̍h khì ûi-chí. Tī sio-pōng ê kòe-têng, tiōng-chú-chhiⁿ pēng-bô chhùi–khì, kng mā chha-put-to bô cháu–khì. Che kah koan-chhek kiat-kó sio-siâng, bô khòaⁿ-tio̍h kng-ha̍k ê tùi-èng-bu̍t. Lo̍h-bóe chi̍t-lia̍p o͘-tōng liang chi̍t-sî-á niā-niā, i hoat–chhut-ê tiōng-le̍k-pho mā tòe o͘-tōng chò-hóe tiām–khì. Chit-ê saⁿ-cha̍p bió ê sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ iáⁿ-phìⁿ khó-lêng ū khah té, m̄-koh i í-keng sī si̍t-chè-siōng ha̍p-pèng sî-kan ê chi̍t-chheng pōe tn̂g ah.

[KIP] GW jī-khòng-khòng-it-it-ngóo: OO-tōng kah Tiong-tsú-tshinn ha̍p-pìng ê bôo-gí tōng-uē

OO-tōng nā-sī huí-bia̍t tiōng-tsú-tshinn, m̄-tsai ē huat-sing siánn-mih tāi-tsì? Hun-sik tsí-tshut, tsit-khuànn hiān-siōng ē sán-sing tiōng-li̍k-pho sū-kiānn, to̍h tshinn-tshiūnn tī jī-khòng-jī-khòng nî it gue̍h hit-tsūn, LIGO si̍t-giām-sik kah Sik-lú-tsō Thian-bûn-tâi tsing-tshik tio̍h ê GW jī-khòng-khòng-it-it-ngóo sū-kiānn kâng-khuánn. Uī-tio̍h beh koh-khah liáu-kái tsit-ê ti̍k-pia̍t ê sū-kiānn, to̍h lī-iōng tiān-náu bôo-gí lâi sán-sing tsit-ê sī-kak-huà iánn-phìnn. Tsit-ê sī-kak-huà iánn-phìnn uì oo-tōng (tsit-liōng tsha-put-to sī Thài-iông ê la̍k puē) kah tiōng-tsú-tshinn (tsit-liōng tsha-put-to sī Thài-iông ê it-tiám-gōo puē) hōo-siong tńg-se̍h khai-sí, koh ài huat-tshut lú-lâi-lú-tsuē ê tiōng-li̍k-hok-siā. Tiōng-li̍k-pho huat-siā-suànn ê bí-lē tôo-iūnn sī nâ-sik ê. Tsit-ê siang-kńg-lê se̍h tsiok kín ê, it-ti̍t kàu tiōng-tsú-tshinn uân-tsuân khì hōo oo-tōng tsia̍h khì uî-tsí. Tī sio-pōng ê kuè-tîng, tiōng-tsú-tshinn pīng-bô tshuì–khì, kng mā tsha-put-to bô tsáu–khì. Tse kah kuan-tshik kiat-kó sio-siâng, bô khuànn-tio̍h kng-ha̍k ê tuì-ìng-bu̍t. Lo̍h-bué tsi̍t-lia̍p oo-tōng liang tsi̍t-sî-á niā-niā, i huat–tshut-ê tiōng-li̍k-pho mā tuè oo-tōng tsò-hué tiām–khì. Tsit-ê sann-tsa̍p bió ê sok-sî-liap-iánn iánn-phìnn khó-lîng ū khah té, m̄-koh i í-king sī si̍t-tsè-siōng ha̍p-pìng sî-kan ê tsi̍t-tshing puē tn̂g ah.

[English] GW200115: Simulation of a Black Hole Merging with a Neutron Star

What happens when a black hole destroys a neutron star? Analyses indicate that just such an event created gravitational wave event GW200115, detected in 2020 January by LIGO and Virgo observatories. To better understand the unusual event, the featured visualization was created from a computer simulation. The visualization video starts with the black hole (about 6 times the Sun’s mass) and neutron star (about 1.5 times the Sun’s mass) circling each other, together emitting an increasing amount of gravitational radiation. The picturesque pattern of gravitational wave emission is shown in blue. The duo spiral together increasingly fast until the neutron star becomes completely absorbed by the black hole. Since the neutron star did not break apart during the collision, little light escaped – which matches the lack of an observed optical counterpart. The remaining black hole rings briefly, and as that dies down so do the emitted gravitational waves. The 30-second time-lapse video may seem short, but it actually lasts about 1000 times longer than the real merger event.


  • 【烏洞】o͘-tōng/o͘-tōng/黑洞/black hole
  • 【中子星】tiōng-chú-chhiⁿ/tiong-tsú-tshinn/中子星/neutron star
  • 【重力輻射】tiōng-le̍k-hok-siā/tiōng-li̍k-hok-siā/重力輻射/gravitational radiation
  • 【重力波發射線】tiōng-le̍k-pho hoat-siā-sòaⁿ/tiōng-li̍k-phō hok-siā-suànn/重力波發射線/gravitation wave emission
  • 【雙捲螺】siang-kńg-lê/siang-kńg-lê/雙螺旋/duo spiral
  • 【對應物】tùi-èng-bu̍t/tuì-ìng-bu̍t/對應物/counterpart
  • 【縮時攝影影片】sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ/sok-sî-liap-iánn/縮時攝影影片/time-lapse video

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