水星 kah Da Vinci ê 光


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[漢羅] 水星 kah Da Vinci ê 光

七月 8 號透早起床 ê 人,會當 tī 東爿地平線彼搭 ê 月娘附近看著水星。 這張天光進前 ê 天景,是 彼工 tī Canary 群島 Tenerife 島 ê Teide 國家公園翕 ê。 內底有足光 ê 行星、月光暝 ê 暗淡月光、kah 太陽光反射 ê 新月。 閣有一粒 會隨無去 ê 內行星,伊 tī 天頂一定袂離太陽傷遠,to̍h tī 天欲光彼陣發出伊上光 ê 光。 伊是水星,這馬 to̍h chhāi tī 金牛座 Zeta 星(天關)ê 下跤,tī 天牛角 ê 尾仔。 是講,月娘較暗淡 ê 光其實是 地光照 ê,是月球暗暝彼面反射地光來 ê。 地光 ê 描述,500 年前 ê Leonardo da Vinci to̍h 有寫過。 伊是地球海洋反射太陽光,kā 月球烏暗 ê 表面照予光。 前景 leh 等天光 ê 是 Teide 天文台 ê 太陽哨兵隊。 這寡大型 ê 天文台圓厝頂 ùi 倒爿到正爿是,THEMISVTT,kah GREGOR 太陽望遠鏡。

[POJ] Chúi-chhiⁿ kah Da Vinci ê kng

Chhit goe̍h poeh hō thàu-chá khí-chhn̂g ê lâng, ē-tàng tī tang-pêng tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hit-tah ê goe̍h-niû hū-kīn khòaⁿ-tio̍h Chúi-chhiⁿ. Chit-tiuⁿ thiⁿ-kng chìn-chêng ê thian-kéng, sī hit-kang tī Canary kûn-tó Tenerife tó ê Teide kok-ka-kong-hn̂g hip--ê. Lāi-té ū chiok-kng ê kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ, goe̍h-kng-mê ê àm-tām goe̍h-kng, kah thài-iông-kng hoat-siā ê sin-goe̍h. Koh-ū chi̍t-lia̍p ē sûi bô-khì ê lōe-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ, i tī thiⁿ-téng it-tēng bōe lî Thài-iông siūⁿ hn̄g, to̍h tī thiⁿ beh-kng hit-chūn hoat-chhut i siōng-kng ê kng. I sī Chúi-chhiⁿ, chit-má to̍h chhāi tī Kim-gû-chō Zeta chhiⁿ (Thian-koan) ê ē-kha, tī thian-gû-kak ê bóe-á. Sī-kóng, goe̍h-niû àm-tām ê kng kî-si̍t sī tē-kng chiò--ê, sī goe̍h-kng àm-mî hit-bīn hoán-siā tē-kng lâi--ê. Tē-kng ê biâu-su̍t, gō͘-pah nî-chêng ê Leonardo da Vinci to̍h ū siá-kòe. I sī Tē-kiû hái-iûⁿ hoán-siā thài-iông-kng, kā Goe-kiú o͘-àm ê piáu-bīn chiò hō͘ kng. Chiân-kéng leh tán thiⁿ-kng ê sī Teide Thian-bûn-tâi ê Thài-iông siàu-peng-tūi. Chi̍t-kóa tōa-hêng ê thian-bûn-tâi îⁿ-chhù-téng ùi tò-pêng kàu chiàⁿ-pêng sī, THEMIS, VTT, kah GREGOR thài-iông bōng-oán-kiàⁿ.

[KIP] Tsuí-tshinn kah Da Vinci ê kng

Tshit gue̍h pueh hō thàu-tsá khí-tshn̂g ê lâng, ē-tàng tī tang-pîng tē-pîng-suànn hit-tah ê gue̍h-niû hū-kīn khuànn-tio̍h Tsuí-tshinn. Tsit-tiunn thinn-kng tsìn-tsîng ê thian-kíng, sī hit-kang tī Canary kûn-tó Tenerife tó ê Teide kok-ka-kong-hn̂g hip--ê. Lāi-té ū tsiok-kng ê kiânn-tshinn, gue̍h-kng-mê ê àm-tām gue̍h-kng, kah thài-iông-kng huat-siā ê sin-gue̍h. Koh-ū tsi̍t-lia̍p ē suî bô-khì ê luē-kiânn-tshinn, i tī thinn-tíng it-tīng buē lî Thài-iông siūnn hn̄g, to̍h tī thinn beh-kng hit-tsūn huat-tshut i siōng-kng ê kng. I sī Tsuí-tshinn, tsit-má to̍h tshāi tī Kim-gû-tsō Zeta tshinn (Thian-kuan) ê ē-kha, tī thian-gû-kak ê bué-á. Sī-kóng, gue̍h-niû àm-tām ê kng kî-si̍t sī tē-kng tsiò--ê, sī gue̍h-kng àm-mî hit-bīn huán-siā tē-kng lâi--ê. Tē-kng ê biâu-su̍t, gōo-pah nî-tsîng ê Leonardo da Vinci to̍h ū siá-kuè. I sī Tē-kiû hái-iûnn huán-siā thài-iông-kng, kā Gue-kiú oo-àm ê piáu-bīn tsiò hōo kng. Tsiân-kíng leh tán thinn-kng ê sī Teide Thian-bûn-tâi ê Thài-iông siàu-ping-tuī. Tsi̍t-kuá tuā-hîng ê thian-bûn-tâi înn-tshù-tíng uì tò-pîng kàu tsiànn-pîng sī, THEMIS, VTT, kah GREGOR thài-iông bōng-uán-kiànn.

[English] Mercury and the Da Vinci Glow

On July 8th early morning risers saw Mercury near an old Moon low on the eastern horizon. On that date bright planet, faint glow of lunar night side, and sunlit crescent were captured in this predawn skyscape from Tenerife's Teide National Park in the Canary Islands. Never far from the Sun in planet Earth's sky, the fleeting inner planet shines near its brightest in the morning twilight scene. Mercury lies just below the zeta star of the constellation Taurus, Zeta Tauri, near the tip of the celestial bull's horn. Of course the Moon's ashen glow is earthshine, earthlight reflected from the Moon's night side. A description of earthshine, in terms of sunlight reflected by Earth's oceans illuminating the Moon's dark surface, was written over 500 years ago by Leonardo da Vinci. Waiting for the coming dawn in the foreground are the Teide Observatory's sentinels of the Sun, also known as (large domes left to right) the THEMIS, VTT, and GREGOR solar telescopes.


Da Vinci ê 光Da Vinci ê kngDa Vinci ê kng達文西光Da Vinci Glow
內行星lōe-kiâⁿ-chhiⁿluē-kiânn-tshinn內行星inner planet
太陽哨兵隊thài-iông siàu-peng-tūithài-iông siàu-ping-tuī太陽哨兵隊sentinel of the Sun
太陽望遠鏡thài-iông bōng-oán-kiàⁿthài-iông bōng-uán-kiànn太陽望遠鏡solar telescope
金牛座Kim-gû-chōKim-gû-tsō金牛座the constellation Tauru
天關Thian-koanThian-kuan天關Zeta Tauri
天牛角thian-gû-kakthian-gû-kak天牛角the celestial bull's horn

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昨昏 ê 圖:M82:有星系風 ê 星爆星系 明仔載 ê 圖:來揣月娘