Markarian 鍊仔


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] Markarian 鍊仔

室女座星系團 ê 中心附近,有一條叫做 Markarian 鍊仔 ê 星系鍊 to̍h 袚 tī 這个深空 ê 望遠鏡視野 內底。 Ùi 這幅圖中央下跤彼兩个明顯 ê 透鏡形星系 M84 (下跤)kah M86 起碇,你會當綴著這个鍊仔一直行--去-lih 到圖 ê 正爿。 Tī 中心你會當注意著一對交互作用星系 NGC 4438 kah NGC 4435。 有一寡人 kā 叫做 Markarian ê 目睭室女座星系團 是離咱上近 ê 星系團,估算到伊 ê 中心有 5 千萬光年遠。 這个星系團差不多有 2000 粒星系 tī 內底。 伊 tùi 咱 ê 本星系群 有足明顯 ê 重力影響。 Tī 室女座星系團內底,上無有 7 个星系 tī Markarian 鍊仔內底,看起來是 同齊 leh 行徙。 毋閣其他星系有當時仔嘛會出現 tī 這條鍊仔內底。

[POJ] Markarian liān-á

Tī Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoân ê tiong-sim hū-kūn, ū chi̍t-tiâu kiò-chò Markarian liān-á ê seng-hē-liān to̍h phoa̍h tī chit-ê chhim-khong ê bōng-oán-kiàⁿ sī-iá lāi-té. Ùi chit-pak-tô͘ tiong-ng ē-kha hit-nn̄g-ê bêng-hián ê thàu-kiàⁿ-hêng seng-hē M-poeh-cha̍p-sì (ē-kha) kah M-poeh-cha̍p-la̍k khí-tiāⁿ, lí ē-tàng tòe-tio̍h chit-ê liān-á it-ti̍t kiâⁿ--khì-lih kàu tô͘ ê chiàⁿ-pêng. Tī tiong-sim lí ē-tàng chù-ì tio̍h chit-tùi kau-hō͘-chok-iōng seng-hē NGC sù-sù-sam-pat kah NGC sù-sù-sam-ngó͘. Ū chi̍t-kóa lâng kā kiò-chò Markarian ê ba̍k-chiu. Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoân sī lî lán siōng-kīn ê seng-hē-thoân, kó͘-sǹg kàu i ê tiong-sim ū gō͘-chheng-bān kng-nî hn̄g. Chit-ê seng-hē-thoân chha-put-to ū nn̄g-chheng lia̍p seng-hē tī lāi-té. I tùi lán ê Pún-seng-hē-kûn ū chiok-bêng-hián ê tiōng-le̍k éng-hióng. Tī Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoân lāi-té, siōng-bô ū chhit-ê seng-hē tī Markarian liān-á lāi-té, khòaⁿ--khí-lâi sī tâng-chê leh kiâⁿ-sóa. M̄-koh kî-tha seng-hē ū-tang-sî-á mā ē chhut-hiān tī chi̍t-tiâu liān-á lāi-té.

[KIP] Markarian liān-á

Tī Sik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân ê tiong-sim hū-kūn, ū tsi̍t-tiâu kiò-tsò Markarian liān-á ê sing-hē-liān to̍h phua̍h tī tsit-ê tshim-khong ê bōng-uán-kiànn sī-iá lāi-té. Uì tsit-pak-tôo tiong-ng ē-kha hit-nn̄g-ê bîng-hián ê thàu-kiànn-hîng sing-hē M-pueh-tsa̍p-sì (ē-kha) kah M-pueh-tsa̍p-la̍k khí-tiānn, lí ē-tàng tuè-tio̍h tsit-ê liān-á it-ti̍t kiânn--khì-lih kàu tôo ê tsiànn-pîng. Tī tiong-sim lí ē-tàng tsù-ì tio̍h tsit-tuì kau-hōo-tsok-iōng sing-hē NGC sù-sù-sam-pat kah NGC sù-sù-sam-ngóo. Ū tsi̍t-kuá lâng kā kiò-tsò Markarian ê ba̍k-tsiu. Sik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân sī lî lán siōng-kīn ê sing-hē-thuân, kóo-sǹg kàu i ê tiong-sim ū gōo-tshing-bān kng-nî hn̄g. Tsit-ê sing-hē-thuân tsha-put-to ū nn̄g-tshing lia̍p sing-hē tī lāi-té. I tuì lán ê Pún-sing-hē-kûn ū tsiok-bîng-hián ê tiōng-li̍k íng-hióng. Tī Sik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân lāi-té, siōng-bô ū tshit-ê sing-hē tī Markarian liān-á lāi-té, khuànn-khí-lâi sī tâng-tsê leh kiânn-suá. M̄-koh kî-tha sing-hē ū-tang-sî-á mā ē tshut-hiān tī tsi̍t-tiâu liān-á lāi-té.

[English] Markarian's Chain

Near the heart of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster the string of galaxies known as Markarian's Chain stretches across this deep telescopic field of view. Anchored in the frame at bottom center by prominent lenticular galaxies, M84 (bottom) and M86, you can follow the chain up and to the right. Near center you'll spot the pair of interacting galaxies NGC 4438 and NGC 4435, known to some as Markarian's Eyes. Its center an estimated 50 million light-years distant, the Virgo Cluster itself is the nearest galaxy cluster. With up to about 2,000 member galaxies, it has a noticeable gravitational influence on our own Local Group of Galaxies. Within the Virgo Cluster at least seven galaxies in Markarian's Chain appear to move coherently, although others may appear to be part of the chain by chance.


Markarian 鍊仔Markarian lián-áMarkarian lián-á馬卡萊恩鍊Markarian's Chain
Markarian ê 目睭Markarian ê ba̍k-chiuMarkarian ê ba̍k-tsiu馬卡萊恩之眼Markarian's Eyes
透鏡形星系thàu-kiàⁿ-hêng seng-hēthàu-kiànn-hîng sing-hē透鏡狀星系lenticular galaxy
交互作用星系kau-hō͘-chok-iōng seng-hēkau-hōo-tsok-iōng sing-hē交互作用星系interacting galaxies
室女座星系團Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoânSik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân室女座星系團Virgo Galaxy Cluster
本星系群Pún-seng-hē-kûnPún-sing-hē-kûn本星系群Local Group of Galaxies

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