火星 ê 烏托邦平原


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 火星 ê 烏托邦平原

這張 tī 1976 年翕 ê 影像,是火星面頂 闊獅獅 ê 烏托邦平原,伊四界攏是石頭 kah 大岩石。 這是 ùi Viking 2 號登陸船 ê 彩色 kah 烏白影像資料 建構出來 ê 景色。 對人類目睭來講,這个景色應該是火星較倚北爿 ê 平原。 若是欲知影伊有偌大,tī 中央附近彼粒明顯 ê 圓石頭差不多有 20 公分闊。 Tī 這張圖正爿較遠 ê 所在,有一粒較暗 ê 角岩石,差不多有 1.5 公尺闊。 Tī 視野內底閣有兩條溝仔,是登陸船 ê 標本採集手骨挖 ê。 邊仔是一个落 tī 遐 ê 沙塗收集頭 ê 保護殼。 正爿下跤彼个厚塗粉 ê,是登陸船 ê 其中一跤 ê 跤苴仔。 Tī 2021 年 5 月 14,中國 ê 火星祝融號 探測車成功登陸 tī 火星矣。 嘛 kā 伊 登陸 tī 烏托邦平原 翕著 ê 頭一張影像送–轉來。

[POJ] Hóe-chhiⁿ ê O͘-thok-pang pêng-goân

Chit-tiuⁿ tī i̍t-kiú-chhit-lio̍k nî hip–ê iáⁿ-siōng, sī Hóe-chhiⁿ bīn-téng khoah-sai-sai ê O͘-thok-pang pêng-goân, i sì-kè lóng-sī chio̍h-thâu kah tōa-giâm-chio̍h. Che sī ùi Viking jī hō teng-lio̍k-chûn ê chhái-sek kah o͘-pe̍h iáⁿ-siōng chu-liāu kiàn-kò͘ chhut-lâi ê kéng-sek. Tùi jîn-lūi ba̍k-chiu lâi-kóng, chit-ê kéng-sek èng-kai sī Hóe-chhiⁿ khah óa pak-pêng ê pêng-goân. Nā-sī beh chai-iáⁿ i ū gōa-tōa, tī tiong-ng hū-kīn hit-lia̍p bêng-hián ê îⁿ-chio̍h-thâu chha-put-to ū jī-cha̍p kong-hun khoah. Tī chit-tiuⁿ tô͘ chiàⁿ-pêng khah-hn̄g ê só͘-chāi, ū chi̍t-lia̍p khah-àm ê kak-giâm-chio̍h, chha-put-to ū it-tiám-gō͘ kong-chhioh khoah. Tī sī-iá lāi-té koh-ū nn̄g-tiâu kau-á, sī teng-lio̍k-chûn ê piau-pún chhái-chi̍p chhiú-kut ó͘–ê. Piⁿ-á sī chi̍t-ê lak tī hia ê soa-thô͘ siu-chi̍p-thâu ê pó-hō͘-khak. Chiàⁿ-pêng ē-kha hit-ê kāu thô͘-hún ê, sī teng-lio̍k-chûn ê kî-tiong chi̍t-kha ê kha-chū-á. Tī jī-khòng-jī-it nî gō͘ goe̍h cha̍p-sì, Tiong-kok ê Hóe-chhiⁿ Chiok-iông-hō thàm-chhek-chhia sêng-kong teng-lio̍k tī Hóe-chhiⁿ ah. Mā kā i teng-lio̍k tī O͘-thok-pang pêng-goân hip-tio̍h ê thâu-chi̍t-tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng sàng–tńg-lâi.

[KIP] Hué-tshinn ê Oo-thok-pang pîng-guân

Tsit-tiunn tī i̍t-kiú-tshit-lio̍k nî hip–ê iánn-siōng, sī Hué-tshinn bīn-tíng khuah-sai-sai ê Oo-thok-pang pîng-guân, i sì-kè lóng-sī tsio̍h-thâu kah tuā-giâm-tsio̍h. Tse sī uì Viking jī hō ting-lio̍k-tsûn ê tshái-sik kah oo-pe̍h iánn-siōng tsu-liāu kiàn-kòo tshut-lâi ê kíng-sik. Tuì jîn-luī ba̍k-tsiu lâi-kóng, tsit-ê kíng-sik ìng-kai sī Hué-tshinn khah uá pak-pîng ê pîng-guân. Nā-sī beh tsai-iánn i ū guā-tuā, tī tiong-ng hū-kīn hit-lia̍p bîng-hián ê înn-tsio̍h-thâu tsha-put-to ū jī-tsa̍p kong-hun khuah. Tī tsit-tiunn tôo tsiànn-pîng khah-hn̄g ê sóo-tsāi, ū tsi̍t-lia̍p khah-àm ê kak-giâm-tsio̍h, tsha-put-to ū it-tiám-gōo kong-tshioh khuah. Tī sī-iá lāi-té koh-ū nn̄g-tiâu kau-á, sī ting-lio̍k-tsûn ê piau-pún tshái-tsi̍p tshiú-kut óo–ê. Pinn-á sī tsi̍t-ê lak tī hia ê sua-thôo siu-tsi̍p-thâu ê pó-hōo-khak. Tsiànn-pîng ē-kha hit-ê kāu thôo-hún ê, sī ting-lio̍k-tsûn ê kî-tiong tsi̍t-kha ê kha-tsū-á. Tī jī-khòng-jī-it nî gōo gue̍h tsa̍p-sì, Tiong-kok ê Hué-tshinn Tsiok-iông-hō thàm-tshik-tshia sîng-kong ting-lio̍k tī Hué-tshinn ah. Mā kā i ting-lio̍k tī Oo-thok-pang pîng-guân hip-tio̍h ê thâu-tsi̍t-tiunn iánn-siōng sàng–tńg-lâi.

[English] Utopia on Mars

Expansive Utopia Planitia on Mars is strewn with rocks and boulders in this 1976 image. Constructed from the Viking 2 lander’s color and black and white image data, the scene approximates the appearance of the high northern martian plain to the human eye. For scale, the prominent rounded rock near center is about 20 centimeters (just under 8 inches) across. Farther back on the right side of the frame the a dark angular boulder spans about 1.5 meters (5 feet). Also in view are two trenches dug by the lander’s sampler arm, the ejected protective shroud that covered the soil collector head, and one of the lander’s dust covered footpads at the lower right. On May 14, China’s Zhurong Mars rover successfully touchdown on Mars and has returned the first images of its landing site in Utopia Planitia.


  • 【火星】Hóe-chhiⁿ/Hué-tshinn/火星/Mars
  • 【烏托邦平原】O͘-thok-pang pêng-goân/Oo-thok-pang pîng-guân/烏托邦平原/Utopia Planitia
  • 【登陸船】teng-lio̍k-chûn/ting-lio̍k-tsûn/登陸船/lander
  • 【祝融號】Chiok-iông/Tsiok-iông/祝融號/Zhurong
  • 【探測車】thàm-chhek-chhia/thàm-tshik-tshia/探測車/rover
  • 【跤苴仔】kha-chū-á/kha-tsū-á/腳墊/footpad

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