

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] M104:草帽仔星系

M104 是一个華麗 ê 捲螺仔星系。 伊有名是因為伊 giōng 欲完全 坦敧身 ê 形體縖一條足闊 ê 環,彼个環 to̍h 是會閘光 ê 塗粉帶。 伊 ê 面模會當 ùi 內底彼个展延 ê 中央銀核內底 ê 恆星看出來。 宇宙塗粉 帶成做一个闊邊 ê 草帽仔外形,才予這个星系提著這个較有名 ê 偏名,草帽仔星系。 這張有名星系 ê 清楚光學影像是 ùi 地面望遠鏡影像資料來 ê。 這改處理 ê 資料,有保存著足詳細 ê 狀況。 這 tī 過去定定會因為 M104 中央銀核傷強 ê 光,煞看袂著。 草帽仔星系 mā 叫做 NGC 4594,伊 tī 規个光譜 攏看會著。 而且伊 ê 中央 有一粒超大質量烏洞。 M104 ê 大細差不多有 5 萬光年闊,離咱有 2800 萬光年遠。 是室女座星系團南爿邊仔上大粒 ê 星系之一。 是講,視場內底多彩明亮 ê 前景星是 ùi 咱 ê 銀河系來的。

[POJ] M-it-khòng-sù: Chháu-bō-á seng-hē

M-it-khòng-sù sī chi̍t-ê hôa-lē ê kńg-lê-á seng-hē. I ū-miâ sī in-ūi sī in-ūi i giōng beh oân-choân thán-khi-sin ê hêng-thé hâ chi̍t-tiâu chiok-khoah ê khoân, hit-ê khoân to̍h sī ē cha̍h-kng ê thô͘-hún-tòa. I ê bīn-bô͘ ē-tàng ùi lāi-té hit-ê tián-iân ê tiong-ng gîn-he̍k lāi-té ê hêng-chhiⁿ khòaⁿ--chhut-lâi. Ú-tiū thô͘-hún-tòa chiâⁿ-chò chi̍t-ê khoah-piⁿ ê chháu-bō-á gōa-hêng, chiah hō͘ chi̍t-ê seng-hē the̍h-tio̍h chit-ê khah ū-miâ ê phian-miâ, Chháu-bō-á seng-hē. Chit-tiuⁿ ū-miâ seng-hē ê chheng-chhó͘ kng-ha̍k iáⁿ-siōng sī ùi tē-bīn bōng-oán-kiàⁿ iáⁿ-siōng chu-liāu lâi--ê. Chi̍t-kái chhú-lí ê chu-liāu, ū pó-chûn tio̍h chiok siông-sè ê chōng-hóng. Che tī kòe-khì tiāⁿ-tiāⁿ ē in-ūi M-it-khòng-sù tiong-ng gîn-he̍k siūⁿ-kiông ê kng, soah khòaⁿ bōe-tio̍h. Chháu-bō-á seng-hē mā kiò-chò NGC sûn-ngó͘-kiú-sù, i tī kui-ê kng-phó͘ lóng khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h. Jî-chhiáⁿ i ê tiong-ng ū chi̍t-lia̍p chhiau-tōa-chit-liōng o͘-tōng. M-it-khòng-sù ê tōa-sè chha-put-to ū gō͘ bān kng-nî khoah, lî lán ū nn̄g-chheng-peh-pah-bān kng-nî hn̄g. I sī Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoân lâm-pêng piⁿ-á siōng tōa-lia̍p ê seng-hē chi-it. Sī-kóng, sī-tiûⁿ lāi-té to-chhái bêng-liōng ê chiân-kéng-chhiⁿ sī ùi lán ê Gîn-hô-hē lâi--ê.

[KIP] M-it-khòng-sù: Tsháu-bō-á sing-hē

M-it-khòng-sù sī tsi̍t-ê huâ-lē ê kńg-lê-á sing-hē. I ū-miâ sī in-uī sī in-uī i giōng beh uân-tsuân thán-khi-sin ê hîng-thé hâ tsi̍t-tiâu tsiok-khuah ê khuân, hit-ê khuân to̍h sī ē tsa̍h-kng ê thôo-hún-tuà. I ê bīn-bôo ē-tàng uì lāi-té hit-ê tián-iân ê tiong-ng gîn-hi̍k lāi-té ê hîng-tshinn khuànn--tshut-lâi. Ú-tiū thôo-hún-tuà tsiânn-tsò tsi̍t-ê khuah-pinn ê tsháu-bō-á guā-hîng, tsiah hōo tsi̍t-ê sing-hē the̍h-tio̍h tsit-ê khah ū-miâ ê phian-miâ, Tsháu-bō-á sing-hē. Tsit-tiunn ū-miâ sing-hē ê tshing-tshóo kng-ha̍k iánn-siōng sī uì tē-bīn bōng-uán-kiànn iánn-siōng tsu-liāu lâi--ê. Tsi̍t-kái tshú-lí ê tsu-liāu, ū pó-tsûn tio̍h tsiok siông-sè ê tsōng-hóng. Tse tī kuè-khì tiānn-tiānn ē in-uī M-it-khòng-sù tiong-ng gîn-hi̍k siūnn-kiông ê kng, suah khuànn buē-tio̍h. Tsháu-bō-á sing-hē mā kiò-tsò NGC sûn-ngóo-kiú-sù, i tī kui-ê kng-phóo lóng khuànn-ē-tio̍h. Jî-tshiánn i ê tiong-ng ū tsi̍t-lia̍p tshiau-tuā-tsit-liōng oo-tōng. M-it-khòng-sù ê tuā-sè tsha-put-to ū gōo bān kng-nî khuah, lî lán ū nn̄g-tshing-peh-pah-bān kng-nî hn̄g. I sī Sik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân lâm-pîng pinn-á siōng tuā-lia̍p ê sing-hē tsi-it. Sī-kóng, sī-tiûnn lāi-té to-tshái bîng-liōng ê tsiân-kíng-tshinn sī uì lán ê Gîn-hô-hē lâi--ê.

[English] M104: The Sombrero Galaxy

A gorgeous spiral galaxy, M104 is famous for its nearly edge-on profile featuring a broad ring of obscuring dust lanes. Seen in silhouette against an extensive central bulge of stars, the swath of cosmic dust lends a broad brimmed hat-like appearance to the galaxy suggesting a more popular moniker, the Sombrero Galaxy. This sharp optical view of the well-known galaxy made from ground-based image data was processed to preserve details often lost in overwhelming glare of M104's bright central bulge. Also known as NGC 4594, the Sombrero galaxy can be seen across the spectrum, and is host to a central supermassive black hole. About 50,000 light-years across and 28 million light-years away, M104 is one of the largest galaxies at the southern edge of the Virgo Galaxy Cluster. Still the colorful spiky foreground stars in this field of view lie well within our own Milky Way galaxy.


草帽仔星系Chháu-bō-á seng-hēTsháu-bō-á sing-hē闊邊帽星系、墨西哥帽星系the Sombrero Galaxy
捲螺仔星系kńg-lê-á seng-hēkńg-lê-á sing-hē螺旋星系spiral galaxy
坦敧身星系thán-khi-sin seng-hēthán-khi-sin sing-hē側向星系edge-on galaxy
塗粉帶thô͘-hún-tòathôo-hún-tuà灰塵帶dust lane
銀核gîn-he̍kgîn-hi̍k銀核central bulge
超大質量烏洞chhiau-tōa-chit-liōng o͘-tōngtshiau-tuā-tsit-liōng oo-tōng超大質量烏洞supermassive blackhole
室女座星系團Sek-lú-chō seng-hē-thoânSik-lú-tsō sing-hē-thuân室女座星系團the Virgo Galaxy Cluster
銀河系Gîn-hô-hēGîn-hô-hē銀河系Milky Way galaxy

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