Tī 近地點 ê 粉紅仔色月娘


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4

[漢羅] Tī 近地點 ê 粉紅仔色月娘

Tī 4 月 25,一粒欲月圓 ê 月娘 tī 日頭 peh--起來進前已經升--起來矣。 真歡迎伊來到這个清淨 ê 藍色天色中, 櫻花 mā 開好勢 tī 這幅圖 leh 等伊。 咱熟似 ê 伊 to̍h tī 蘇格蘭愛丁堡 Leith 去予翕著。 一寡人 kā 伊叫做是粉紅仔月娘,四月 ê 月圓 to̍h 發生 tī 月球行到近地點 ê 時陣。 這是月球踅地球 無夠圓 ê 軌道 leh 行 ê 時陣,上近 ê 所在。 才會予這粒粉紅仔月娘成做今年上近 kah 上光 ê 月圓時。 你若是慢一跤步 mā 免煩惱! 後一擺閣看著近地點 ê 月圓會 tī 5 月 26。 一寡人會 kā 伊叫做是 花月。 五月 ê 月圓其實比四月 ê 月圓 離你閣較倚 158 公里,差不多是月球 tī 近地點 ê 距離較倚 0.04 葩。

[POJ] Tī kīn-tē-tiám ê hún-âng-á-sek goe̍h-niû

Tī sì goe̍h jī-gō͘, chi̍t-lia̍p beh goe̍h-îⁿ ê goe̍h-niû tī ji̍t-thâu peh--khí-lâi chìn-chêng Í-keng seng--khí-lâi ah. Chin hoan-gêng i lâi-kàu chit-ê chheng-chēng ê nâ-sek thiⁿ-sek tiong, eng-hoe mā khui hó-sè tī chit pak tô͘ leh tán i. Lán se̍k-sāi ê i to̍h tī So͘-keh-lân Ài-teng-pó Leith khì hō͘ hip-tio̍h. Chi̍t-kóa-lâng kā i kiò-chò sī hún-âng-á goe̍h-niû, sì goe̍h ê goe̍h-îⁿ to̍h hoat-seng tī goe̍h-kiû kiâⁿ kàu kīn-tē-tiám ê sî-chūn. Che sī goe̍h-kiû se̍h bô kàu îⁿ ê kúi-tō leh kiâⁿ ê sî-chūn, siōng kīn ê só͘-chāi. Chiah ē hō͘ chit-lia̍p hún-âng-á goe̍h-niû chiâⁿ-chò kin-nî siōng kīn kah siōng kng ê goe̍h-îⁿ sî. Lí nā-sī bān chi̍t-kha-pō͘ mā bián hoân-ló! Āu-chi̍t-pái koh khòaⁿ-tio̍h kīn-tē-tiám ê goe̍h-îⁿ ē tī gō͘ goe̍h jī-la̍k. Chi̍t-kóa-lâng ē kā i kiò-chò hoe-goe̍h. Gō͘ goe̍h ê goe̍h-îⁿ kî-si̍t pí sì goe̍h ê goe̍h-îⁿ lî lí koh khah óa chi̍t-pah-gō͘-cha̍ppoeh kong-lí, chha-put-to sī goe̍h-kiû tī kīn-tē-tiám ê kū-lî khah óa khòng-tiám-khòng-sù pha.

[KIP] Tī kīn-tē-tiám ê hún-âng-á-sik gue̍h-niû

Tī sì gue̍h jī-gōo, tsi̍t-lia̍p beh gue̍h-înn ê gue̍h-niû tī ji̍t-thâu peh--khí-lâi tsìn-tsîng Í-king sing--khí-lâi ah. Tsin huan-gîng i lâi-kàu tsit-ê tshing-tsīng ê nâ-sik thinn-sik tiong, ing-hue mā khui hó-sè tī tsit pak tôo leh tán i. Lán si̍k-sāi ê i to̍h tī Soo-keh-lân Ài-ting-pó Leith khì hōo hip-tio̍h. Tsi̍t-kuá-lâng kā i kiò-tsò sī hún-âng-á gue̍h-niû, sì gue̍h ê gue̍h-înn to̍h huat-sing tī gue̍h-kiû kiânn kàu kīn-tē-tiám ê sî-tsūn. Tse sī gue̍h-kiû se̍h bô kàu înn ê kuí-tō leh kiânn ê sî-tsūn, siōng kīn ê sóo-tsāi. Tsiah ē hōo tsit-lia̍p hún-âng-á gue̍h-niû tsiânn-tsò kin-nî siōng kīn kah siōng kng ê gue̍h-înn sî. Lí nā-sī bān tsi̍t-kha-pōo mā bián huân-ló! Āu-tsi̍t-pái koh khuànn-tio̍h kīn-tē-tiám ê gue̍h-înn ē tī gōo gue̍h jī-la̍k. Tsi̍t-kuá-lâng ē kā i kiò-tsò hue-gue̍h. Gōo gue̍h ê gue̍h-înn kî-si̍t pí sì gue̍h ê gue̍h-înn lî lí koh khah uá tsi̍t-pah-gōo-tsappueh8 kong-lí, tsha-put-to sī gue̍h-kiû tī kīn-tē-tiám ê kū-lî khah uá khòng-tiám-khòng-sù pha.

[English] Pink and the Perigee Moon

On April 25 a nearly full moon rose just before sunset. Welcomed in a clear blue sky and framed by cherry blossoms, its familiar face was captured in this snapshot from Leith, Edinburgh, Scotland. Known to some as a Pink Moon, April's full lunar phase occurred with the moon near perigee. That's the closest point in its not-quite-circular orbit around planet Earth, making this Pink Moon one of the closest and brightest full moons of the year. If you missed it, don't worry. Your next chance to see a full perigee moon will be on May 26. Known to some as a Flower Moon, May's full moon will actually be closer to you than April's by about 98 miles (158 kilometers), or about 0.04% the distance from the Earth to the Moon at perigee.



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