16. April 2021
雙烏洞 ê 雙重扭曲世界
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:The Doubly Warped World of Binary Black Holes
- 科學視覺化提供:NASA, Goddard Space Flight Center, Jeremy Schnittman and Brian P. Powell
- 文稿:Francis Reddy
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
[漢羅] 雙烏洞 ê 雙重扭曲世界
Tī 這个足厲害 ê 電腦視覺化影像內底,咱看會著 踅雙超大烏洞吸積盤發出 ê 光,去予極端重力扭曲 ê 時空彎曲去。 這个 模擬吸積盤 是用幾若色來 kā 標記,紅色是踅 20 億太陽質量烏洞 ê 吸積盤,藍色是踅 10 億太陽質量烏洞 ê 吸積盤。 這會當予咱較簡單 to̍h 揣著光 ê 源頭,毋過這款方式 mā 反應現實。 較燒 ê 氣體倚光譜 ê 藍光彼爿,而且踅小粒烏洞 ê 物質有較強 ê 重力效應,閣會產生較懸 ê 溫度。 像這款質量,兩个吸積盤攏會 tī 紫外線 發出 大部份 ê 光。 Tī 這支影片內底,特寫影像是扭曲 ê 藍色烏洞。 這是 ùi 紅色烏洞看伊 ê 另外一伴。 會當 tī 前景看著絞做伙 ê 紅色吸積盤。 這支影片會當予咱 tī 仝一个時間看著去予藍色烏洞扭曲 ê 紅色烏洞。 因為咱會當看著紅色烏洞看著 ê 藍色烏洞,嘛會當直接看著藍色烏洞,所以咱會當同齊看著兩爿 ê 藍色烏洞。 Ùi 兩粒烏洞發出 ê 紅光 kah 藍光會當 tī 上內底 ê 光環看著,這个環 to̍h 是 光子環。 這个環 to̍h 差不多 tī 事件地平線附近。 天文學家預測,免偌久,in to̍h 會當 觀測著重力波。 這是一个時空 ê 水波痕,是兩粒超大烏洞 tī 仝一个系統內底 互相轉踅 kah 合併,to̍h 親像遮內底模擬 ê 這款 sio-siâng。
[POJ] Siang o͘-tōng ê siang-têng niú-khiok sè-kài
Tī chit-ê chiok lī-hāi ê tiān-náu sī-kak-hòa iáⁿ-siōng lāi-té, lán khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h se̍h siang chhiau-tōa o͘-tōng khip-chek-pôaⁿ hoat--chhut ê kng, khì hō͘ ke̍k-toan tiōng-le̍k niú-khiok ê sî-khong oan-khiau khì. Chit-ê bô͘-gí khip-chek-pôaⁿ sī iōng kúi-nā-sek lâi kā piau-kì, âng-sek sī se̍h jī-cha̍p ek thài-iông-chit-liōng o͘-tōng ê khip-chek-pôaⁿ, nâ-sek sī se̍h cha̍p ek thài-iông-chit-liōng o͘-tōng ê khip-chek-pôaⁿ. Che ē-tàng hō͘ lán khah kán-tan to̍h chhōe-tio̍h kng ê goân-thâu, m̄-koh chit-khoán hong-sek mā hoán-èng hiān-si̍t. Khah-sio ê khì-thé óa kng-phó͘ ê nâ-kng hit pêng, jî-chhiáⁿ se̍h sè-lia̍p o͘-tōng ê bu̍t-chit ū khah-kiông ê tiōng-le̍k-hāu-èng, koh ē sán-seng khah-koân ê un-tō͘. Chhiūⁿ chit-khoán chit-liōng, nn̄g-ê khip-chek-pôaⁿ lóng ē tī chí-gōa-sòaⁿ hoat--chhut tōa-pō͘-hūn ê kng. Tī chit-ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ lāi-té, te̍k-siá iáⁿ-siōng sī niú-khiok ê nâ-sek o͘-tōng. Che sī ùi âng-sek o͘-tōng khòaⁿ i ê lēng-gōa chi̍t phōaⁿ. Ē-tàng tī chiân-kéng khòaⁿ-tio̍h ká chò-hóe ê ângsek khip-chek-pôaⁿ. Chit-ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ ē-tàng hō͘ lán tī kâng chi̍t-ê sî-kan khòaⁿ-tio̍h khì hō͘ nâ-sek o͘-tōng niú-khiok ê âng-sek o͘-tōng. In-ūi lán ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h âng-sek o͘-tōng khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê nâ-sek ō͘-tōng, mā ē-tàng ti̍t-chiap khòaⁿ-tio̍h nâ-sek o͘-tōng, só͘-í lán ē-tàng tâng-chê khòaⁿ-tio̍h nn̄g-pêng ê nâ-sek ô͘-tōng. Ùi nn̄g-lia̍p o͘-tōng hoat--chhut ê âng-kng kah nâ-kng ē-tàng tī siōng lāi-té ê kng-khoân khòaⁿ--tio̍h, chit-ê khoân to̍h sī kng-chú-khoân. Chit-ê khoân to̍h chha-put-to tī sū-kiāⁿ tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hù-kīn. Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka ī-chhek, bián gōa-kú, in to̍h ē-tàng koan-chhek-tio̍h tiōng-le̍k-pho. Che sī chit-ê sî-khong ê chúi-pho-hûn, sī nn̄g-lia̍p chhiau-tōa o͘-tōng tī kâng-chi̍t-ê hē-thóng lāi-té hō͘-siong tńg-se̍h kah ha̍p-pèng, to̍h chhin-chhiūⁿ chia lāi-té bô͘-gí ê chit-khoán sio-siâng.
[KIP] Siang oo-tōng ê siang-tîng niú-khiok sè-kài
Tī tsit-ê tsiok lī-hāi ê tiān-náu sī-kak-huà iánn-siōng lāi-té, lán khuànn-ē-tio̍h se̍h siang tshiau-tuā oo-tōng khip-tsik-puânn huat--tshut ê kng, khì hōo ki̍k-tuan tiōng-li̍k niú-khiok ê sî-khong uan-khiau khì. Tsit-ê bôo-gí khip-tsik-puânn sī iōng kuí-nā-sik lâi kā piau-kì, âng-sik sī se̍h jī-tsa̍p ik thài-iông-tsit-liōng oo-tōng ê khip-tsik-puânn, nâ-sik sī se̍h tsa̍p ik thài-iông-tsit-liōng oo-tōng ê khip-tsik-puânn. Tse ē-tàng hōo lán khah kán-tan to̍h tshuē-tio̍h kng ê guân-thâu, m̄-koh tsit-khuán hong-sik mā huán-ìng hiān-si̍t. Khah-sio ê khì-thé uá kng-phóo ê nâ-kng hit pîng, jî-tshiánn se̍h sè-lia̍p oo-tōng ê bu̍t-tsit ū khah-kiông ê tiōng-li̍k-hāu-ìng, koh ē sán-sing khah-kuân ê un-tōo. Tshiūnn tsit-khuán tsit-liōng, nn̄g-ê khip-tsik-puânn lóng ē tī tsí-guā-suànn huat--tshut tuā-pōo-hūn ê kng. Tī tsit-ki iánn-phìnn lāi-té, ti̍k-siá iánn-siōng sī niú-khiok ê nâ-sik oo-tōng. Tse sī uì âng-sik oo-tōng khuànn i ê līng-guā tsi̍t phuānn. Ē-tàng tī tsiân-kíng khuànn-tio̍h ká tsò-hué ê angsik5 khip-tsik-puânn. Tsit-ki iánn-phìnn ē-tàng hōo lán tī kâng tsi̍t-ê sî-kan khuànn-tio̍h khì hōo nâ-sik oo-tōng niú-khiok ê âng-sik oo-tōng. In-uī lán ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h âng-sik oo-tōng khuànn-tio̍h ê nâ-sik ōo-tōng, mā ē-tàng ti̍t-tsiap khuànn-tio̍h nâ-sik oo-tōng, sóo-í lán ē-tàng tâng-tsê khuànn-tio̍h nn̄g-pîng ê nâ-sik ôo-tōng. Uì nn̄g-lia̍p oo-tōng huat--tshut ê âng-kng kah nâ-kng ē-tàng tī siōng lāi-té ê kng-khuân khuànn--tio̍h, tsit-ê khuân to̍h sī kng-tsú-khuân. Tsit-ê khuân to̍h tsha-put-to tī sū-kiānn tē-pîng-suànn hù-kīn. Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka ī-tshik, bián guā-kú, in to̍h ē-tàng kuan-tshik-tio̍h tiōng-li̍k-pho. Tse sī tsit-ê sî-khong ê tsuí-pho-hûn, sī nn̄g-lia̍p tshiau-tuā oo-tōng tī kâng-tsi̍t-ê hē-thóng lāi-té hōo-siong tńg-se̍h kah ha̍p-pìng, to̍h tshin-tshiūnn tsia lāi-té bôo-gí ê tsit-khuán sio-siâng.
[English] The Doubly Warped World of Binary Black Holes
Light rays from accretion disks around a pair of orbiting supermassive black holes make their way through the warped space-time produced by extreme gravity in this stunning computer visualization. The simulated accretion disks have been given different false color schemes, red for the disk surrounding a 200-million-solar-mass black hole, and blue for the disk surrounding a 100-million-solar-mass black hole. That makes it easier to track the light sources, but the choice also reflects reality. Hotter gas gives off light closer to the blue end of the spectrum and material orbiting smaller black holes experiences stronger gravitational effects that produce higher temperatures. For these masses, both accretion disks would actually emit most of their light in the ultraviolet though. In the video, distorted secondary images of the blue black hole, which show the red black hole's view of its partner, can be found within the tangled skein of the red disk warped by the gravity of the blue black hole in the foreground. Because we're seeing red's view of blue while also seeing blue directly, the images allow us to see both sides of blue at the same time. Red and blue light originating from both black holes can be seen in the innermost ring of light, called the photon ring, near their event horizons. Astronomers expect that in the not-too-distant future they'll be able to detect gravitational waves, ripples in space-time, produced when two supermassive black holes in a system much like the one simulated here spiral together and merge.
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
雙烏洞 | siang-o͘-tōng | siang-oo-tōng | 雙黑洞 | binary black hole |
吸積盤 | khip-chek-pôaⁿ | khip-tsik-puânn | 吸積盤 | accretion disk |
事件地平線 | sū-kiāⁿ tē-pêng-sòaⁿ | sū-kiānn tē-pîng-suànn | 事件視界 | event horizon |
光子環 | kng-chú-khoân | kng-tsú-khuân | 光子環 | event horizon |