Ùi 太空站看火箭發射

探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] Ùi 太空站看火箭發射

你敢捌 tī 太空看過火箭發射? 咱會使 ùi 這个縮時攝影影片 斟酌來 kā 看。 這是 ùi 國際太空站 面頂看著 ê 景色,有一台火箭飛到地球軌道 ê 懸度。 這台 露西亞 ê Soyuz-FG 火箭,是 tī 2018 年 11 月 ê 時陣,ùi 哈薩克 ê Baikonur 太空發射中心 發射 ê。 伊送一台 Progress MS-10 模組(嘛號做 71P)去-lih,內底是欲予國際太空站用 ê 物資。 這个 90 秒鐘 ê 影片 內底(ùi 15 分鐘濃縮來 ê),倒爿下跤 看會著城市 ê 光 kah 地球看會著 ê 雲。 嘛看會著大氣層內底,藍色 氣輝層 kah 金色 氣輝層,to̍h 迒 tī 這支影片 ê 對角方向。 正爿頂懸,tī 地球後壁,閣有遠方 ê 天星。 咱會當看著火箭 ê 下節 落轉來地球。 頂節 ê 補給船,發射伊 ê 推進器,沓沓仔 倚近國際太空站。 這間 太空實驗室 to̍h 按呢,tī 2018 年 慶祝 in 成立 20 週年 矣。 蹛 tī 踅地國際太空站 ê 太空人,愛進行足濟 ê 實用勤務 kah 科學實驗。 這毋若會當擴展人類 ê 智識,嘛會當增加未來 tī 地球低層軌道 ê 商業應用

[POJ] Ùi thài-khong-chām khòaⁿ hóe-chìⁿ hoat-siā

Lí kám bat tī thài-khong khòaⁿ-kòe hóe-chìⁿ hoat-siā? Lán ē-sái ùi chi̍t-ê sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ iáⁿ-phìⁿ chim-chiok lâi kā khòaⁿ. Che sī ùi Kok-chè-thài-khong-chām bīn-téng khòaⁿ-tio̍h-ê kéng-sek, ū chi̍t-tâi hóe-chìⁿ poe kàu Tē-kiû kúi-tō ê koân-tō͘. Chit-tâi Lō͘-se-a ê Soyuz-FG hóe-chìⁿ, sī tī jī-khòng-it-pat nî cha̍p-it goe̍h ê sî-chūn, ùi Ha-sat-khek ê Baikonur Thài-khong hoat-siā-tiong-sim hoat-siā--ê. I sàng chi̍t-tâi Progress MS-cha̍p bô͘-cho͘ (mā hō chò chhit-cha̍p-it-P) khì-lih, lāi-té sī beh hō͘ Kok-chè-thài-khong-chām iōng--ê bu̍t-chu. Chit-ê káu-cha̍p bió-cheng ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ lāi-té (ùi cha̍p-gō͘ hun-cheng lông-sok lâi--ê), tò-pêng ē-kha khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h siâⁿ-chhī ê kng kah Tē-kiû khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h ê hûn. Mā khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h tōa-khì-chân lāi-té, nâ-sek khì-hui-chân kah kim-sek khì-hui-chân, to̍h hāⁿ tī chit-ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ ê tùi-kak hong-hiòng. Chiàⁿ-pêng téng-koân, tī Tē-kiû āu-piah, koh-ū oán-hong ê thiⁿ-chhiⁿ. Lán ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h hóe-chìⁿ ê ē-chat lak-tńg-lâi Tē-kiû. Téng-chat ê pó͘-kip-chûn, hoat-siā i ê thui-chìn-khì, tau̍h-tau̍h-á óa-kīn Kok-chè-thài-khong-chām. Chit-keng thài-khong-si̍t-giām-sek to̍h án-ne, tī jī-khòng-it-pat nî khèng-chiok in sêng-li̍p jī-cha̍p chiu-nî ah. Tòa tī Se̍h-tē Kok-chè-thài-khong-chām ê thài-khong-jîn, ài chìn-hêng chiok-chōe ê si̍t-iōng-khîn-bū kah kho-ha̍k-si̍t-giām. Che m̄-nā ē-tàng khok-tián jîn-lūi ê tì-sek, mā ē-tàng cheng-ka bī-lâi Tē-kiû kē-chân kúi-tō ê siong-gia̍p èng-iōng.

[KIP] Uì thài-khong-tsām khuànn hué-tsìnn huat-siā

Lí kám bat tī thài-khong khuànn-kuè hué-tsìnn huat-siā? Lán ē-sái uì tsi̍t-ê sok-sî-liap-iánn iánn-phìnn tsim-tsiok lâi kā khuànn. Tse sī uì Kok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām bīn-tíng khuànn-tio̍h-ê kíng-sik, ū tsi̍t-tâi hué-tsìnn pue kàu Tē-kiû kuí-tō ê kuân-tōo. Tsit-tâi Lōo-se-a ê Soyuz-FG hué-tsìnn, sī tī jī-khòng-it-pat nî tsa̍p-it gue̍h ê sî-tsūn, uì Ha-sat-khik ê Baikonur Thài-khong huat-siā-tiong-sim huat-siā--ê. I sàng tsi̍t-tâi Progress MS-tsa̍p bôo-tsoo (mā hō tsò tshit-tsa̍p-it-P) khì-lih, lāi-té sī beh hōo Kok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām iōng--ê bu̍t-tsu. Tsit-ê káu-tsa̍p bió-tsing ê iánn-phìnn lāi-té (uì tsa̍p-gōo hun-tsing lông-sok lâi--ê), tò-pîng ē-kha khuànn-ē-tio̍h siânn-tshī ê kng kah Tē-kiû khuànn-ē-tio̍h ê hûn. Mā khuànn-ē-tio̍h tuā-khì-tsân lāi-té, nâ-sik khì-hui-tsân kah kim-sik khì-hui-tsân, to̍h hānn tī tsit-ki iánn-phìnn ê tuì-kak hong-hiòng. Tsiànn-pîng tíng-kuân, tī Tē-kiû āu-piah, koh-ū uán-hong ê thinn-tshinn. Lán ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h hué-tsìnn ê ē-tsat lak-tńg-lâi Tē-kiû. Tíng-tsat ê póo-kip-tsûn, huat-siā i ê thui-tsìn-khì, ta̍uh-ta̍uh-á uá-kīn Kok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām. Tsit-king thài-khong-si̍t-giām-sik to̍h án-ne, tī jī-khòng-it-pat nî khìng-tsiok in sîng-li̍p jī-tsa̍p tsiu-nî ah. Tuà tī Se̍h-tē Kok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām ê thài-khong-jîn, ài tsìn-hîng tsiok-tsuē ê si̍t-iōng-khîn-bū kah kho-ha̍k-si̍t-giām. Tse m̄-nā ē-tàng khok-tián jîn-luī ê tì-sik, mā ē-tàng tsing-ka bī-lâi Tē-kiû kē-tsân kuí-tō ê siong-gia̍p ìng-iōng.

[English] Rocket Launch as Seen from the Space Station

Have you ever seen a rocket launch -- from space? A close inspection of the featured time-lapse video will reveal a rocket rising to Earth orbit as seen from the International Space Station (ISS). The Russian Soyuz-FG rocket was launched in November 2018 from the Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakhstan, carrying a Progress MS-10 (also 71P) module to bring needed supplies to the ISS. Highlights in the 90-second video (condensing about 15-minutes) include city lights and clouds visible on the Earth on the lower left, blue and gold bands of atmospheric airglow running diagonally across the center, and distant stars on the upper right that set behind the Earth. A lower stage can be seen falling back to Earth as the robotic supply ship fires its thrusters and begins to close on the ISS, a space laboratory that celebrated its 20th anniversary in 2018. Astronauts who live aboard the Earth-orbiting ISS conduct, among more practical duties, numerous science experiments that expand human knowledge and enable future commercial industry in low Earth orbit.


國際太空站Kok-chè-thài-khong-chāmKok-tsè-thài-khong-tsām國際太空站International Space Station (ISS)
太空發射中心Thài-khong hoat-siā-tiong-simHa-sat-khik太空發射中心Cosmodrome
對角線tùi-kak-soaⁿtuì-kak-suann對角線diagonal line
補給船pó͘-kip-chûnpóo-kip-tsûn補給船supply ship
太空實驗室thài-khong-si̍t-giām-sekthài-khong-si̍t-giām-sik太空實驗室space laboratory
踅地國際太空站Se̍h-tē Kok-chè-thài-khong-chûnSe̍h-tē Kok-tsè-thài-khong-tsûn繞地國際太空站Earth-orbiting ISS
地球低層軌道Tē-kiû kē-chân kúi-tōTē-kiû kē-tsân kuí-tō地球低層軌道low Earth orbit

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昨昏 ê 圖:M87 中央烏洞 ê 偏振光 明仔載 ê 圖:NGC 3521: Tī 氣波內底 ê 星系