Tī Duddo 石頭箍仔面頂 ê 火星


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] Tī Duddo 石頭箍仔面頂 ê 火星

這寡石頭是 tī 遮 leh 創啥? 有一个閣較有名 ê 石頭箍仔,叫做 Duddo ê 五粒石頭,to̍h tī 英格蘭 ê Northumberland。 In to̍h tī 小可仔趨趨 ê 山坡地面頂,彼个開放 ê 空間。 Tī 闊莽莽 ê 野外 行過一塊仔路 了後,to̍h 會 kā 你𤆬到一个 kah 平大粒 ê、奇怪 ê 石頭 ê 所在。 In kah 邊仔 ê 石頭完全無仝。 這寡軟 砂岩 ê 表面一溝一溝、一空一空,去予風吹甲嚴重 含梢。 To̍h 敢若 4000 年前 to̍h kā 伊囥 tī 遮仝款。 毋閣是按怎會囥 tī 遮?無人知影。 這張影像是 kā 兩張 tī 仝一位翕 ê 連紲影像合成 ê。 這是 tī 舊年十月一个天頂全天星 ê 暗暝翕 ê。 彼當陣,地球 ùi 火星 ê 邊仔行過。 所以這粒 紅色行星才會特別大 閣特別光。 火星日頭落山 ê 時陣猶閣看會著。 毋閣紲落來幾若個月,伊會愈來愈 倚近地平線

[POJ] Tī Duddo chio̍h-thâu kho͘-á bīn-téng ê Hóe-chhiⁿ

Chi̍t-kóa chio̍h-thâu sī tī chiah leh chhòng-siáⁿ? Ū chi̍t-ê koh-khah ū-miâ ê chio̍h-thâu kho͘-á, kiò-chò Duddo ê gō͘-lia̍p-chio̍h-thâu, to̍h tī Eng-keh-lân ê Northumberland. In to̍h tī sió-khóa-á chhu-chhu ê soaⁿ-pho-tē bīn-téng, hit-ê khai-hòng ê khong-kan. Tī khoah-bóng-bóng ê iá-gōa kiâⁿ-kòe chi̍t-tè-á lō͘ liáu-āu, to̍h ē kā lí chhōa kàu chi̍t-ê kah lâng pêⁿ-tōa-lia̍p–ê, kî-koài ê chio̍h-thâu ê só͘-chāi. In kah piⁿ-á ê chio̍h-thâu oân-choân bô-kâng. Chi̍t-kóa nǹg-soa-giâm ê piáu-bīn chi̍t-kau-chi̍t-kau, chi̍t-khong-chi̍t-khong, khì hō͘ hong chhoe kah giâm-tiōng hâm-sau. To̍h ká-ná sì-chheng nî-chêng to̍h kā i khǹg tī chiah kāng-khoán. M̄-koh sī án-ná ē khǹg tī chiah? Bô-lâng chai-iáⁿ. Chit-tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng sī kā nn̄g-tiuⁿ tī kâng-chi̍t-ūi hip–ê liân-sòa-iáⁿ-siōng ha̍p-sêng–ê. Che-sī tī kū-nî cha̍p-goe̍h chi̍t-ê thiⁿ-téng choân thiⁿ-chhiⁿ ê àm-mî hip–ê. Hit-tang-chūn, Tē-kiû ùi Hóe-chhiⁿ ê piⁿ-á kiâⁿ–kòe. Só͘-í chi̍t-lia̍p âng-sek kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ chiah-ē te̍k-pia̍t tōa koh te̍k-pia̍t kng. Hóe-chhiⁿ tī ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-soaⁿ ê sî-chūn iáu-koh khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h. M̄-koh sòa-lo̍h-lâi kúi-ā-kò-goe̍h, i ē lú-lâi-lú óa-kīn tē-pêng-sòaⁿ.

[KIP] Tī Duddo tsio̍h-thâu khoo-á bīn-tíng ê Hué-tshinn

Tsi̍t-kuá tsio̍h-thâu sī tī tsiah leh tshòng-siánn? Ū tsi̍t-ê koh-khah ū-miâ ê tsio̍h-thâu khoo-á, kiò-tsò Duddo ê gōo-lia̍p-tsio̍h-thâu, to̍h tī Ing-keh-lân ê Northumberland. In to̍h tī sió-khuá-á tshu-tshu ê suann-pho-tē bīn-tíng, hit-ê khai-hòng ê khong-kan. Tī khuah-bóng-bóng ê iá-guā kiânn-kuè tsi̍t-tè-á lōo liáu-āu, to̍h ē kā lí tshuā kàu tsi̍t-ê kah lâng pênn-tuā-lia̍p–ê, kî-kuài ê tsio̍h-thâu ê sóo-tsāi. In kah pinn-á ê tsio̍h-thâu uân-tsuân bô-kâng. Tsi̍t-kuá nǹg-sua-giâm ê piáu-bīn tsi̍t-kau-tsi̍t-kau, tsi̍t-khong-tsi̍t-khong, khì hōo hong tshue kah giâm-tiōng hâm-sau. To̍h ká-ná sì-tshing nî-tsîng to̍h kā i khǹg tī tsiah kāng-khuán. M̄-koh sī án-ná ē khǹg tī tsiah? Bô-lâng tsai-iánn. Tsit-tiunn iánn-siōng sī kā nn̄g-tiunn tī kâng-tsi̍t-uī hip–ê liân-suà-iánn-siōng ha̍p-sîng–ê. Tse-sī tī kū-nî tsa̍p-gue̍h tsi̍t-ê thinn-tíng tsuân thinn-tshinn ê àm-mî hip–ê. Hit-tang-tsūn, Tē-kiû uì Hué-tshinn ê pinn-á kiânn–kuè. Sóo-í tsi̍t-lia̍p âng-sik kiânn-tshinn tsiah-ē ti̍k-pia̍t tuā koh ti̍k-pia̍t kng. Hué-tshinn tī ji̍t-thâu lo̍h-suann ê sî-tsūn iáu-koh khuànn-ē-tio̍h. M̄-koh suà-lo̍h-lâi kuí-ā-kò-gue̍h, i ē lú-lâi-lú uá-kīn tē-pîng-suànn.

[English] Mars over Duddo Stone Circle

Why are these large stones here? One the more famous stone circles is the Duddo Five Stones of Northumberland, England. Set in the open near the top of a modest incline, a short hike across empty fields will bring you to unusual human -sized stones that are unlike anything surrounding them. The grooved, pitted, and deeply weathered surfaces of the soft sandstones are consistent with being placed about 4000 years ago – but placed for reasons now unknown. The featured image – a composite of two consecutive images taken from the same location – was captured last October under a starry sky when the Earth was passing near Mars, making the red planet unusually large and bright. Mars remains visible at sunset, although increasingly close to the horizon over the next few months.


  • 【火星】Hóe-chhiⁿ/Hué-tshinn/火星/Mars
  • 【砂岩】soa-giâm/sua-giâm/砂岩/sandstone
  • 【梢風】sau-hong/sau-hong/風化/weathered
  • 【地平線】tē-pêng-sòaⁿ/tē-pîng-suànn/地平線/horizon

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