阿波羅 14 號欲轉來矣!


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 阿波羅 14 號欲轉來矣!

五十年前 ê 這禮拜(1971 年 2 月 7 號),阿波羅 14 號 ê 船員離開月球軌道,欲轉來地球矣!In ùi 命令船 Kittyhawk 看著這粒 拄 peh 起來 ê 地球。地球去予太陽照甲敢若新月仝款,ùi 月平線彼爿偷偷仔看過來。前景 ê 月面,石坑滿滿是。遮是月球離咱較遠 ê 彼爿面。是講,tī 太空船踅月球咧轉踅 ê 時陣,船員 to̍h 會當看著地球 peh 起來 kah 落 lŏe ê 模樣。毋閣,若是徛 tī 月球面頂看,地球 to̍h chhāi tī in ê 登陸地點 Fra Mauro 基地 ê 天頂袂振袂動。Ùi Fra Mauro 提轉來 ê 石頭標本內底,有一粒 9 公斤(20 磅)重 ê 石頭,號做 Big Bertha。伊 kah 地球揣著 ê 隕石 屑仔欲仝欲仝。Tī 阿波羅 14 號任務期間,Kittyhawk 船頂有帶一个罐仔,內底有 400-500 粒子。落尾閣 kā in 提轉來地球種,to̍h 號做 月樹

[POJ] A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hō beh tńg--lâi ah!

Gō͘-cha̍p nî-chêng ê chit lé-pài (it-kiú-chhit-it nî jī goe̍h chhit hō), A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hō ê chûn-goân lī-khui goe̍h-kiû kúi-tō, beh tńg-lâi tē-kiû ah! In ùi bēng-lēng-chûn Kittyhawk khòaⁿ-tio̍h chi̍t-lia̍p tú peh--khí-lâi ê tē-kiû. Tē-kiû khì hō͘ thài-iông chiò-kah ká-ná sin-goe̍h kāng-khoán, ùi goe̍h-pêng-sòaⁿ hit-pêng thau-thau-á khòaⁿ--kòe-lâi. Chiân-kéng ê goe̍h-bīn, chio̍h-kheⁿ boán-boán-sī. Chia sī goe̍h-kiû lî lán khah hn̄g ê hit-pêng-bīn. Sī-kóng, tī thài-khong-chûn se̍h goe̍h-kiû leh tńg-se̍h ê sî-chūn, chûn-goân to̍h ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h tē-kiû peh--khí-lâi kah lo̍h-lŏe ê bô͘-iūⁿ. M̄-koh, nā-sī khiā tī goe̍h-kiû bīn-téng khòaⁿ, tē-kiû to̍h chhāi tī in ê teng-lio̍k tē-tiám Fra Mauro ki-tē ê thiⁿ-téng bē-tín-bē-tāng. Ùi Fra Mauro the̍h--tńg-lâi ê chio̍h-thâu phiau-pún lāi-té, ū chi̍t-lia̍p káu kong-kun (jī-cha̍p pōng) tāng ê chio̍h-thâu, hō-chò Big Bertha. I kah tē-kiû chhōe-tio̍h ê ún-se̍k-sap-á beh-kâng-beh-kâng. Tī A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hō jīm-bū kî-kan, Kittyhawk chûn-téng ū tòa chi̍t-ê koàn-á, lāi-té ū sì-gō͘-pah-lia̍p chí. Lo̍h-bóe koh kā in the̍h-tńg-lâi tē-kiû chèng, to̍h hō-chò Goe̍h-chhiū.

[KIP] A-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō beh tńg--lâi ah!

Gōo-tsa̍p nî-tsîng ê tsit lé-pài (it-kiú-tshit-it nî jī gue̍h tshit hō), A-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō ê tsûn-guân lī-khui gue̍h-kiû kuí-tō, beh tńg-lâi tē-kiû ah! In uì bīng-līng-tsûn Kittyhawk khuànn-tio̍h tsi̍t-lia̍p tú peh--khí-lâi ê tē-kîu. Tē-kîu khì hōo thài-iông tsiò-kah ká-ná sin-gue̍h kāng-khuán, uì gue̍h-pîng-suànn hit-pîng thau-thau-á khuànn--kuè-lâi. Tsiân-kíng ê gue̍h-bīn, tsio̍h-khenn buán-buán-sī. Tsia sī gue̍h-kîu lî lán khah hn̄g ê hit-pîng-bīn. Sī-kóng, tī thài-khong-tsûn se̍h gue̍h-kîu leh tńg-se̍h ê sî-tsūn, tsûn-guân to̍h ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h tē-kîu peh--khí-lâi kah lo̍h-luĕ ê bôo-iūnn. M̄-koh, nā-sī khiā tī gue̍h-kîu bīn-tíng khuànn, tē-kîu to̍h tshāi tī in ê ting-lio̍k tē-tiám Fra Mauro ki-tē ê thinn-tíng bē-tín-bē-tāng. Uì Fra Mauro the̍h--tńg-lâi ê tsio̍h-thâu phiau-pún lāi-té, ū tsi̍t-lia̍p káu kong-kun (jī-tsa̍p pōng) tāng ê tsio̍h-thâu, hō-tsò Big Bertha. I kah tē-kîu tshuē-tio̍h ê ún-si̍k-sap-á beh-kâng-beh-kâng. Tī A-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō jīm-bū kî-kan, Kittyhawk tsûn-tíng ū tuà tsi̍t-ê kuàn-á, lāi-té ū sì-gōo-pah-lia̍p tsí. Lo̍h-bué koh kā in the̍h-tńg-lâi tē-kîu tsìng, to̍h hō-tsò Gue̍h-tshiū.

[English] Apollo 14 Heads for Home

Fifty years ago this Sunday (February 7, 1971), the crew of Apollo 14 left lunar orbit and headed for home .They watched thisEarthrise from their command module Kittyhawk.With Earth's sunlit crescent just peeking over the lunar horizon,the cratered terrain in the foreground is along the lunar farside.Of course, while orbiting the Moon, the crew could watch Earth rise andset, but from the lunar surface the Earth hung stationary in the sky overtheir landing site at Fra Mauro Base .Rock samples returned from Fra Mauro included a 20 pound rocknicknamed Big Bertha, determined to contain a likely fragment of a meteorite from planet Earth .Kept on board the Kittyhawk during the Apollo 14 missionwas a cannister of 400-500 seeds that were later grown into Moon Trees .


阿波羅 14 號A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hōA-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō阿波羅 14 號Apollo 14
月球軌道goe̍h-kiû kúi-tōgue̍h-kiû kuí-tō月球軌道lunar orbit
命令船bēng-lēng-chûnbīng-līng-tsûn命令船command module
月平線goe̍h-pêng-sòaⁿgue̍h-pîng-suànn月平線lunar horizon
登陸地點teng-lio̍k tē-tiámting-lio̍k tē-tiám登陸地點landing site
隕石屑仔ún-se̍k-sap-áún-si̍k-sap-á隕石屑仔fragment of a meteorite
月樹Goe̍h-chhiūGue̍h-tshiū月樹Moon Trees

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