阿波羅 14 號:Ùi Antares 看著 ê 景色


探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你解說3

[漢羅] 阿波羅 14 號:Ùi Antares 看著 ê 景色

五十年前 ê 這禮拜五(2 月初 5),阿波羅 14 號 ê 登月小艇 Antares 登陸月球。Tī 欲結束 ê 時陣,太空人 Ed Mitchell ùi 窗仔 tùi 月球表面 連紲翕幾若張相阿波羅月球表面期刊 ê 編輯 Eric Jones 才 kā in 組合 做這張詳細 ê 拼接圖。這个景色是登陸地點 ê 西北爿,Fra Mauro 高地。是阿波羅 14 號太空人 tī in 第二擺,嘛是上尾一擺 tī 月球面頂行路 了後翕 ê。前景彼台大台 ê,是登陸小艇 ê 設備運輸車。伊是一个有兩輪 ê、kah 人力車欲仝 ê 設備。是用來送家私 kah 標本用 ê。Tī 這張影像頂面中央 ê 地平線附近,是一粒 1.5 公尺大 ê 闊岩石,號做龜岩。Tī 龜岩下面 ê 淺石坑內底,彼支長長 ê,是採集標本 ê 機械 ê 白色手扞仔。是 Mitchell 敢若咧射標槍按呢,kā 擲 tī 遐 ê。Kah Mitchell 做伙 tī 月球 ê 行伴,是第一个 tī 太空 ê 美國人 Alan Shepard。伊嘛凊彩提一支當做是 go͘-lú-huh(golf)6 號鐵箠,摃 兩粒 go͘-lú-huh 咧耍。其中一粒 go͘-lú-huh 球,to̍h tī Mitchell 擲 ê 標槍下跤,彼粒白點 ê 所在。

[POJ] A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hō: Ùi Antares khòaⁿ-tio̍h ê kéng-sek

Gō͘-cha̍p nî-chêng ê chit lé-pài-gō͘ (jī goe̍h chhoe gō͘) , A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hō teng-goe̍h-sió-théng Antares teng-lio̍k goe̍h-kiû. Tī beh kiat-sok ê sî-chūn, thài-khong-jîn Ed Mitchell ùi thang-á tùi goe̍h-kiû piáu-bīn liân-sòa hip kúi-ā-tiuⁿ siòng. A-pho-lô goe̍h-kiû piáu-biān kî-khan ê pian-chi̍p Eric Jones chiah kā in cho͘-ha̍p chò chit-tiuⁿ siông-sè ê pheng-chiap-tô͘. Chit-ê kéng-sek sī teng-lio̍k tē-tiám ê sai-pak-pêng, Fra Mauro ko-tē. Sī A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hō thài-khong-jîn tī in tē-jī-pái, mā-sī siōng-bóe chi̍t-pái tī goe̍h-kiû bīn-téng kiâⁿ-lō͘ liáu-āu hip--ê. Chiân-kéng hit-tâi tōa-tâi--ê, sī teng-lio̍k sió-théng ê siat-pī ūn-su-chhia. I sī chi̍t-ê ū nn̄g-lián--ê, kah jîn-le̍k-chhia beh-kâng ê siat-pī. Sī iōng-lâi sàng ke-si kah phiau-pún iōng--ê. Tī chit-tiuⁿ iáⁿ-siōng bīn-téng tiong-ng ê tē-pêng-sòaⁿ hù-kūn, sī chi̍t-lia̍p it-tiám-gō͘ kong-chhioh tōa ê khoah gâm-chio̍h, hō chò ku-gâm. Tī ku-gâm ē-bīn ê chhián chio̍h-kheⁿ lāi-té, hit-ki tn̂g-tn̂g--ê, sī chhái-chi̍p phiau-pún ê ki-hāi ê pe̍h-sek chhiú-hōaⁿ-á. Sī Mitchell ká-ná leh siā pio-chhiuⁿ án-ne, kā tàn tī hiah ê. Kah Mitchell chòe-hóe tī goe̍h-kiû ê kiâⁿ-phōaⁿ, sī tē-it-ê tī thài-khong ê Bí-kok-lâng Aland Shepard. I mā chhìn-chhái thé chi̍t-ki tòng-chò sī go͘-lú-huh (golf) la̍k-hō thih-chhê, kóng nn̄g-lia̍p go͘-lú-huh-kiû leh sńg. Kî-tiong chi̍t-lia̍p go͘-lú-huh-kiû, to̍h tī Mitchell tàn ê pio-chhiuⁿ ē-kha, hit-lia̍p pe̍h-tiám ê só͘-chāi.

[KIP] A-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō: Uì Antares khuànn-tio̍h ê kíng-sik

Gōo-tsa̍p nî-tsîng ê tsit lé-pài-gōo (jī gue̍h tshue gōo), A-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō ting-gue̍h-sió-thíng Antares ting-lio̍k gue̍h-kiû. Tī beh kiat-sok ê sî-tsūn, thài-khong-jîn Ed Mittsell uì thang-á tuì gue̍h-kiû piáu-bīn liân-suà hip kuí-ā-tiunn siòng. A-pho-lô gue̍h-kîu piáu-biān kî-khan ê pian-tsi̍p Eric Jones tsiah kā in tsoo-ha̍p tsò tsit-tiunn siông-sè ê phing-tsiap-tôo. Tsit-ê kíng-sik sī ting-lio̍k tē-tiám ê sai-pak-pîng, Fra Mauro ko-tē. Sī A-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō thài-khong-jîn tī in tē-jī-pái, mā-sī siōng-bué tsi̍t-pái tī gue̍h-kîu bīn-tíng kiânn-lōo liáu-āu hip--ê. Tsiân-kíng hit-tâi tuā-tâi--ê, sī ting-lio̍k sió-thíng ê siat-pī ūn-su-tshia. I sī tsi̍t-ê ū nn̄g-lián--ê, kah jîn-li̍k-tshia beh-kâng ê siat-pī. Sī iōng-lâi sàng ke-si kah phiau-pún iōng--ê. Tī tsit-tiunn iánn-siōng bīn-tíng tiong-ng ê tē-pîng-suànn hù-kūn, sī tsi̍t-lia̍p it-tiám-gōo kong-tshioh tuā ê khuah gâm-tsio̍h, hō tsò ku-gâm. Tī ku-gâm ē-bīn ê tshián tsio̍h-khenn lāi-té, hit-ki tn̂g-tn̂g--ê, sī tshái-tsi̍p phiau-pún ê ki-hāi ê pe̍h-sik tshiú-huānn-á. Sī Mittsell ká-ná leh siā pio-tshiunn án-ne, kā tàn tī hiah ê. Kah Mittsell tsuè-hué tī gue̍h-kîu ê kiânn-phuānn, sī tē-it-ê tī thài-khong ê Bí-kok-lâng Aland Shepard. I mā tshìn-tshái thé tsi̍t-ki tòng-tsò sī goo-lú-huh (golf) la̍k-hō thih-tshê, kóng nn̄g-lia̍p goo-lú-huh-kîu leh sńg. Kî-tiong tsi̍t-lia̍p goo-lú-huh-kîu, to̍h tī Mittsell tàn ê pio-tshiunn ē-kha, hit-lia̍p pe̍h-tiám ê sóo-tsāi.

[English] Apollo 14: A View from Antares 

Fifty years ago this Friday, Apollo 14's Lunar Module Antares landed on the Moon.Toward the end of the stay astronaut Ed Mitchell snapped a seriesof photos of the lunar surface while looking out a window, assembled into this detailed mosaic by Apollo LunarSurface Journal editor Eric Jones.The view looks across the Fra Mauro highlands to the northwestof the landing site after the Apollo 14 astronauts had completedtheir second and final walk on the Moon .Prominent in the foreground is their Modular Equipment Transporter,a two-wheeled, rickshaw-like device used to carry tools and samples.Near the horizon at top center is a 1.5 meter wide boulder dubbedTurtle rock.In the shallow crater below Turtle rockis the long white handle of a sampling instrument,thrown there javelin-style by Mitchell.Mitchell's fellow moonwalker and first American in space, Alan Shepard , also used a makeshift six ironto hit two golf balls .One of Shepard's golf balls is just visible as a white spot below Mitchell's javelin .


阿波羅 14 號A-pho-lô cha̍p-sì hōA-pho-lô tsa̍p-sì hō阿波羅 14 號Apollo 14
登月小艇teng-goe̍h-sió-théngting-gue̍h-sió-thíng登月小艇Lunar Module

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