NGC 1365:壯麗 ê 宇宙島


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[漢羅] NGC 1365:壯麗 ê 宇宙島

NGC 1365 這个棍螺仔星系差不多有 20 萬光年闊,是一个壯麗 ê 宇宙島。伊離 天爐座 干焦有 6000 萬光年遠,是咱足熟 ê 天爐座星系團 內底 真重要 ê 成員。佇這張遮爾媠閣 清楚 ê 彩色影像 內底,會當佇中央星系棍 ê 尾溜附近 kah 捲螺仔手骨 ê 所在,看著明顯閣反紅 ê 恆星形成區。嘛會當佇星系上光 ê 核心,看著塗粉暗帶 ê 詳細狀況。佇核心 ê 中央,有一粒超大質量烏洞。天文學家認為 NGC 1365 彼个明顯 ê 棍仔,是 星系演化 足重要 ê 角色,kā 氣體 kah 塗粉搝去恆星形成區滾絞,上尾攏予 中央彼粒烏洞 食食去。

[POJ] NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngo͘: Chòng-lē ê ú-tiū-tó

NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngo͘ chit-ê Kún-lê-á seng-hē chha-put-to ū jī-cha̍p-bān kng-nî khoah, sī chi̍t-ê chòng-lē ê ú-tiū-tó. I lî Thian-lô͘-chō kan-na ū la̍k-chheng-bān kng-nî hn̄g, sī lán chiok-se̍k-ê Thian-lô͘-chō seng-hē-thoân lāi-té chin tiōng-iàu ê sêng-goân. Tī chi̍t-tiuⁿ hiah-nī súi koh chheng-chhó ê chhái-sek iáⁿ-siōng lāi-té, ē-tàng tī tiong-ng seng-hē-kùn ê bóe-liu hù-kūn kah kńg-lê-á chhiú-kut ê só͘-chāi, khòaⁿ-tio̍h bêng-hián koh hoán-âng ê hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng khu. Mā-ē-tàng tī seng-hē siāng-kng ê he̍k-sim, khòaⁿ-tio̍h thô͘-hún àm-tòa ê siông-sè chōng-hóng. Tī he̍k-sim ê tiong-ng, ū chi̍t-lia̍p chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōng. Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka jīn-ûi NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngo͘ hit-ê bêng-hián ê kùn-á, sī seng-hē ián-hòa chiok tiōng-iàu ê kak-sek, kā khì-thé kah thô͘-hún giú khì hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng khu kún-ká, siāng-bóe lóng hō͘ tiong-ng hit-lia̍p o͘-tōng chia̍h-chia̍h--khì.

[KIP] NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngoo: Tsòng-lē ê ú-tiū-tó

NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngoo tsit-ê Kún-lê-á sing-hē tsha-put-to ū jī-tsa̍p-bān kng-nî khuah, sī tsi̍t-ê tsòng-lē ê ú-tiū-tó. I lî Thian-lôo-tsō kan-na ū la̍k-tshing-bān kng-nî hn̄g, sī lán tsiok-si̍k-ê Thian-lôo-tsō sing-hē-thuân lāi-té tsin tiōng-iàu ê sîng-guân. Tī tsi̍t-tiunn hiah-nī suí koh tshing-tshó ê tshái-sik iánn-siōng lāi-té, ē-tàng tī tiong-ng sing-hē-kùn ê bué-liu hù-kūn kah kńg-lê-á tshiú-kut ê sóo-tsāi, khuànn-tio̍h bîng-hián koh huán-âng ê hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng khu. Mā-ē-tàng tī sing-hē siāng-kng ê hi̍k-sim, khuànn-tio̍h thôo-hún àm-tuà ê siông-sè tsōng-hóng. Tī hi̍k-sim ê tiong-ng, ū tsi̍t-lia̍p tshiau-tuā tsit-liōng oo-tōng. Thian-bûn ha̍k-ka jīn-uî NGC it-sam-lio̍k-ngoo hit-ê bîng-hián ê kùn-á, sī sing-hē ián-huà tsiok tiōng-iàu ê kak-sik, kā khì-thé kah thôo-hún giú khì hîng-tshinn hîng-sîng khu kún-ká, siāng-bué lóng hōo tiong-ng hit-lia̍p oo-tōng tsia̍h-tsia̍h--khì.

[English] NGC 1365: Majestic Island Universe

Barred spiral galaxy NGC 1365 is truly a majestic island universe some 200,000light-years across. Located a mere 60 million light-years away toward the chemical constellation Fornax, NGC 1365 is a dominant member of the well-studied FornaxCluster of galaxies .This impressively sharp color image shows the intense, reddish star forming regions near the ends of central bar and along the spiral arms, with details of the obscuring dust lanes cutting across the galaxy's bright core. At the core lies a supermassive black hole. Astronomers think NGC 1365's prominent bar plays a crucial role in the galaxy's evolution, drawing gas and dust into a star-forming maelstrom and ultimately feeding material into the central black hole .


棍螺仔星系Kún-lê-á seng-hēKún-lê-á sing-hē棒旋星系barred spiral galaxy
宇宙島ú-tiū-tóú-tiū-tó宇宙島island universe
天爐座Thian-lô͘-chōThian-lôo-tsō天爐座the chemical constellation Fornax
捲螺仔手骨kńg-lê-á chhiú-kutkńg-lê-á tshiú-kut螺旋臂spiral arm
恆星形成區hêng-chhiⁿ hêng-sêng-khuhîng-tshinn hîng-sîng-khu恆星形成區star-forming region
塗粉暗帶thô͘-hún àm-tòathôo-hún àm-tuà塵埃帶dust lane
超大質量烏洞chhiau-tōa chit-liōng o͘-tōngtshiau-tuā tsit-liōng oo-tōng超大質量黑洞supermassive blackhole
星系演化seng-hē ián-hòasing-hē ián-huà星系演化galaxy evolution

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