29. December 2020
地球佇日全食 ê 模樣
探索宇宙1!逐工會揀一幅無仝款 ê 影像抑是相片,𤆬你熟似咱這个迷人 ê 宇宙,閣有專業天文學者2為你3解說4。
- 原始文章:Earth During a Total Solar Eclipse
- 影片來源:GOES-16, ABI, NOAA, NASA
- 台文翻譯:An-Li Tsai (NCU)
- 寫真館:Notable images of the recent Total Solar Eclipse submitted to APOD
[漢羅] 地球佇日全食 ê 模樣
發生日全食 ê 時陣,地球看起來是按怎?看著日全食 ê 時陣,彼搭就會變暗。這是因為彼搭是 月球 ê 烏影 經過 ê 所在。月球 ê 烏影用一點鐘 2000 公里緊 ê 速度掃過 地球 表面。伊 ê 痕跡就 kā 彼个所在變暗,差不多有幾分鐘久。這支影片 是 這個月進前發生日全食 ê 時陣,地球 ê 模樣。這支縮時攝影是 地球同步衛星 翕 ê。拄開始是地球 ê 暗暝,連鞭太陽就對正爿下面[足百]起來。日時會當看著白雲佇地球這个 藍色行星 面頂 行徙。這个時陣,月球 ê 圓形烏影 佇倒爿出現,速速通過 南美洲,消失佇正爿下面。這个影片佇暗暝閣轉來 ê 時陣結束。後一个日全食 佇明年十二月,毋閣干焦佇 南極 ê 一寡所在 看會著。
[POJ] Tē-kiû tī Ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê bô͘-iūⁿ
Hoat-seng Ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê sî-chūn, tē-kiû khòaⁿ--khí-lâi sī án-chóaⁿ? Khòaⁿ-tio̍h Ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê sî-chūn, hit-tah tō ē pìⁿ àm. Che sī in-ūi hit-tah sī goe̍h-kiú ê o͘-iáⁿ keng-kòe ê só͘-chāi. goe̍h-kiú ê o͘-iáⁿ iōng chi̍t-tiám-cheng nn̄g-chheng kong-lí kín ê sok-tō͘ sàu-kòe tē-kiû piáu-bīn. I ê hûn-jiah tō kā hit-ê só͘-chāi piàn àm, chha-put-to ū kui-hun-cheng kú. Chi̍t-ki iáⁿ-phìⁿ sī chit-kò-goe̍h chìn-chêng hoat-seng Ji̍t-choân-si̍t ê sî-chūn, tē-kiû ê bô͘-iūⁿ. Chit-ki sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ sī Tē-kiû-tông-pō͘-ūi-chhiⁿ hip--ê. Tú khai-sí sī tē-kiû ê àm-mî, liâm-mi thài-iông tō ùi chiàⁿ-pêng ē-bīn peh--khí-lâi. Ji̍t--sî ē-tàng khòaⁿ-tio̍h pe̍h-hûn tī tē-kiû chi̍t-ê nâ-sek kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ bīn-téng kiâⁿ-sóa. Chi̍t-ê sî-chūn, goe̍h-kiû ê îⁿ-hêng o͘-iáⁿ tī tò-pêng chhut-hiān, sok-sok thong-kòe lâm-bí-chiu, siau-sit tī chiàⁿ-pêng ē-bīn. Chi̍t-ê iáⁿ-phìⁿ tī àm-mî koh tńg-lâi ê sî-chūn kiat-sok. Āu-chi̍t-ê Ji̍t-choân-si̍t tī môa-nî cha̍p-jī goe̍h, m̄-koh kan-na tī lâm-ke̍k ê chi̍t-kóa só͘-chāi khòaⁿ-ē-tio̍h.
[KIP] Tē-kiû tī Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê bôo-iūnn
Huat-sing Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê sî-tsūn, tē-kiû khuànn--khí-lâi sī án-tsuánn? Khuànn-tio̍h Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê sî-tsūn, hit-tah tō ē pìnn àm. Tse sī in-uī hit-tah sī gue̍h-kiú ê oo-iánn king-kuè ê sóo-tsāi. gue̍h-kíu ê oo-iánn iōng tsi̍t-tiám-tsing nn̄g-tshing kong-lí kín ê sok-tōo sàu-kuè tē-kîu piáu-bīn. I ê hûn-jiah tō kā hit-ê sóo-tsāi piàn àm, tsha-put-to ū kui-hun-tsing kú. Tsi̍t-ki iánn-phìnn sī tsit-kò-gue̍h tsìn-tsîng huat-sing Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t ê sî-tsūn, tē-kîu ê bôo-iūnn. Tsit-ki sok-sî-liap-iánn sī Tē-kîu-tông-pōo-uī-tshinn hip--ê. Tú khai-sí sī tē-kîu ê àm-mî, liâm-mi thài-iông tō uì tsiànn-pîng ē-bīn peh--khí-lâi. Ji̍t--sî ē-tàng khuànn-tio̍h pe̍h-hûn tī tē-kîu tsi̍t-ê nâ-sik kîann-tshinn bīn-tíng kiânn-suá. Tsi̍t-ê sî-tsūn, gue̍h-kîu ê înn-hîng oo-iánn tī tò-pîng tshut-hiān, sok-sok thong-kuè lâm-bí-tsiu, siau-sit tī tsiànn-pîng ē-bīn. Tsi̍t-ê iánn-phìnn tī àm-mî koh tńg-lâi ê sî-tsūn kiat-sok. Āu-tsi̍t-ê Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t tī muâ-nî tsa̍p-jī gue̍h, m̄-koh kan-na tī lâm-ki̍k ê tsi̍t-kuá sóo-tsāi khuànn-ē-tio̍h.
[English] Earth During a Total Solar Eclipse
What does the Earth look like during a total solar eclipse?It appears dark in the region where people see the eclipse , because that's where the shadow of the Moon falls.The shadow spot rapidly shoots across the Earth at nearly 2,000 kilometers per hour, darkening locations in its path -- typically for only a few minutes -- before moving on.The featured video shows the Earth during the total solar eclipse earlier this month . The time-lapse sequence, taken from a geostationary satellite , starts with the Earth below showing night but the sun soon rises at the lower right. Clouds shift as day breaks over the blue planet .Suddenly the circular shadow of the Moon appears on the left and moves rapidly across South America , disappearing on the lower right. The video ends as nightfall begins again. The next total solar eclipse will occur next December -- but be visible only from parts of Antarctica .
漢羅 | POJ | KIP | 華語 | English |
日全食 | Ji̍t-choân-si̍t | Ji̍t-tsuân-si̍t | 日全食 | Solar Eclipse |
縮時攝影 | sok-sî-liap-iáⁿ | sok-sî-liap-iánn | 縮時攝影 | time-lapse |
地球同步衛星 | Tē-kiû-tông-pō͘-ūi-chhiⁿ | Tē-kiû-tông-pōo-uī-tshinn | 地球同步衛星 | geostationary satellite |
行星 | kiâⁿ-chhiⁿ | kiânn-tshinn | 行星 | planet(才袂佮「恆星」hêng-chhiⁿ 仝音) |
星 | chheⁿ | tshenn | 星 | star |
星 | chhiⁿ | tshinn | 星 | star |
星 | seng | sing | 星 | star |